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  1. #1
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    Jul 2009

    Helm's Deep Killstreak Impossible?

    I am not understanding this killstreak measurement for Vanguard. How is it measured, because it seems virtually impossible to gain a kill. I can never even start a kill streak on Helm's Dike, and on the other instances, it seems random when or if the killstreak bar decides to even start filling. Am I missing something here?
    Gladden | Azaryah | Elven Hunter | Lvl. 85

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    It may be because your character automatically goes out of combat very quickly. This was somewhat annoying on my champ where certain skills require you to be in combat.

    Shumzuda R11 Blackarrow - Shumheals R6 Defiler - Shumzud R6 Warg Beardhug R9 Champion - Majeika R8 LM - Chuffnel Burglar
    Not all those who wander are lost.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shumzuda View Post
    It may be because your character automatically goes out of combat very quickly. This was somewhat annoying on my champ where certain skills require you to be in combat.
    So basically another bug in the system, because I have definitely noticed that. As soon as I kill an enemy, I go right out of combat. I don't stay in combat, even if I switch to another enemy and start attacking him. it goes OOC between the kill of the first enemy and the targeting of the next enemy. That's causing a lot of problems.

    Could it be that they are also not counting kills of the enemy is killed by an npc, even if you did some damage to it? If so, that's a major problem, because the majority of the enemies are killed by the NPCs, and you only get the kill if you happen to time it just right.

    Devs, please fix this!
    Gladden | Azaryah | Elven Hunter | Lvl. 85

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzariahYisrael View Post
    So basically another bug in the system, because I have definitely noticed that. As soon as I kill an enemy, I go right out of combat. I don't stay in combat, even if I switch to another enemy and start attacking him. it goes OOC between the kill of the first enemy and the targeting of the next enemy. That's causing a lot of problems.

    Could it be that they are also not counting kills of the enemy is killed by an npc, even if you did some damage to it? If so, that's a major problem, because the majority of the enemies are killed by the NPCs, and you only get the kill if you happen to time it just right.

    Devs, please fix this!

    Killstreaks require you to deliver the killing blow. That's working as intended. Get in the mix, AoE if you can, and move through targets that are already weakened. Each killing blow you deliver will give you 1 killstreak, with promotions involved in increasing the chance to earn a bonus pip. They do not degrade on being out of combat.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Killstreaks require you to deliver the killing blow. That's working as intended. Get in the mix, AoE if you can, and move through targets that are already weakened. Each killing blow you deliver will give you 1 killstreak, with promotions involved in increasing the chance to earn a bonus pip. They do not degrade on being out of combat.

    1. I know that's not true because there were plenty of times that I delivered the killing blow, but it did NOT tick the killstreak up.

    2. I am a hunter, hence ranged DPS. we don't get "in the mix" and our only AoE, at least on Bowmaster Spec, is Rain of Arrows. Even if I got "in the mix" I only have one or two CQC skills.

    3. So basically, it's all chalked up to straight luck whether you get the kill or not, because the problem lies in the fact the the odds of you getting the killing blow vs the 15-20 npcs that are attacking said enemy are slim to none. None in fact with Helm's Dike.

    If what you say is true, than the vanguard is the worst possible role you could spec into, since using the skills that require the killstreak, are all based on luck.
    Gladden | Azaryah | Elven Hunter | Lvl. 85

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzariahYisrael View Post
    1. I know that's not true because there were plenty of times that I delivered the killing blow, but it did NOT tick the killstreak up.
    You need to have put 1 promotion point into one of the following five traits as well, in order to get the effect that grants the pips (probably not communicated as well as we could on this part) :
    Killstreak Max
    Killstreak Skill Strength
    Killstreak Skill Duration
    Killstreak Skill Target Count
    Killstreak Skill Cooldown

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    You need to have put 1 promotion point into one of the following five traits as well, in order to get the effect that grants the pips (probably not communicated as well as we could on this part) :
    Killstreak Max
    Killstreak Skill Strength
    Killstreak Skill Duration
    Killstreak Skill Target Count
    Killstreak Skill Cooldown
    ah. now that certainly would explain why I was not getting any killstreak pips in Helm's Dike. I just now got those skills, well after doing helm's dike a few times. I will have to confirm if I am getting pips in Helm's Dike.

