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  1. #1
    Tybur's Avatar
    Tybur is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Jun 2011

    Bullroarer Update 21.3 - Beta #7 - More Raid polish

    Welcome to our seventh open preview of Update 21.3. These notes are for Bullroarer, released on Friday December 8th. Both the notes and the update are a work in progress, so you should expect things will change over time. We look forward to hearing your feedback and receiving your bug reports. The server is expected to remain available through noon-ish (server time) Monday 12/11.

    Please feel free to copy your current live character to Bullroarer using the LIVE transfer wizard. Any characters created or copied over the last month remain intact. Please remember that deleting a character will not allow you to re-copy from live worlds.

    Focus for this Beta:
    Please join us this weekend and provide feedback on The Abyss of Mordath Raid. Any changes due to bug reports or feedback not included in next week's release will be in an upcoming patch.

    Changes since last beta:
    • Monster Player physical and tactical mitigation corruptions were increased.
    • Various Gorgoroth leggings (including the new Raid gear legs) should now properly accept dye colors.
    • Several elements of the Fingar boss fight were modified.
    • Runekeeper Gloves of the Abyss now correctly have tactical instead of physical mastery.
    • Crit defense/outgoing healing bonuses on most (non-tank non-mainheal) raid set armor pieces swapped out for either physical or tactical mastery.
    • 'This Floor is Lava' now does something when you walk on it.
    • The Runekeeper yellow setbonus now stacks properly with traited writ ability.
    Last edited by Tybur; Dec 10 2017 at 03:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    just lol


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Please join us this weekend and provide feedback on The Abyss of Mordath Raid.
    It goes live on Monday, wth difference does it make now?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Denhith View Post
    It goes live on Monday, wth difference does it make now?
    Because they need to know for the upcoming patches and hotfixes later in the week. /Sarcasm

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Pinion has broken boss 1 on tier 2.

    Bloods spirits having BOTH an AoE heal and random attacks means the bosses getting healed, and 9 minute enrage timer does not allow for this mechanic to work.
    Last edited by Hallandil; Dec 09 2017 at 05:03 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hallandil View Post
    Pinion has broken boss 1 on tier 2.

    Bloods spirits having BOTH an AoE heal and random attacks means the bosses getting healed, and 9 minute enrage timer does not allow for this mechanic to work.

    Valanduin [Champ] & Valanduir [Warden] & Valanur [RK]
    Gwaihir [EU-DE] | Die Reiter von Rohan

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    You guys will never ever cease to amaze me. A beta for something being released on Monday. /head-desk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    First time I've ever played a game where a big part of the playerbase don't want an update (me included). Ssg has just shown that player feedback is pointless. At least be honest and say you don't give a s**t about a huge part of your customers and push changes out against their will. Be honest and clarify if it's actually you in ssg calling the shots anymore or just the investment firm controlling daybreak (or the russian corporation behind them) that is in control and push changes to promote loot box keys?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    With this whole bound trend and loot box trend you at ssg seem to push now. I have to repeat something I posted in general forum.You obviously don't read feedback there. Not that it seems you read it here either. Still here I go, as it seems that money is the only thing that couns. I obviously have to vote with my wallet. At least now I have cancelled my subs on 5 accts. As well as not getting the mordor expac for 4 of those accts. I put that on hold when I started seeing the patch notes a while back. Now I know that was the right decision. Money saved for me and less for you/ssg/daybreak. I won't keep financially supporting a company that clearly ignores such a large portion of their player base feedback and push changes through that no one asked for and very few wants. I'll stay premium and f2p until I see major positive changes from ssg/daybreak.Any lp I will use to buy anything from now on will be from grind in game and not bought by real money anymore.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    [[*]Monster Player physical and tactical mastery corruptions were increases

    Holy #### take it in ssg dosnt even know the difference between mastery and mitigation (the mit corruptions got boosted not mastery)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Raid polish?

    Ok so about the raid.

    1st boss: Blood spirits heal is too much soon as they get close to the main boss they heal that boss to cap right away. To out DPS thous heals raid whit 2 tanks and 2 healers(not included thease calculations) all others (DPS,CC,Cappys) should do about 300k DPS each.

