What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
How many rusty daggers each team can fish during their summer derby!
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
Beard-ruffling. Only the most elegant and graceful of all beard rufflers stand a chance.
Every christmas, Pelargir and Umbar meet up and have a friendly game of football.
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
The lords of Pelargir and Umbar come together every few years for a good old game of Battleship! The winner gets to destroy the enemy fleet for real!
(Maybe that's how Thorongil did it...)
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
They have an annual flower picking competition.
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
Well, think Mad Max, but with ships.
Pirate look alike contest
“The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.”
? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
They have a contest to see who can catch the most Unlikely Fish.
Member of the Vocal Minority
It's kind of a combination of Walk the Plank and Blind Man's Bluff
A contest to see who knows their history better
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
Boat races. But with toy boats made of tinfoil.
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.
Diving for Palantiri.
Eating taters. Both are not used to them; so it is a real challenge, who can get down the most. Referee of this event is of course a Halfling.
Greetings, Polymachos
Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
Awkward Anomalities Arena in Breeland Homesteads, 6 Long Street, Ersward (Landroval) - Elderslade under attack!
Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has
What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
Every spring they celebrate "Prolific Pink Day" and everyone wears pink, drinks pink ale, paints pink flowers on their homes and rune-keeper try to find spells to make their bubbles pink instead of that ugly yellow!
"Pink makes EVERYTHING better! Cept Orcs or gobbies. Nothin' can make them better!"
Tearna Quickfoot, Hobbit minstrel on Landroval
Lonely Mountain Band
Nice combo on the Anorien Herald!
Material Middle Earth
It's an annual singing competition.
If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age.
-George Burns
Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world, there's someone pulling a door that says "PUSH"
A Drinking Contest see who ever gets drunk faster and tries archery to hit the target dead center! wouldn't be easy while drunk...
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
I'm from Rivendell, so I don't knowWhat is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?
"What is a little-known contest between Pelargir and Umbar that only its residents are aware of?"
The Great Belfalas Bake-Off
Taramthir of the Laiquendi Order
May the Light guide your steps till next we meet
Pelargir and Umbar have a long tradition of cardio training contests!
The running around you might see when going there is not random, they're practicing.
The sorcerers of Umbar take on the Pelagir Thieves guild, annually, to see which of them can produce the best 'sawing a Halfling in half' illusion.
What makes it difficult for the sorcerers is that the halfing has to be hale and hearty, afterwards.
They exchange taunts via messages in bottles cast into the bay.
They count ships if you know what I mean
Gilnaure Shrewmouse, Of Mirkwood. At your service!
Landroval | Brotherhood of Steel & Radagast's Pipe & Watchers of Mindon | @Gil_Shrewmouse
An exciting game of tag.