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  1. #1
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Official Feedback: Festivals and Events Suggestions

    “We’ll continue to develop our festivals, new and old, and add more events for you to participate in throughout the year. If there are any festivals or events you’d really like to see us build, please let us know!” – Kate Paiz, Executive Producer, The Lord of the Rings Online

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    “We’ll continue to develop our festivals, new and old, and add more events for you to participate in throughout the year. If there are any festivals or events you’d really like to see us build, please let us know!” – Kate Paiz, Executive Producer, The Lord of the Rings Online
    The seasonal festivals are sort of Middle-Earth versions of ... well, generic seasonal festivals. I'm not a lore-monkey, but are there specific festivals mentioned in the LotR lore that could be added?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Little war-bands for every zone (sure without mounted enemies)
    Mini events : Defend the patroling caravans, escore the npc, clear the troll cave etc.
    Add treasure hunt event for all time with some monthly new items!
    Last edited by AaylaKheledlire; Dec 17 2013 at 12:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Well what I would like to see is not a new event but a add on to one of my fave festivals & that is the Harvest Festival.

    I would so love seeing a add on special region like the Yule Festival has for Harvest. An old spooky town that has a forest/graveyard. You could also have a haunted corn maze. Have your characters actually bobbing for apples, have different places where your character can go trick or treating & get special goodies, have complete sets of costumes you can barter for, complete theme sets of housing furniture.

    I don't know what all you can do with my suggestion but I really hope you consider it. I love the Haunted Burrow but it just is not enough, we need something more added to keep us busy & wanting to keep on doing the festival & I think this is a great idea.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'd love to see this event reintroduced if bugs can be fixed: http://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/A_Game_of_Hobnanigan

    If not, would like to finally see some event that encourages grouping/teamwork rather than solo quests/competing for limited resources like egg hunt.

    Also, more decorations and more outfits to existing festivals that aren't just recolored versions of one another. I find the game to be severely lacking in good Thin Furniture items despite multiple spots in Housing for it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by rosey21 View Post
    Well what I would like to see is not a new event but a add on to one of my fave festivals & that is the Harvest Festival.

    I would so love seeing a add on special region like the Yule Festival has for Harvest. An old spooky town that has a forest/graveyard. You could also have a haunted corn maze. Have your characters actually bobbing for apples, have different places where your character can go trick or treating & get special goodies, have complete sets of costumes you can barter for, complete theme sets of housing furniture.

    I don't know what all you can do with my suggestion but I really hope you consider it. I love the Haunted Burrow but it just is not enough, we need something more added to keep us busy & wanting to keep on doing the festival & I think this is a great idea.
    I agree! A special region for the Harvest festival would be magnificent. Going trick-or-treating at different houses throughout the area wearing a costume would be so fun, especially with other kinnies.
    "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." ~ Faramir

    Dynamix of Firefoot

  7. #7
    I would like to see more kinship/fellowship related activities on festivals (like the Chicken Ball mentioned above, races, etc.)...
    ~ [url=http://daleshadows.eu]Dale Shadows[/url] CZ/SK kinship ~

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I love the festivals purely because I love seeing so many players together in one place and the opportunities to get to know other players that brings. However, I really dont like the repeatable quests for items (I dont like repeatable quests anywhere in the game, once i've done a quest once I have no desire to repeat it!). I'm wondering if instead, these quests could have something similar to the tier system in instances and skirmishes. Once you have completed the quest once, you can do it again but there is an added challenge or it's harder in some other way, with greater rewards each time. That would make repeatable festival quests much more interesting!

    Other than that, keep up the good work!
    Calanne, Starlight

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Use two tiers of barter of all events - one for the generic Festival Tokens that many of us have in the 100s: old stuff reposted at barter guy could be covered by these - and one for the new items, mounts and deeds etc that we can only get for participating this year and will have to use barter tokens gathered right now.

    It is nice if old deeds can be completed at a later date (i e more/merrier 1-3). I think those tiers for spending looooong hours running festivals is a very nice thing - by getting that tier/title you show dedication and it becomes worth something. I had The Openhanded after first Frostbluff year and proudly sported the title all the way to next year...when everyone got the title. Something special-for-grind is always nice. There are many who would rather be handed everything immediately but as I understand it, many of the same persons just will nor run festival activities amyway. There's simply no tangible reward they're able to apply in monster play or w/e.