    Then 2nd boss: Sarog hits can't be avoided whit parry,block evade (even before the debuff that takes away your avoidances) in all tries (10+) i got 1 block and 1 partial block from boss(i did tank on cappy and even when i used fighting withdrawal what makes my parry change 79% i didn't get any parrys ) and adds hit way too hard there is no change to out heal when all adds have spawned. And there is no time to nuke adds and boss before fog wall has pushed u from the edge.

    3rd boss we didn't try but i did hear from another kin that even that challenge is done like quest says it says challenge failed at the end. But that only something i did hear but i wasn't there so maybe not so reliable info(but i would still look in to that).

    In my opinion the raid going to live next Monday is not an option. Broken bosses and challenger tittle missing, thous should be fixed before it goes live. I do not see any reasons why raid should be put out in such a rush even that is is late from its release date. I think it is worse when it is little bit late from release date & broken than it is even more late from release date but it works. Or is the reason that you don't get enough peoples to test raid on bulroarer & palantir and that way you don't get enough information about bugs and broblems and you release it broken to live to make it ''3rd test server'' and hope you get more information from live player base? Then fix and add challenger tittle?? If that is the case maybe you should advertise test servers little bit more (mayby in launcher window or something).

    That is all what i got to say about this raid ''polish'' patch
    (Hope that text is not too hard to understand, English is not my native language)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Life not ends after they release raid with not fully tested bosses. Like not ideal. Not only 90-60-90 womans exist, we have plus size womans too. Life not ends if they release hotfix. May be they ordered to release bosses before christmas time and don't have enough time to test them even more

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Having seen more dev interaction with the playerbase in the last 3-4 months than in the prior 5-7 years it is sad that despite that, you intend to roll out a raid that is beyond broken, meanwhile the 6man is still utterly unplayable and the 3man has a number of bugs left to resolve, too.

    This isn't to say that current levels of dev acknowledgement of issues and/or interaction with the playerbase are anywhere near what is acceptable in my opinion (no, I'm not deluded and I don't think we should all have our own personal dev shoulder to cry on).

    Any news on the following?

    - Massively broken/borderline unplayable PVP
    - Insane lag all over the game, 10-20 second pauses in the middle of boss fights because there are more than three players logged onto Arkenstone at the same time
    - Immediate bug, cause being the above mentioned lag and/or just pressing the skill slightly too fast
    - Insanity-tier grind for LIs (about to be massively exacerbated by CoS being a daily run soon)
    - Insanity-tier grind for ashes
    - Insanity-tier grind for virtues
    - Massive class imbalance
    - Huge list of poorly/non-scaled class elements and skills
    - Plethora of other issues that desperately require attention


    Edit: Added poor class scaling.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    If you release the raid like that u might just aswell shut down the game

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    What I find hilarious is that with the current state of raid lootboxes seem to be the source of BiS gear until the raid will get fixed. I do not think that it is an intended move to push keys sales before Christmas, but it does not look very nice.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy_X View Post
    I won't keep financially supporting a company that clearly ignores such a large portion of their player base feedback and push changes through that no one asked for and very few wants.
    Let's not forget they actually went through with the 1 day locks on the new instance ( yes in singular, since its the only one working), so we paid for content they wont allow us to enjoy and play, even when everyone in the forums and in-game were complaining against. They give us so little end game content and then they give us locks so we can't even play it.

    Might as well play it like a facebook game, log in, pick up daily reward, log off to do something else that is actually fun.

  17. Dec 10 2017, 12:06 PM

  18. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Base mits still aren't buffed enough. Corruptions didn't need the buff, base stats did. Incoming healing is still missing, Finesse is still horrible, and Burglars/Hunters still need a Moors specific nerf.
    ~Rank 11 Loremaster, Arkenstone~

    ~Rank 14 Warg, Arkenstone~

  19. #18
    Tybur's Avatar
    Tybur is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sahanto View Post
    [[*]Monster Player physical and tactical mastery corruptions were increases

    Holy #### take it in ssg dosnt even know the difference between mastery and mitigation (the mit corruptions got boosted not mastery)
    I'm sorry, that was a typing error on my part. It should have said "Monster Player physical and tactical mitigation corruptions were increased."

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    I'm sorry, that was a typing error on my part. It should have said "Monster Player physical and tactical mitigation corruptions were increased."
    Boss 1 in Abyss:

    Blood spirits heal should be removed
    You should consider any further buffs of that fight because it really doesn't need it. Atm the boss feels way too overtuned.

