Originally Posted by
Not by me.
I don't see any reason to make it secret. Except for one: developers reserve the right to silently manipulate and change loot tables on server. Which I call is not fair and is cheating, I mean silent side.
It is so they can regulate the numbers without people losing it every single time. Like when they would buff lootbox drop rates for weekends and so. Why anyone would need to know the drop rate is beyond me, you either get it or you don't. I spent hours killing slugs hoping to get the new creep skins when they released. It wouldn't have made a difference if I knew the odds or not. And yes, they dropped for me. Example: This item has a 25% to drop and you still don't get it on the 8th or 10th try, whatcha gonna do? "but it says its 25% ermagawd"
"...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.