    The yule frame is a superb example of something I will go out of my way for and will keep me participating for many hours.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    until new ones, I would love to see the new ones improved.
    - Currently you have the feeling of grind and the joy and fun long gone.
    - No more MC to reset an quest in festivals please.
    - Dont make the cosmetics bind to account so others can share them or sell them, is no harm in that.
    - New items annually so we have reasons to join festivals, because once you done them some years each time, is no real motive to do them again.
    - Some funny deeds, not like the ones with fishing from autumn festival who ruined all the fun. That quest, you know which, .... grr, I don't want to see it again.
    Andracy - Mns; Andrady - RK; Andrac - Hnt; Andracya - Brg; Gabytza - LM; Anduta - Warden
    Officer of Rangers of Eriador / Snowbourne

  11. #11
    amandakay's Avatar
    amandakay is offline The Sociable
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    Jan 2007
    I would like to see festivities added to the higher level major cities: Rivendell, 21st Hall, Caras Galadhon, Galtrev, Snowborn, and Edoras. At first, it would be helpful to simply connect these to the present festival locations via festival stable horses. Rather than having something at every one of these locations for every festival, I would like to see location specialize in one or two festivals, or have their own festival. As an example, Rivendell and\or Caras Galadhon could focus on fall events, reflecting this time being the fall season of the elves, that is their preparation and voyage to the Undying Lands. Higher level cities might zone into a more peaceful time. I'd like to see something happen in Edoras, for example, but it's a bit deserted right now.

    Even though I'm not into PvMP, my mind keeps coming back to the idea of creeps escaping the Ettenmoors into the Trollshaws. I wouldn't want them terrorizing our lowbies all the time, and I do think they should have to earn it, so maybe at the beginning of each month, give them the opportunity to escape once they've taken every keep in the Ettenmoors. The door would remain open until the free peoples regain control of all of the keeps, (or a certain number) and each individual creep would respawn to Gramsfoot upon death. The should be able to acquire something extra special for their efforts of havoc and destruction, audacity should have no effect outside the Moors, as freeps should also be able to acquire something special for helping to send these fiends back to whence they came! Yes, this would involve another barter currency, and the rewards should probably be more cosmetic in nature. Can they burn and pillage, too? Then lower level characters could put out fires and such.

    I would like seasonal fishing expanded out into the higher level areas as well. Fishing feels far too neglected, maybe it should have its own separate fishing tournament. Some time in the spring\summer, or perhaps at more than one time outside the present festivals, the major city in each land mass should have some fishing quests. One city might have a quest to catch as many fish as possible in half an hour. Your reward would reflect the number of fish you caught. One city could have a quest to catch a certain number of fish, and another to catch a particular fish. The particular fish could be a first on the server catch which resets daily or every 12 hours. These should, please for the love of completionnist sanity, rely both on luck AND on skill. My hobbit whose fishing skill is maxed should be catching more and better fish than my human whose skill has only been leveled during the summer festival, though certainly even a new fisherman should be able to catch something. Those silly hobbits want to eat those tasty fish, so they would likely ask you to cook them, if you have some skill in such things. A skilled woodworker might help a hobbit make a new fishing pole, or help anyone other than a hobbit build a boat. A good fisherman also needs things like a lucky hat, a good chair, a bucket, a net, a filet knife, and a skillet. These things could be crafted quest items, quests available to those with the appropriate skill, and a quest which would scale to the crafting level of the character. My maxed crafters should be able to use Eorlingas crafting materials, but a new crafter should be able to use rowan\copper\light hides. Oh, and for cooking, please include a vegetable of the appropriate level, too.

    A pilgrimage along the footsteps of the Fellowship from Bag End to the Paths of the Dead would be very nice. Yes, we experience much of the story through the Epic quests, but it'd be nice to have a special walking\riding event, that is we talk to NPCs along the way, receive quest updates for travelling to certain locations, we must visit each in order, and please have enough that a person isn't tempted to take a stable route...oh, and no Mithril coin travel.

