(A noobs story of a chance encounter, Or why you should pay attention to your quest finder)
I accidentally reset the quest finder to highlight a "fellowship recommended" quest and like a doofus I just followed the quest icon until my Hobbit Mini found himself neck deep in a goblin camp.
At first I was lost, because this did not seem to be the way back to the fellow i was supposed to bring the pointy rock to. But I kept going because the little quest icon in the mini map told me I was going in the right direction
Then I ran into a handful of goblins, took them out and kept going., and then I ran into a dozen Goblins, and then they ran into me
So I ran...ever towards that quest marker, wondering what the hell was going on. I must have had eight Goblins stravaging after me, and I was picking up more by the second, I finally got to the objective waypoint and it was smack dab in a Goblin camp, and I began to realize my mistake. I hesitated for a second and they were on me
Despite my best effort, and strumming and yelling and cramming crams, I was soon overwhelmed and my little hobbit went down for the first time ever. But I had an instant restore. So I restored myself , finished off the last three Goblins who had followed me and looked around.
I was in the middle of Indian country with dozens of Goblins all around me, but none of them had activated on me. I was thinking of using the waypoint stone (I keep forgetting the real name of things) to get out of there, when I saw the Pink Umbrella that was the goal of this "fellowship" quest and I thought , what the heck....I got this far. So I went a grabbed the umbrella, and all hell broke loose and I ran for it. again streaming goblins behind me and taking shots from Goblins ahead of me but some how I made it out of the camp, Shouting and strumming and cramming and running. Got the exp points and finished a "fellowship recommended" quest on my own......dying once
I imagine if I knew what I was getting into and took it slower I could do it again without dying but man that was fun!
The little mini rocks!
So question.....I have now by design or accident soloed a couple of fellowship recommended quests...is this something alot of people do?