    Still, if it is required that I get the Killing Blow, then something needs to change, because when you have 10 guys all going after the 1 guy you are aiming at and trying to kill, the odds are not in your favour.

    Also, when watching my combat log, I know there were MANY times when I know I got the killing blow, but I did NOT get a pip in my killstreak.
    Gladden | Azaryah | Elven Hunter | Lvl. 85

  8. #8
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shumzuda View Post
    It may be because your character automatically goes out of combat very quickly. This was somewhat annoying on my champ where certain skills require you to be in combat.
    This is terribly frustrating on champ indeed. Not only do we have to run after mobs to hit them, we also get out of combat continuously, which occasionally makes fervour pips disappear right before you want to use skills and you end up with not enough pips. Additionally, it almost completely locks us out of Fury of Blades, our strongest AoE skill, which requires us to be in combat.

    JWB, can't it be so that, like in the rest of the game content over the past 6 and a half years, we are in a combat state when we are, basically, in combat? As soon as I have hit an enemy, I'd like to remain in the combat state until that enemy is dead.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I think if this is how it works then what's the point of being a vanguard. Landing the final blow on mobs that are being struck seemingly from 3-4 rohirrim simultaneously seems very random. Especially as I can't tell the rohirrim to stop stealing my kills. sounds like vanguard is only useful in side quests where getting kills is a real possibility. I remember though from the beta if I do get at least half way or so in the tree I did get more pips still I only got to use the skills once or twice per EB and don't remember them being a huge game changer. I suspect that vanguard will only be a factor with a nearly full tree.
    Welleg , Kelleg, and Gelleg - Crickhollow
    WARNING: leveling a warden may cause you to neglect your other characters.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gelleg View Post
    I think if this is how it works then what's the point of being a vanguard. Landing the final blow on mobs that are being struck seemingly from 3-4 rohirrim simultaneously seems very random. Especially as I can't tell the rohirrim to stop stealing my kills. sounds like vanguard is only useful in side quests where getting kills is a real possibility. I remember though from the beta if I do get at least half way or so in the tree I did get more pips still I only got to use the skills once or twice per EB and don't remember them being a huge game changer. I suspect that vanguard will only be a factor with a nearly full tree.
    I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way. As it currently stands, the Vanguard is the most useless of the three just based on those facts alone.
    Gladden | Azaryah | Elven Hunter | Lvl. 85

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I learned very early Vanguard was pointless. Every person in a raid being Engineer speaks volumes too. My burglar certainly can't do any of those recommended things. Ranged AOE DPS seems to be all that's needed, certainly not tanks.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I agree with everything posted above. It was this way in BETA too. It is incredibly hard to actually gain a killstreak at the moment. I want to play the vanguard, it seems like it would be fun if better executed. Currently, the NPCs take all the killing blows, and you play a game of - "Wow! I managed a killing blow!" after trying for 10 minutes. Especially on a Warden, which is useless in combat during Big Battles IMO - as 90% of the time a builder will not fire off at all and using masteries results in "You must be in combat"

    Since we're using an First person Shooter mechanic (Killstreaks) why not borrow "Assists" too?

    Like this:

    Killing Blow = Pip
    Assist (35-40% damage was dealt by you) = 1/2 Pip
    Assist Counted as Kill (75%+ of the damage dealt by you) = pip

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    You need to have put 1 promotion point into one of the following five traits as well, in order to get the effect that grants the pips (probably not communicated as well as we could on this part) :
    Killstreak Max
    Killstreak Skill Strength
    Killstreak Skill Duration
    Killstreak Skill Target Count
    Killstreak Skill Cooldown
    I have spec'd vanguard on my Guardian this is a huge waste of time. I have spent 25 points into the vanguard line and have 6 points unspent and have YET to start a kill streak! I just recently completed a Deeping-Coomb Battle as a Duo with the side quest/objective Defilers in the Water. In which I soloed all the defilers with no participation from my partner or any NPC, every KB was my own. I recieved ZERO advancement towards my killstreak. If this is another one of those chance for a chance to have a possibility to have a chance ideas, its for the birds.

