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  1. #1

    Exclamation North Ithilien Event

    The December 8, 2016, will start the North Ithilien event but it is the 8 already on some parts of the planet, other times, turbines start 1 day earlier for them.

    Do you think that the North Ithilien event will start today or tomorrow?

    Will it bring something new to our pets, housing or cosmetic collections?

    Have the devs fixed the issue about low level toons not able to participate?

  2. #2
    ... & here is a little poetry to inspire all my flower lovers. In the nahualt literature mean both "the war" & "the poetry". Here are some examples in spanish translation. I don't know if there is any english official translation but google translator should be enough to get the meaning of the words:

    • The flowers as "war":
      Hacen estrépito

      Hacen estrépito los cascabeles,
      el polvo se alza cual si fuera humo:
      Recibe deleite el Dador de la vida.
      Las flores del escudo abren sus corolas,
      se extiende la gloria,
      se enlaza en la tierra.
      ¡Hay muerte aquí entre flores,
      en medio de la llanura!
      Junto a la guerra,
      al dar principio la guerra,
      en medio de la llanura
      el polvo se alza cual si fuera humo,
      se enreda & da vueltas,
      con sarteles floridos de muerte.
      ¡Oh príncipes chichimecas!
      ¡No temas, corazón mío!
      en medio de la llanura,
      mi corazón quiere
      la muerte al filo de la obsidiana.
      Solo esto quiere mi corazón:
      la muerte en la guerra...
      The bells, make noise
      the dust rises as if it were smoke:
      Receives delight the giver of the life.
      Its Corollas, open the flowers of the shield
      extends the glory,
      binds on Earth.
      There are death here among flowers,
      in the middle of the plain!
      Next to the war,
      When beginning the war,
      in the middle of the plain
      the dust is rising as if it were smoke,
      It entangles & make turns,
      with flower wreaths of death.
      Oh Princes Chichimeca!
      Do not fear, my heart!
      in the midst of the plain,
      my heart wants
      the death at the edge of the Obsidian.
      Only this want to my heart:
      the death in the war...

    • The flowers as "poetry":
      Nos ataviamos, nos enriquecemos...

      Nos ataviamos, nos enriquecemos
      con flores, con cantos:
      ésas son las flores de la primavera:
      ¡Con ellas nos adornamos aquí en la tierra!

      Hasta ahora es feliz mi corazón:
      oigo ese canto, veo una flor:
      ¡Que jamás se marchiten en la tierra!
      We dress up, we enrich
      with flowers, with songs:
      those are the flowers of the spring:
      With them we decorate here on the Earth!

      My heart is happy so far:
      I hear that song, I see a flower:
      That they never will wither in the land!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    All times listed in the Events Calendar are Eastern, so it'll be tomorrow.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    The December 8, 2016, will start the North Ithilien event but it is the 8 already on some parts of the planet, other times, turbines start 1 day earlier for them.

    Do you think that the North Ithilien event will start today or tomorrow?

    Will it bring something new to our pets, housing or cosmetic collections?

    Have the devs fixed the issue about low level toons not able to participate?
    Ya know....sometimes they just do events for certain levels. Most welcome back weekends non capped toons benefit but the max players get nothing. It is what it is.

    The festivals always begin on Turbines day. Not across the world but on Turbines actual day and time in their part of the planet.

    The event is to be flower picking boost. Nothing about pets housing or cosmetic.
    Captain-General Ughidontknow...Tripso rnk 6 burg...Izeatzfreepz rnk 8 warg....Yells rnk 10 warleader
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    All times listed in the Events Calendar are Eastern, so it'll be tomorrow.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Quote Originally Posted by idontcare789 View Post
    ... The event is to be flower picking boost. Nothing about pets housing or cosmetic.
    Actually i saw some bullroarer spoiler & there is some new flowers related mount, portrait & other fancy things rewarded by new deeds but i wanted to see what people think or expect.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    Thanks for the reply.