  21. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Tybur, Cordovan,


    To much of it, can you remove a pull or two please.

    Boss 1

    Needs to be a middle ground with the spirits, they can't be tanked, CC'd or interrupted now.
    Spider has directional issues and seems to get stuck in a lot of places. The boss arena allows players to trap mobs in various places.

    Boss 2

    Again needs to be middle ground with the adds, needs a review.

    Boss 3


    [EU] Evernight

  22. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    remove the random aggro from the bloated pits crawler (?)

    Boss 1:
    reduces the heal of the spirits to 1%

    There is a problem that debuffs resist too often (115k finess and 30-50% resist)

    Boss 2:
    increases the time to 50sec. between the guards spawns

    make his attacks avoidable and much weaker but more frequented

    reduces wages of fear dmg by 20%

    add a debuff image to the eye

    reduces b/p/a on the Boss, he avoid too much so it takes too long to remove corruptions

  23. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Please please decrease resist of first bosses. 160k finesse and I still get resisted at critical times!

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Tybur, Cordovan or anyone else reading this.... (or not)

    Raid in general:
    I don't think the raid can be fixed in a matter of days, nor do I hope that raid will be active until next year. I would like a clarification why you are launching stuff this fast?
    I think the majority of people is asking for content that works, not for content that actually does not work. See this as an update to Dungeons of Naerband for now and do raid release a few weeks later.

    I know we have been waiting for a long time to actually get content, but content where bosses are not working as intended or where some things are not even implemented correctly does not make me really like playing it.
    There is entirely no point releasing a raid where effects are not working as intended or where fights end up being RNG.

    About the raid....
    Trash towards first boss is way to long..... Is there a reason to these mobs or do we see like any effects of them back in a later stadium? Because if not, then there is also not a reason really to have so many mobs....
    The only effect I can think of is the corruptions from the Shadowy Remnant on the 2nd boss. The only way of having this much trash is to put another boss in between those adds somewhere, that would make the amount of trash pulls maybe fine.

    About first boss the damage seems already overtuned so the heals on the bloodspirits is entirely unnecessary. Personally for raiding kins this boss is managable, but for any other casual kinship impossible even without the heals on the bloodspirits. Bosses have increased morale at this point so you should already get ahead of yourselfs to make it before the enrage timer appears. Just remove the heals on the bloodspirits, or make it possible to aggro them. Only way to overcome first boss at this point is to get mobs(bloodspirits) stuck in a certain position so they are not capable of reaching other mobs anymore. The latter could work, but is still RNG and not intended.

    Trash to 2nd boss is not to long. Should stay this way.

    Second boss seems overtuned, currently the Enchroaching Shadow-Guards are doing way to much damage and they stack up way to fast as their moralepool is a bit to hard to overcome as the wall is closing in, while spawning new adds. Maybe you can look into their morale, or into the morale of the spawning bitter remnants(if you give them a lower moralepool adds might be managable) Also the amount of damage from wages of fear seems to be doing a lot of ''unintended'' damage? Nor is there a clear explanation for a fear while tanking the Shadow-Guards (even though this can be countered pretty easily with SI).

    Trash to 3rd boss. It is only 3 trash pulls if you don't care about the page. Is about right and looks like an interesting set of adds.

    Third boss has no clear challenge at this point, look into this. Also there are some spots where you die to misadventure. For the rest a boss with more then 200 million morale and thats just a tank a spank is not hard, but just torture for the ones clearing it. Seems a bit like a Tank n' Spank.

    Last thing I want to talk about is the challenger title. The entire QQ and #### about the title wants to make you rethink about the title... What about just deleting it? Will give you no reason to QQ at all..... Why need such a title anyway? A lot of people getting a stiffy about it, because they can show how good they are or what? Never understood the main purpose of this title anyway. Knowing from throne that the title was even bestowed on a german kin for actually not completing it(Gothmog), is another reason not to give out such titles. Also the fact that you were originally planning to launch the title in a later stadium means that whoever updates the client fastest has the biggest chance on getting it.

    No.... you defeated the entire purpose of a title and therefore you should delete it.

    Rebalancing is hard, but you keep going in cycles, as do people nonstop QQ about the fact it is not balanced. The only way to balance pvp at this point is to balance the game at first. If you don't do this, you cannot balance pvp.

    Thats all I have to say for now....

  25. Dec 11 2017, 03:13 AM
    falscher post



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