    I would like to see extended support for player run events. Last year's Weatherstock was fantastic. I might be in the minority, but I absolutely loved the Amarthiel attacks. My fondest memory from that was waiting at the camp outside the Rift when she appeared just outside the camp. Some of us were defeated...a few times...but it was great fun, and we did manage a few of the cosmetic items. It might help if an attacker scaled to the place where they were attacking. Can you imagine a band of level 15 goblins attacking the Shire? If someone appeared inside an instance, I would hope they would be polite and wait until the group wasn't attacking a boss.
    Amandakay, Elweenia, Melda, Kerthryth, Hallana, and Yaavie of Arkenstone
    Formerly from Elendilmir
    Filling green bars since 2007

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by amandakay View Post
    I would like to see festivities added to the higher level major cities: Rivendell, 21st Hall, Caras Galadhon, Galtrev, Snowborn, and Edoras. At first, it would be helpful to simply connect these to the present festival locations via festival stable horses. Rather than having something at every one of these locations for every festival, I would like to see location specialize in one or two festivals, or have their own festival. As an example, Rivendell and\or Caras Galadhon could focus on fall events, reflecting this time being the fall season of the elves, that is their preparation and voyage to the Undying Lands. Higher level cities might zone into a more peaceful time. I'd like to see something happen in Edoras, for example, but it's a bit deserted right now.
    I too would like to see festivals in these regions - and if there was special stable travel to and from, it would help the lowbies get there, and at the same time - perhaps encourage f2ps who may not have bought everything to consider expacs or quest packs after seeing the region.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Here are some thoughts for festival additions and alterations.

    Trick/Festival Skills and Items
    One general idea for all festival that have 'skill items' like the Anniversary Fireworks, Tomato or Pedal items take these and turn them into festival skills.
    For all the trick deed items make these all Bound to Account please. This way if for instance you finish the deed on one char and have another who needs the items you can send it over to them to use.

    If it is possible for Housing to have an environmental season theme added to the exterior of our houses it would be great to have one for each major season.
    Stop making housing items or cosmetic bind. These are fluff items we should be able to move them around, lend them out as we want instead of having them bound to a specific character.

    Expand each Festival to a different Region of the Map
    Use Festival horses to send players to instanced versions of Rivendell, Caras Galadhon, Snowbourn, Edoras at different festivals. Each would be fitted to a specific festival and theme. Snowbourn would be perfect for Farmer's Fair or Harvestmath. Rivendell would be good for Harvestmath. Caras Galadhon fits good for Spring or Summer and has its own vineyard for wine.


    Fil Gasha gave us this great armor disguise that many of us love. It would be really great to have a couple more housing items like this. One for a Cargul disguise for example would be great! Another option would be the dream state coloring as a temporary effect from Tomb of the Forsaken.

    Make the White Skeleton Steed quest/deed bound to account so that if you obtained it on 1. a char who already has it or 2. a char you don't want it on you can send it to the character you really want it on

    New Quest Ideas
    Leaf Jumping
    So its fall the leaves are falling so why not gather up a bunch of leaves and then either have us or children npcs jumping in them.

    Yule Festival
    Snowball fights are one of the most enjoyable aspects of this festival it would be nice to have these quests put back to their original timer allowing them to be redone any time the festival is up.
    Similarly it would be very nice to have a 'pile of snow' yard item that would let you pick up snowballs for use in housing zones for snowball fights.

    New Quest Ideas
    Toys for the Tots
    Get the quest from one of the people working on the wood. You have to go out and gather some wood from the forest areas. Then you have to craft toys out of the wood. It could work like the spears in Galtrev quest. Then you run around town handing them out to new children npcs placed around town.

    A Giving Spirit

    You convince one of the wealthy members of town to donate food or cloths to the less fortunate in town. You then either gather food or clothing and hand them out to the phased beggar npcs.

    Snowball Fighting Kids

    Add some Children to the Snowball Fighting Field. Add a new quest similar to Brigand Bashing and the Tag game in Langhold and Harwick. This time you are simply throwing snowballs at the children.

    A New Play

    Add another play to the theater making it so the plays alternate between one another. Exactly what the plot would be I'm not sure... maybe something around Frodo's leaving the Shire using the mysterious Black Rider who was looking for Baggins/Shire.

    Freeze Tag

    Why not bring the Freeze Tag game that exists by the Bree festival grounds and add a new section for use over in Winter Home?