    Actually i saw some bullroarer spoiler & there is some new flowers related mount, portrait & other fancy things rewarded by new deeds but i wanted to see what people think or expect.
    If youll notice that is on BR. Not live. No mention of any update(u19.2 cant go live in its current state it will eliminate all pvp) any time soon so I am going to wager thats on BR only unless its hidden on live and needs to be turned on.
    Captain-General Ughidontknow...Tripso rnk 6 burg...Izeatzfreepz rnk 8 warg....Yells rnk 10 warleader
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    "Everyone wants to be the hero and no one wants to be support"

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by idontcare789 View Post
    If youll notice that is on BR. Not live. No mention of any update(u19.2 cant go live in its current state it will eliminate all pvp) any time soon so I am going to wager thats on BR only unless its hidden on live and needs to be turned on.
    PvMp minigame have nothing to do with this PvE event so that is irrelevant.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    PvMp minigame have nothing to do with this PvE event so that is irrelevant.
    Condescension much? They weren't asking you if you pvp or even care about pvp. All those pretty flower related stuffs are on BR which means it's coming, most likely with u19.2. That person is saying, in their opinion, that it's not ready to go live. Some people actually care about that "minigame."

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Amennator View Post
    Condescension much? They weren't asking you if you pvp or even care about pvp. All those pretty flower related stuffs are on BR which means it's coming, most likely with u19.2. That person is saying, in their opinion, that it's not ready to go live. Some people actually care about that "minigame."
    There is a whole forums section dedicated to PvMp: https://www.lotro.com/forums/forumdi...8-Monster-play . This thread is about the North Ithilien event date & possible rewards. If you wish to talk about what people think about PvMp or how the PvMp players are affected by PvE, please do so on the PvMp forums section

  10. #10
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    Actually i saw some bullroarer spoiler & there is some new flowers related mount, portrait & other fancy things rewarded by new deeds but i wanted to see what people think or expect.
    That's U19.2 that you saw. currently being tested on Bullroarer. Nothing to do with the North Ithilien event tomorrow. Was mentioned on livestream by Turbine that the event is an increased drop rate for flowers. I'm hoping there is more to it then that but we'll find out tomorrow.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KM3161 View Post
    That's U19.2 that you saw. currently being tested on Bullroarer. Nothing to do with the North Ithilien event tomorrow. Was mentioned on livestream by Turbine that the event is an increased drop rate for flowers. I'm hoping there is more to it then that but we'll find out tomorrow.
    I have checked the database earlier today and there was nothing new added. My guess is it's really just an increase in drop rates like a lot of other games do this - they increase drop rates on something and call it an event. Personally, I was never a big fan of this practice.
    “ädvëntürës ärë nöt äll pönÿ-rïdës ïn mäÿ-sünshïnë.”

  12. #12
    Here is a some little spoiler for the players with toons too low to visit North Ithilien during the event so they can enjoy the view of that gigantic garden that awaits them:

    Last edited by YamydeAragon; Mar 10 2017 at 11:43 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    There is a whole forums section dedicated to PvMp: https://www.lotro.com/forums/forumdi...8-Monster-play . This thread is about the North Ithilien event date & possible rewards. If you wish to talk about what people think about PvMp or how the PvMp players are affected by PvE, please do so on the PvMp forums section
    You opened the box when you said you saw screenies from BR. Maybe i dont care for yours silly clothes and horses that have zero impact on anyone or thing,except maybe your own dilusional self. But i didnt say that. Tried to give you relevant information but you wanna go all Nell.
    Captain-General Ughidontknow...Tripso rnk 6 burg...Izeatzfreepz rnk 8 warg....Yells rnk 10 warleader
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    "Everyone wants to be the hero and no one wants to be support"

  14. #14
    The war feel so close & distant at the same time when we are at this blooming place of healing:

    Last edited by YamydeAragon; Mar 10 2017 at 11:45 AM.

  15. #15
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    The December 8, 2016, will start the North Ithilien event but it is the 8 already on some parts of the planet, other times, turbines start 1 day earlier for them.
    Turbine has never done that.