    I'm sorry traiting to click on a pile of sticks, or using a trait tree to talk to NPC's is not a good idea for "END GAME CONTENT". Its in combat, and its just not delivered in this vanguard design it needs to be more defined like BOTH of the other trait lines.
    IE you don't have a build speed "chance" or a heal potency "chance". They are FIXED and defined.

    Why is the vanguard different?
    Hardt Guardian 95 R9~Nofroe Hunter 95 R7~Brohardt RK 95 R6~Corvalien Cappy 86 R6
    Maximillion Champ 88 R4~Dahila mini 85 R6~Dbuff LM 65 R4~Annikaa Warden~Sanfred Burg
    Creeps~Blackpain BA R8~Pebkac Warg R5~Steroidrage Reevah R6
    ~Leader~ [url]Intothewest.guildlaunch.com[/url] ~Elendilmir server~

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvalien View Post
    I have spec'd vanguard on my Guardian this is a huge waste of time.
    Lets look at why Big Battles are generally not well suited for a grouping / raiding Guardian, or any other grouping / raiding tank class. In the Guardian gameplay intro to the class it says "in fellowships a guardians forces his enemies to attack himself so his more fragile allies will not be harmed by the foes". The simple fact that a Guardians major AOE taunt/threat skills are rendered useless by not being able to HOLD agro on mobs with or without NPC's attacking the same mobs.

    Now lets break down the general mindset behind someone who plays a guard or a tank MAIN ( tank in HD being guard, warden, blue champ, or yellow captain). They generally are the ones to set the pace of the fight, Control when and where the fight happens. They are the focus of most of the groups heals, buffs, and debuffs on the mobs that they are fighting, and DPS are focusing on their targets or one of the targets that they are agroing. In short the Tank IS and generally LIKES to be the CENTER of attention in a BATTLE it is their JOB. But this job is rendered impotent in Big Battles for reasons stated above.

    The big battle trait line has further degraded our toons uniqueness down to 3 rolls from our once 9 classes. 2 of those roles as previously stated are picking up sticks and talking to NPC's and the only one remotely close to playing our class roll vanguard is so broken and convoluted that even JWBarry hasn't been able to explain it.

    Why don't you just pre assign the roles to the classes that they would be best suited for IE

    RK, Mini, Cappy ~ reason ~ healers can heal soldiers and banners with easy access to commanders

    Champ, Hunter, LM ~ reason ~ good DPS lots of AOE and all around destruction

    Guard, Warden, Burg ~ reason ~ you aren't good for anything else so go build something

    Why aren't the class rolls balanced?
    Hardt Guardian 95 R9~Nofroe Hunter 95 R7~Brohardt RK 95 R6~Corvalien Cappy 86 R6
    Maximillion Champ 88 R4~Dahila mini 85 R6~Dbuff LM 65 R4~Annikaa Warden~Sanfred Burg
    Creeps~Blackpain BA R8~Pebkac Warg R5~Steroidrage Reevah R6
    ~Leader~ [url]Intothewest.guildlaunch.com[/url] ~Elendilmir server~

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Shame really, all any of us want to do is slay as many as possible - perhaps a small competition a fellowship can have, like Gimli and Legolas.
    Rhiddyn - Captain - Evernight
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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dps is pretty much not needed in battles. Even in the twelve man, you can easily have one class dpsing and the other 11 players shooting catapults, healing, pushing down ladders. If you wanted to, you could do it without anyone dpsing (aside from some of the side quests). Has anyone mentioned how boring it is to sit there and fire a catapult/ballista, drop rocks, or cut grapplinghooks for the entire raid. Basically you click once every 5 seconds for 45 minutes, interrupted every 15 minutes or so by a side quest which can actually be pretty fun, but only last for a few minutes.