    Ice Fishing
    WIldermore dailies introduced ice fishing into the game. Why not reuse this mechanic. It coudl be done with or without a mount.

    Spring Festival
    Add a Tag game into the Hedge Maze.

    Anniversary Festival
    Bring back and fix Game of Hobnanigan for the Anniversary

    Summer Festival
    New Quest Ideas
    Over Heated
    Why not have a quest where different npcs are over heated and need to be cooled off. Put in a couple different methods for cooling them off. Fanning them with big fans or getting them a drink like lemonade or dousing them with a bucket of water.

    Water Races
    Its summer and 'hot' out so why not use the lakes and rivers to our advantage and put in some swimming races.

    Farmer's Fair
    This festival currently feels very solid to me. Not sure what else I would add to it.

    Treasure Hunt Event
    The only real changes I would make here as follows.
    Make the mounts obtained from chests Bound to Account so you can trade them to alts.
    Put in a barter npc to trade the chest obtained mounts so if you got the Treasure Goat but want the Caveclaw Horse/Pony you can exchange them.

    Rohan Daily Style Quests
    With the Rohan and the Hytbold Dailies we've seen a number of new mechanics come into the game that would translate very well to game festivals. Here are a few ideas based on things I've seen in the game.

    Brigand Bashing
    We already have this in the form of the Ale Hall Arena when it comes to player verse player but a player verse npc version would be a nice change of pace and make it so you can always take part in the game regardless of however many people are online.

    We've had the freeze tag arena in existence forever and people use it sporadically but with the Hytbold Dailies we have the game of tag changing the children around Harwick. This mechanic could translate very well to an area like Frostbluffs. You're given a task to catch the rowdy kids or something like that.

    Burning the Banners
    With one of the Cliving dailies we got introduced this mechanic of throwing javelins/spears at banners as we ride up to them. This I think is something everyone would enjoy a lot if added to something like the Spring or Summer festivals. If the mechanic requires a war-steed then maybe there could be a special arena with a game steed similar to how we use special mounts for the festival horse races.

    Similar to the banners javelin quest maybe it would be possible to have a jousting arena setup like the center of the Harwick Horse Stables where you either go against an npc or a player depending on how well it would work out.

    Climbing the Beacon
    Ok a lot of people don't like this quest as they tend to over move as they are jumping up. That said a lot of people in the game have always liked to challenge ourselves and the game environment by seeing what we can reach. We used to do this by climbing up to the top of the Bree Auction House before the on ramp to that was removed. People have since continued to test the bounds of each environment. So why not use this challenge to the games advantage and build it into an event location for peoples option of taking part in it?

    Resupplying the Lines
    Ok so a carrying quest isn't exactly fun but the the running the ropes and dodging the craban actually is something I liked with this quest. It could translate well to fun games similar to us walking the bullroarer's fence.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    For the Farmer's Faire, I would move it. The area that it's in is just too small. It should be moved to the Buckland/Crickhollow area. There is allot more room there.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Spontaneous Festival

    I would like a flash festival that is announced perhaps via LOTRO's twitter so that it starts, lasts maybe 48 hours, then disappears until the next one. These could have events a character could do immediately, but also some sort of token that can be carried in the Wallet for a bigger reward when enough festivals of this sort are attended. You could have these Flash Festivals a few times every months, hopefully on the weekend when more people are off work.
    Kazren Altaholic Extrodinaire
    8 Level 140 Characters, mostly Arkenstone with Colonies on Elendilmir, Landroval, Crickhollow and Brandywine

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PKCrichton View Post
    Here are some thoughts for festival additions and alterations.

    Trick/Festival Skills and Items
    One general idea for all festival that have 'skill items' like the Anniversary Fireworks, Tomato or Pedal items take these and turn them into festival skills.
    For all the trick deed items make these all Bound to Account please. This way if for instance you finish the deed on one char and have another who needs the items you can send it over to them to use.

    If it is possible for Housing to have an environmental season theme added to the exterior of our houses it would be great to have one for each major season.
    Stop making housing items or cosmetic bind. These are fluff items we should be able to move them around, lend them out as we want instead of having them bound to a specific character.

