To my horror I have seen that the update 15 will go live on the 5th of NOV.
We need more time to test the Beorning class at lv100 with end game content.
I cannot afford to take too much time of work to level the class to 100.
I have done 3 man instances and quests to level up to test how the class works at lower levels.
We really need to have the NPC auto level up to 100.
There are so many issues with interrupt skills, I am very concerned with the limited skills and easy button mashing combinations.
I was fortunate to level 100 in beta 1 and look at mounted combat with my beorn and found a few power restore issues. We need good month of proper BB testing, Ettens and raid testing on beta with in groups.
Please don't release a half baked class into a game with some many discontented players already. People will power level on live to get to 100 fast and find so many issues at end game. Starwars made this horrible mistake when first going live with their content. They were expecting people to reach max level a lot slower and were not prepared to find some many high level players wanting more.
Wait another month the (ofcourse we all know) final part Hobbit is in Dec. Its a more perfect time to release the class. Get some exclusive screen shots of beorn in the movie make ( im mean Christ its
Warner Bros. Pictures ) a big Promo deal of it. GET the Class right considering Helms Deep was such a disaster