    When the Yule festival starts, it'll be available for everyone on the server. The game isn't doing a location check oh you're playing from Australia you can start now, oh you're in America you have to wait til tomorrow. When it gets turned on, it's turned on for everyone. So if Turbine says 8th, it'll be the 9th for others. That's why weekend events always start on Thursday, cause it's already Friday for others. This particular event seems to be running from Thursday-Wednesday for Americans, so that'll be Friday-Thursday for Australians.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    All times listed in the Events Calendar are Eastern, so it'll be tomorrow.
    I did not see anything in the https://www.lotro.com/forums/calendar.php calendar.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Nydhogg View Post
    Turbine has never done that.

    When the Yule festival starts, it'll be available for everyone on the server. The game isn't doing a location check oh you're playing from Australia you can start now, oh you're in America you have to wait til tomorrow. When it gets turned on, it's turned on for everyone. So if Turbine says 8th, it'll be the 9th for others. That's why weekend events always start on Thursday, cause it's already Friday for others. This particular event seems to be running from Thursday-Wednesday for Americans, so that'll be Friday-Thursday for Australians.
    At no moment i said that the game start the event to customize the players hour. You tried to read too much between the lines. What I said is that turbines have started the events in the past 1 day earlier. My question that was very clear & already got answered by the CM, is if they will follow that tradition this time, or the date announced (by USA east coast hour).
    Last edited by YamydeAragon; Dec 08 2016 at 12:12 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    At no moment i said that the game start the event to customize the players hour. You tried to read too much between the lines. What I said is that turbines have started the events in the past 1 day earlier. My question that was very clear & already got answered by the CM, is if they will follow that tradition this time, or the date announced (by USA east coast hour).
    Well sorry for just trying to be helpful. Your question isn't as clear as you think though. You said for some people it's already the 8th and asked if turbine would start it for them. With them I assumed you were referring back to the people where it is the 8th. I wasn't reading between the lines, I was just reading the line.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontcare789 View Post
    If youll notice that is on BR. Not live. No mention of any update(u19.2 cant go live in its current state it will eliminate all pvp) any time soon so I am going to wager thats on BR only unless its hidden on live and needs to be turned on.
    Haha 'eliminate all pvp' you know what has eliminated pvp on our server? Hunters camping grams in stealth and 1-shotting ANY creep that tries to leave. We are recording hits at above 150k regularily. So I hope this does go live, cause at this point we need something to balance the field.

  20. #20
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    The current time on the server is 12/08 10:20 AM.

    Any1 info about the event?

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by AaylaKheledlire View Post
    The current time on the server is 12/08 10:20 AM.

    Any1 info about the event?
    I see no flower drop increase buff icon on my toon. There is neither a world message anouncing the start of the event nor a mail. Will start exploring the zone in a bit to see if there is any sort of change on drop rate or whatever.

    Have Turbines forgot to activate the event this morning?

  22. #22
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    I've been picking flowers for over an hour. I see no difference in drop rates.

    However, I am pretty sure that there are MANY more spawns and they are CLOSER together. But if that's the extent of this "North Ithilien Event," that's pretty disappointing.

    Anyone notice anything different?

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino-Man View Post
    I've been picking flowers for over an hour. I see no difference in drop rates.

    However, I am pretty sure that there are MANY more spawns and they are CLOSER together. But if that's the extent of this "North Ithilien Event," that's pretty disappointing.

    Anyone notice anything different?


    Pretty much the same. Is this it? Just a few more flowers?

  24. #24
    CaerArianrhod's Avatar
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    albeit the event is really a very nice idea... unfortunately it is going terrible wrong acually, since many players try (at least) to participiate. the result is: much - really much - less flowers to gather.

    so the current bill looks so: more flowers + more players = less flowers.
    Last edited by CaerArianrhod; Dec 08 2016 at 12:36 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Excuse me, what event? Cordovan posted something about Bonus from the 11th, but how can that be tomorrow since my time is currently 17:51 on the 8th of december. ??
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