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Lets toss some doom and gloom on this campfire before the boyscouts starts singing their praises and turn their glassy blue eyed gazes to the evening stars.
To keep everything in order; 1 of 2 things will happen in regards to the date of launch of 12.1 .
1.) They will force 12.1 out before Christmas (read the 18th.) resulting in another half finished cluster f... to fix yet another cluster f... which initially was made to cover up the cluster f... we all know as LotrO.
Or 2.) They will take their time and try and do things right the first time around. (haha, yea, I know...) Which would mean a week and then some in to the new year.
In either case, result will be the same, eventually being a freep will be boiled down to a level of easymode where they all will start nodding approvingly at themselves yet again. Flashing at first those insecure smiles while wipeing the sweat from their brows. Soon to be replaced by sighs of relief, much rejoicing and patting of backs. It wasn't their fault after all, it wasn't due to the fact they were spineless, lack of skill or understanding of their classes, or the fact they had no taste for a challenge. In freeps' defense, when it comes to PvMP they still haven't gotten any from Turbine, challenge that is, PvMP is as freep biased and faceroll easy as it ever was. Sure, certain Creep classes owns 1v1s, and those that do do to such an extent it's an outright farce, I'm the first to admit that, but what all the whiners haven't got the brains/balls to see/admit is that when freeps get just half-descent mitigation to creep dam. AND the 62% bug is gone it's just another faceroll boredom of actually having fewer skills to worry about = only 1 clenched fist mashed randomly around the keyboard is going to be required, where as, sometimes, 2 was needed Pre-HD. But why am I bothering, the precious few with the insight to acknowledge this is already where anyone with a wee taste for challenging themselves belongs...creepside.
So, the real question isn't when will 12.1 launch, nor what it will entice. The question shouldn't be either (albeit a much better one) when will creeps see their update, no lads and lassies, the real question is: when will freeps grow a spine?
Edit: Oh and to answer the cries that prolly will follow after this post, I will answer with what have been shoved in the face of creeps for years, this is pvmp, not a 1v1 arena game, if you're playing a class that can't handle itself in 1v1s, go group up. Adapt. Survive. Grow a pair and keep going despite it being uphill. Hiding in Bree makes you look like what all creeps knew you were, a bunch of big girls blouses...