    Expand each Festival to a different Region of the Map
    Use Festival horses to send players to instanced versions of Rivendell, Caras Galadhon, Snowbourn, Edoras at different festivals. Each would be fitted to a specific festival and theme. Snowbourn would be perfect for Farmer's Fair or Harvestmath. Rivendell would be good for Harvestmath. Caras Galadhon fits good for Spring or Summer and has its own vineyard for wine.


    Fil Gasha gave us this great armor disguise that many of us love. It would be really great to have a couple more housing items like this. One for a Cargul disguise for example would be great! Another option would be the dream state coloring as a temporary effect from Tomb of the Forsaken.

    Make the White Skeleton Steed quest/deed bound to account so that if you obtained it on 1. a char who already has it or 2. a char you don't want it on you can send it to the character you really want it on

    New Quest Ideas
    Leaf Jumping
    So its fall the leaves are falling so why not gather up a bunch of leaves and then either have us or children npcs jumping in them.

    Yule Festival
    Snowball fights are one of the most enjoyable aspects of this festival it would be nice to have these quests put back to their original timer allowing them to be redone any time the festival is up.
    Similarly it would be very nice to have a 'pile of snow' yard item that would let you pick up snowballs for use in housing zones for snowball fights.

    New Quest Ideas
    Toys for the Tots
    Get the quest from one of the people working on the wood. You have to go out and gather some wood from the forest areas. Then you have to craft toys out of the wood. It could work like the spears in Galtrev quest. Then you run around town handing them out to new children npcs placed around town.

    A Giving Spirit

    You convince one of the wealthy members of town to donate food or cloths to the less fortunate in town. You then either gather food or clothing and hand them out to the phased beggar npcs.

    Snowball Fighting Kids

    Add some Children to the Snowball Fighting Field. Add a new quest similar to Brigand Bashing and the Tag game in Langhold and Harwick. This time you are simply throwing snowballs at the children.

    A New Play

    Add another play to the theater making it so the plays alternate between one another. Exactly what the plot would be I'm not sure... maybe something around Frodo's leaving the Shire using the mysterious Black Rider who was looking for Baggins/Shire.

    Freeze Tag

    Why not bring the Freeze Tag game that exists by the Bree festival grounds and add a new section for use over in Winter Home?

    Ice Fishing
    WIldermore dailies introduced ice fishing into the game. Why not reuse this mechanic. It coudl be done with or without a mount.

    Spring Festival
    Add a Tag game into the Hedge Maze.

    Anniversary Festival
    Bring back and fix Game of Hobnanigan for the Anniversary

    Summer Festival
    New Quest Ideas
    Over Heated
    Why not have a quest where different npcs are over heated and need to be cooled off. Put in a couple different methods for cooling them off. Fanning them with big fans or getting them a drink like lemonade or dousing them with a bucket of water.

    Water Races
    Its summer and 'hot' out so why not use the lakes and rivers to our advantage and put in some swimming races.

    Farmer's Fair
    This festival currently feels very solid to me. Not sure what else I would add to it.

    Treasure Hunt Event
    The only real changes I would make here as follows.
    Make the mounts obtained from chests Bound to Account so you can trade them to alts.
    Put in a barter npc to trade the chest obtained mounts so if you got the Treasure Goat but want the Caveclaw Horse/Pony you can exchange them.

    Rohan Daily Style Quests
    With the Rohan and the Hytbold Dailies we've seen a number of new mechanics come into the game that would translate very well to game festivals. Here are a few ideas based on things I've seen in the game.

    Brigand Bashing
    We already have this in the form of the Ale Hall Arena when it comes to player verse player but a player verse npc version would be a nice change of pace and make it so you can always take part in the game regardless of however many people are online.

    We've had the freeze tag arena in existence forever and people use it sporadically but with the Hytbold Dailies we have the game of tag changing the children around Harwick. This mechanic could translate very well to an area like Frostbluffs. You're given a task to catch the rowdy kids or something like that.

    Burning the Banners
    With one of the Cliving dailies we got introduced this mechanic of throwing javelins/spears at banners as we ride up to them. This I think is something everyone would enjoy a lot if added to something like the Spring or Summer festivals. If the mechanic requires a war-steed then maybe there could be a special arena with a game steed similar to how we use special mounts for the festival horse races.