    The worst thing I have encountered though is the fact that until mobs have picked who they are going to attack, they constantly wipe any and all effects put on them, as well as refusing to enter combat. This means that if i'm a Fire Runekeeper trying to do the Deeping-Coomb, I can't actually dps until they pick an npc and start attacking him, by which point they are already dead. Of course part of that problem is the ridiculous npc dps in the solo version, but it's still disappointing to be almost completely unable to build attunement unless I heal (and even then it's difficult).

    For the record, if any dps was actually required for any of the big battles, the Runekeeper would be just as capable (if not better) at dpsing as the Champion, Hunter, or Loremaster.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Fasin1 View Post
    For the record, if any dps was actually required for any of the big battles, the Runekeeper would be just as capable (if not better) at dpsing as the Champion, Hunter, or Loremaster.
    Yes Fasin your ability to DPS is well known by me. However most RKs do not play on your level. Nor would be able to overcome the previously mentioned (by you) obstacles. Their services would be better served in the capacity that I have listed in my previous post.

    As a follow up to my previous statement about class balance. This does not mean make every class do everything just allow us to do our jobs. Let the Tanks "Tank" let the DPS "DPS" let the Support "Support" and the Healers "Heal".
    This is the basic backbone class structure for almost every MMO that I can think of.

    Why is this being reinvented this late in the ball game?
    Last edited by Corvalien; Nov 27 2013 at 06:41 AM.
    Hardt Guardian 95 R9~Nofroe Hunter 95 R7~Brohardt RK 95 R6~Corvalien Cappy 86 R6
    Maximillion Champ 88 R4~Dahila mini 85 R6~Dbuff LM 65 R4~Annikaa Warden~Sanfred Burg
    Creeps~Blackpain BA R8~Pebkac Warg R5~Steroidrage Reevah R6
    ~Leader~ [url]Intothewest.guildlaunch.com[/url] ~Elendilmir server~

  18. #18
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    What's needed here is the ability to, if the players want, to set the EB npc's to "high-survivability/tank mode/low dps" and then the classes that need to can build dps and everyone else who wants can get in on the orc killing if they want and not have the npc's wipe out the mobs prematurely due to high npc-dps.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvalien View Post
    Lets look at why Big Battles are generally not well suited for a grouping / raiding Guardian, or any other grouping / raiding tank class. In the Guardian gameplay intro to the class it says "in fellowships a guardians forces his enemies to attack himself so his more fragile allies will not be harmed by the foes". The simple fact that a Guardians major AOE taunt/threat skills are rendered useless by not being able to HOLD agro on mobs with or without NPC's attacking the same mobs.

    Now lets break down the general mindset behind someone who plays a guard or a tank MAIN ( tank in HD being guard, warden, blue champ, or yellow captain). They generally are the ones to set the pace of the fight, Control when and where the fight happens. They are the focus of most of the groups heals, buffs, and debuffs on the mobs that they are fighting, and DPS are focusing on their targets or one of the targets that they are agroing. In short the Tank IS and generally LIKES to be the CENTER of attention in a BATTLE it is their JOB. But this job is rendered impotent in Big Battles for reasons stated above.

    The big battle trait line has further degraded our toons uniqueness down to 3 rolls from our once 9 classes. 2 of those roles as previously stated are picking up sticks and talking to NPC's and the only one remotely close to playing our class roll vanguard is so broken and convoluted that even JWBarry hasn't been able to explain it.

