The following release notes are for the Bullroarer public test server only and may not reflect the final list of changes or updates included at release.
These notes are not final and should be viewed as a work in progress and subject to change.
Due to the method of gathering information for the patch notes, there may be duplicate/similar entries or topics that are not included.
The Eyes and Guard Tavern is now open! Please note you will also not be able to advance class and race traits for Beornings at this time.
Important Note: Given the scope of this update please be aware that the build you are seeing here is a work in progress and is by no means the finished Update 15.2 product. There are many items that are not yet complete or added into what you are seeing. There may also be items missing from this initial list, this is not intentional and will be added as we progress.
You can use Character Copy to bring over an existing character from the Live servers.
Items to check out from this update:
- Beorning tactical skills should now be resisted instead of blocked, parried, or evaded.
- Beorning: - Vicious Claw should now properly refresh the bleed of Bash without lowering the damage of the effect. - Bear up now has a 3 minute cooldown when useable in-combat.
- New Beornings will no longer be as flooded with alerts/tutorial hints while in their starter instance.
- BR Only Beorning: - Fixed issue with recent build that caused Relentless Maul, when Aid The Assault was active, that was causing the skill to not properly execute.
- BR Only: Beorning class trait points have been reset.
- BR Only: Player Music System: We have restored harp notes to the way they used to be before Update 15.2.
- BR Only: Various instruments were made quieter than in the first 15.2 Bullroarer release.
- Fixed an issue where class specific essences could benefit any class. These essences will now only apply their benefits if you are the listed class.
- Roving Threat Rewards: First Age maces now look like maces instead of clubs and 2-handed swords look like swords instead of axes
- Roving Threats: Balanced roving threat mob damage and health