    Similar to the banners javelin quest maybe it would be possible to have a jousting arena setup like the center of the Harwick Horse Stables where you either go against an npc or a player depending on how well it would work out.

    Climbing the Beacon
    Ok a lot of people don't like this quest as they tend to over move as they are jumping up. That said a lot of people in the game have always liked to challenge ourselves and the game environment by seeing what we can reach. We used to do this by climbing up to the top of the Bree Auction House before the on ramp to that was removed. People have since continued to test the bounds of each environment. So why not use this challenge to the games advantage and build it into an event location for peoples option of taking part in it?

    Resupplying the Lines
    Ok so a carrying quest isn't exactly fun but the the running the ropes and dodging the craban actually is something I liked with this quest. It could translate well to fun games similar to us walking the bullroarer's fence.
    I love all of these ideas! These would make festivals a lot more enjoyable. My favorite thing to do at the Yule Festival is the play! I would love to see a variety of plays instead of just one over and over.
    "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." ~ Faramir

    Dynamix of Firefoot

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I think it would be a nice touch to create a new elven-centric festival called "A Fest of Starlight" to go along with the Feast of Starlight mentioned in the new hobbit movie.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Festival Ideas

    Please combine the festival tokens and make them account bound, not character bound. A festival is a festival is a festival - just have ONE festival token used by ALL festivals for ALL characters on an account. Please.

    Thavrondir, maker of fine wood weaponry at reasonable prices on the Landroval server. Custom orders welcome via in-game mail.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    My favourite festival location is Winterhome, simply because one of my favourite parts of the LOTRO world is exploring new areas. Despite the fact that it was quite a grind to complete the T3 deed, I felt it was worth it, and enjoyed my play time there last year. I'd love to see a new play from the G.L.O.B.E. players, and perhaps advance the storyline with the beggars and the mayor (overthrowing him or aiding him depending on which option you chose), which may give the opportunity to search Middle Earth for support for one cause or the other... even a secret cave hideaway for the poor people... ah the possibilities are endless

    Next on my list of favoured festivals is the Haunted Burrow, which I ran dailies on for 11 characters - to get bounder's tokens and Bigby's shadow hand skill (which, by the way, needs to have the cooldown of the skill reduced to be the same as the consumable) - yet new quests within are always welcome.

    Third is the Spring festival, as the maze is quite enjoyable, yet it isn't really exploring something, rather attempting to escape from it. Perhaps it would be a good time to bring back the beloved game of Hobnanigan! It would also be nice to see the two different versions of tag incorporated into this festival - freeze tag is by far the better of the two at the moment - and perhaps have these turned into instances?

    Summer festival is by far the most lacklustre of the seasonal festivals - there's nothing special about it, and I feel a mini-festival area (like Winterhome) would spice it up a bit.

    My least favourite festivals, though, have to be the Farmer's Faire and the Treasure Hunt. The former is too in-your-face, and too grindy, and the latter is far too monetised - the trade off between picks and tokens and the desire to find interesting things inside the boxes just makes it dull and calculating, when I'd rather a festival was carefree and fun.

    Other festival thoughts:
    1) The Steed of the Bat was probably the most underwhelming appearance that I've ever come across for a festival steed - please put a bit more time and effort into making them look great again!
    2) The Inn League/Ale Association could do with some embellishment/expansion.
    3) Cartographile deed should be expanded.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  20. #20
    I think it's simple keep them fun, unique and have plenty of good rewards.
    5th year Anniversary and Yule are good templates to work from, 5th year anniversary was so much fun it was extended twice and that was because there was a unique take on festivals, fun quests and some good rewards.
    The rewards for the last few festivals have been kind of bland lately so I haven't bothered doing the festivals.

    Other than the usual need for good fun festival content I think it would be cool to start having festivals in different places maybe an Elven Feast festival in Rivendell, or some beers with Dwarves in their various outposts.
    Maybe we could join the drunken elves at Lothlorien in their parties, they could certainly use some better party organisers since Elven parties look boring as hell.
    The Lone Wolf
    Radspakr 85 Guardian,Haluilas 82 LM, Varri 65 Champ

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rillas View Post
    Please combine the festival tokens and make them account bound, not character bound. A festival is a festival is a festival - just have ONE festival token used by ALL festivals for ALL characters on an account. Please.
    This would be very much appreciated. I have never understood why we need all these tokens for the different festivals. Having them bound to account is much better. We have marks/medallions/seals now account bound, we can have these others account bound too.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Actually, I do not like festivals very much. They are mostly annoying and cause the game (for me) lagging more due to many people playing.