    Why don't you just pre assign the roles to the classes that they would be best suited for IE

    RK, Mini, Cappy ~ reason ~ healers can heal soldiers and banners with easy access to commanders

    Champ, Hunter, LM ~ reason ~ good DPS lots of AOE and all around destruction

    Guard, Warden, Burg ~ reason ~ you aren't good for anything else so go build something

    Why aren't the class rolls balanced?
    This is exactly why I've quit lotro for the forseeable future. I've mained a tank Warden since basically forever, and I love the play style. But in the endgame, there is no use for me. Side quests to defend critical npcs? Sounds like the job for a tank! Let me go stand in the middle of the culvert and draw the orcs before they can get to the engineers- oh. Just run past me. Ok. And with the fact that a Warden, even max specced for dps cannot even come CLOSE to what any dps class can do, there's no point to even trying in the challenges. Hell, for comparison, I went and played Helm's Dike on 4 of my characters. Warden, then a 79 Hunter, 49 LM, 25 RK. Despite the fact that my warden has max traits, max specialization points, very high quality (Full blue set, SA weapons), I could barely managed silvers on most of the challenges. On my other 3, with terrible virtues, few spec points, very few deeds completed...I was rolling in golds and platinums. It was ridiculous.

  20. #20
    Widoch's Avatar
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    Yeah, basically a 6-man or raid full of engineers is all you need to finish the battles. 2 or 3 guys to shoot stuff ranged, and everyone else just blasts stuff with siege engines or repairs whatever the enemy is trying to break until the NPCs finish them off.

    The support line isn't terrible to have one or two so they can have the great job or being bossy

    The Order of The Silver Flame - A fun, mature, helpful and friendly kin. Come join us on Silverlode!

  21. #21
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    Basically the roles appear to be as follows:

    Engineer - Necessary
    Officer - Not Necessary but helpful
    Vanguard - Useless

    Surely all 3 roles should be equally viable?

  22. #22
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    Aug 2013
    If only the buffs we get for killing enemies (empowerment and fortification and such) would effect nearby troops as well as ourselves then I could see Vanguard actually being a bit useful but as it is atm I agree it's totally worthless even though as an LM in the red tree I could build killstreaks like crazy with all my aoe.

  23. #23
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    I don't understand why vanguard even exists.

    The tutorial "quest" basically emphasizes that the battle is too large for one person to make a difference in direct combat. Instead we're supposed to focus on the larger strategy and make leadership decisions on the battle as a whole.
    The vanguard role completely contradicts what the BB are supposed to represent and how they were developed to be played.

    All I can guess it that they're shoehorning a 3rd tree like they did with hunters so everything has 3 lines to pick from when only 2 are needed because the number 3 is all important.
    At best it's something you spec into when you have to do a side quest that involves direct fighting and little to no npc help. Except every reasonable person isn't going to spend 100MC to unlock a useless third spec, especially when you have more useful skills with the engineer traps and barricades etc.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anubbyss View Post
    If only the buffs we get for killing enemies (empowerment and fortification and such) would effect nearby troops as well as ourselves then I could see Vanguard actually being a bit useful but as it is atm I agree it's totally worthless even though as an LM in the red tree I could build killstreaks like crazy with all my aoe.
    Agreed, vanguard should be about you jumping into a weak spot in the line to bolster the npc's there, like increasing the effect of dps/haste commands or putting out an aoe dmg buff that gets stronger the more killing you do. It's not that you're killing all the enemies, it's that your presence in the fight brings out more from the npc's.

  25. #25
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    @ jwbarry..it's more than simply dropping combat after an npc dies. This is what happens to me every time: I autoattack with my bow on an npc coming up the ramp to get in combat, a split second later i'm back out of combat. There's no way to stay in combat currently, killing an npc or not.

    Vanguard is completely broken because of this, since I can't hit skills like fury of blades during big battles. Not to mention i'm never being hit so born for combat never can be used either. Champions, especially deadly storm ones, THRIVE off of being in combat. We lose fervour pips out of combat. That's not to mention the annoyance of having a queued aoe skill cancel when the mob i'm targeting dies.

    I sincerely hope it's some sort of bug and will be fixed soon, because I'd love vanguard to death if I could reliably get killing blows and fire off my killstreaks. Right now, my champ's better off repairing banners and telling officers to stop being so wimpy.
    Last edited by mrfigglesworth; Nov 25 2013 at 03:25 PM.


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