What is my current character goal? To finish it.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
What is your current character goal?
To fall from Minas Tirith's promontory point and survive, unbroken.
XanThorr the Well-Met
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup"
~~Beeornfree 116 Beorning of Evernight~~Xanthorr-1 111 High Elf Hunter of Evernight
~~Beeornfree 98 Beorning of Gladden~~Xanaxier 105 Guardian of Gladden~~Xanthorr-1 104 Hunter of Gladden
~~Beeornfree 108 Beorning of Landroval
~~Beeornfree 60 Beorning of Arkenstone~~Xanthorr 35 High Elf Hunter of Arkenstone
~~Beeornfree 29 Beorning of Brandywine~~Xanthorr 30 High Elf Hunter of Brandywine
~~Beeornfree 29 Beorning of Crickhallow~~Xanthorr 37 High Elf Hunter of Crickhallow
~~Beeornfree 64 Beorning of Anor~~Xan 51 High Elf Hunter of Anor
What is your current character goal?
To simply walk into Mordor.
attempting to reach kindred with gondor factions
Get get back into grind mode, seems endless. One toon down, 11 more to go.
What is your current character goal?
World domination ......... of the pie eating contest!
To rise from the ashes of Mordor!
My current character goal?
To actually reach end-game instead of creating yet another alt!
Seriously, guys. I have a problem...
Hello. My name is EB64, and I'm an alt-oholic.
To finish all the deeds in Mordor![]()
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
"What is your current character goal?"
To learn how to run Naerband T2 and take as many kinnies through as possible!
Celordal: 130 RK, Galynna: 130 champion, Tiluriel: 130 LM, Jaenoviel: 120 captain, Aethyria, 120 hunter, and a few other toons -- Tortoise Society of Middle Earth, Brandywine; Lots of other alts
What is your current character goal?
Gearing up for the raid.
Finally get my main to level cap level 105. What...they moved it again!!??
To begin writing my meta-story...
Permanently retired. Was Kibilturg, Guardian of Imladris (then Landroval & Crickhollow) and ~40 alts.
Hunter: get enough morale to run CoS without dying. Lore-Master: Finish collecting trait points in Rohan. Minstrel: get the legacies I want on my new LIs.
The Abyss of Mordath world fist.What is your current character goal?
People have goals for their characters? Sound too much like work to me...
"...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"
To reach my personal madness : all the quests.
Ignorance is blessing.
My character's current goal is to win a golden ring in the lootbox lottery so he does not have to farm ashes.
some day have all the pve meta deeds done![]()
To be able to run the new instances on-level and actually be of some use to my fellows instead of dying immediately.
My goal is to enjoy every aspect of the game! Everything! I love this game!
Moved from Nimrodel to Arkenstone!Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! Pew-Pew-Pew!
Kinship member of Arnor's Legacy
Current goal is to get the Steed of the North Ithilien Wilds, as well as finish the Ivar's Champions deed! Just a few more days...
What is your current character goal? To bring my three high-ish level characters up to 115.