    But well, I try to accomplish all deeds. Therefore I somehow have to do the festivals.

    One of my main concerns from last year's yule festival:
    I really dislike losing progress on the deeds I am doing - even if they are "only" for a festival. It is even more annoying to be forced to log on (almost) every day for a festival to complete deeds or endlessly grind ridiculous high prices for some cosmetic items. Ever thought about the fact, that during some festival seasons (e.g. christmas) people still need to work or like to spend time with their family? And even during non festival times (e.g. harvest festival): not every player is unemployed or has half a day after school for playing and grinding festivals. Please try to carter to others, too.

    One more annoying thing about festivals:
    Why is barely any quest repeatable multiple times during on day after reworking the "classic" festivals? Why is it not allowed to spend my whole day (one which I might be able to afford) to complete all deeds and quests on a festival? Especially for grinding deeds to unlock some items?
    Well, the answer might be clear: so you can sell more mithril coins in the store, or?

    I rather skip these kind of events than playing it with my main character. Even less with multiple characters.

    For festival items:
    Please make all fluff items (including horse / warhorse outfits) bind on account, so that I am not forced to replay the mostly boring or random quests for unlocking the same deeds with all characters. That would be helpful!

    As summary:
    - stop forcing players to spend mithril coins on "festivals". Instead let them repeat quests as often as they want per day (even including a timer such as <= 30 min would be ok...)
    - make festivals fully completabled (including deeds) with a minimum amount of days instead of forcing players to log in most of festival days!
    - make all stuff that can be acquired from festivals "bind to account" (including horses)
    - don't gate stuff behind deed gates that suddenly pop up years of the same festival without them. They feel that they exist just for the sake of forcing people to play the festival.

    Please, try to be nicer to players during festivals and try not to moneytize them as you have been doing during this year.
    If you keep the current style for new festivalas, I personally would rather prefer you would stop festivals alltogether.

    I would prefer not getting any festivals at all instead of seeing many nice fluff items I can never afford (due to currency changes and regrinding festival currency) or unlock (new deed that year gated by possibility to do a quest only 1 time per day without coins) for my main char or for my alts (due to locks + bind on char).

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Announcement: On Halloween Night every year the gates of the Ettenmoors are released and the monsters of the world charge upon the free people!

    This day no infamy or condemnations are received.

    The creeps are let out of their hometown and are allowed to travel anywhere in the world of men yet they do not have maps so they must run everywhere they wish to go.

    It is up to the free people to defend there homeland and protect the lower leveled freeps. Creeps are allowed to go into Bree and all other places of the world for one night before they are driven back to there homeland.

    Let's give the freeps the scare of their lives!

    Anybody else think this would be fun?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Festivals... are ok... But feel a bit of boring as well. Their main concept is that of grinding... which is ok.. but i would like them to be more on deed side.

    1) Like some people already said. Kinship events/games. Will help the Kins gather up more often. Try another type of fun.
    2) Upgrading some amazing ideas. Like the drinking ale ...i never bothered to do it . But its a great idea cause there was a lot of drinking in MIddle earth. Same with Fireworks. amazing idea not excited from the games so far.
    3) Existing events are old and so are their most items... How about a revamp... you also give many items reward that even if we take no one really use them or has a reason to use them... I mean how many go around with a chicken egg busket or a lamp or a flower in the hand.
    4) make games... Like treasure hunting, solving riddles, or real horse races that makes you travel middle earth
    5) Explore the lore.How did the elfs had fun how did the dwarfs...better implementetions...
    6)New areas that i would like to see a festival is... Lothlorien, Edoras,Rivendell

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyaha View Post
    As summary:
    - stop forcing players to spend mithril coins on "festivals". Instead let them repeat quests as often as they want per day (even including a timer such as <= 30 min would be ok...)
    It really should be a VIP perk to repeat festival quests, either immediately or on a short-ish timer. Festival items don't advance your character, so there's no gameplay advantage to letting them do so, it's just being nice to the customers who give you money every month.


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