Not sure whether using the Aria itself now gives all the Rohan points, but the tome is missing two of them.
Not sure whether using the Aria itself now gives all the Rohan points, but the tome is missing two of them.
Dagoreth (Warden) and Belechannas (Lore-master) of Arkenstone
< No Dorfs >
Fighting the Dorf menace to Middle Earth since 2008
Two quests were excluded from the Rohan tome to prevent issues that would arise from completing them. Completing those quests (The Broadacres Betrayed / Woodhurst Has Fallen) would have blocked advancement in later quests (due to unavailable NPCs).
This is also why Blood for Blood could not be included in the Gondor tome.
This doesn't make any sense. Why can't you just grant access to the points without completing the quests?
It's obviously possible, since on beta you can auto level and have all of your class points granted, but the skill deed still starts up and is able to be advanced and completed for TP, it just wont grant anymore points.
I have been tanking 115 stuff as a 73 trait point DW champ because I have been too busy elsewhwere to go dive into Rohan,,etc for my missing points. I had no idea the quest ones were in their own separate tome. Thanks for the heads up! I totally should have figured this out myself.
SSG: I love this game and intend to keep giving you money. Please add a way to enter or climb the Stone Tower housing decoration from Rangers of Esteldin, that I may then reach the top.
Dagoreth (Warden) and Belechannas (Lore-master) of Arkenstone
< No Dorfs >
Fighting the Dorf menace to Middle Earth since 2008
Cordovan, Please check with your team, I used the AoV on a Burglar in November and began questing in Kingstead but did not complete (roughly 32/50 Quests done)
A few yes or no questions, if you can answer, regarding What will happen to my Burg when I login:
will the Rohan quests be completed?
will I get my Trait points automatically?
Do i have to visit my Burglar class trainer NPC and buy them?
Ty for any clarification/Guidance you can provide.
Thank you for the explanation but as others have pointed out we would rather have the 3 trait points (and forego being able to do the quests).
Perhaps you can just add red warning text to the current tome description or make an additional tome for the missing 3 trait points so players have a choice if that is absolutely critical.
Knight | Captain | Arkenstone
Maybe the audience for this game has fundamentally changed, wouldn't surprise me. . . but SSG's erring on the side of caution here and leaving those quests do-able is in line with prior hues and cries from the community when anything has ever been made un-doable/impossible. I'm thinking, especially, about the "Tracking an Old Goat" debacle.
If the Rohan Trait Points were given and that made Rohan quests un-doable. . . based on those prior experiences, I would expect eventual outrage when it is discovered that a beloved character is now in a situation where they can't ever experience "everything". . . yes, even in the case where they used an Aria. There's no accounting for taste, consistency, or rationality.
As such, if I'm understanding the situation correctly, you'd think the solution might be to alter where and how the Trait Points are granted in Rohan. But, then again, that might affect sales.
P.S. It's news to me that Rohan Trait Points are now available for sale or are now part of the Aria. So if the above is all wrong or based on an addled understanding of things on my part, my apologies. And please ignore.
Except the Aria/tome already completes some quests (quite important ones, in fact, the culmination of each zone's storyline), so that ship has sailed.
If there is a series of quests (A, B, C), such that
A -> B -> C
Where A and C have trait point rewards, it is absurd to grant completion of C, but not grant completion of A because doing so would prevent you from doing B.
As I understand it (and as I remember the Rohan quests) that is what DarthCeltics said.
Dagoreth (Warden) and Belechannas (Lore-master) of Arkenstone
< No Dorfs >
Fighting the Dorf menace to Middle Earth since 2008
The Aria already completes a big chunk of quests in Rohan and Gondor, and comes with the red text warnings that those quests will become unavailable if the tomes (with aria) are used. It's just two parts that do not complete. One in Rohan and one in Gondor. They are no different to the other parts that the tomes auto-complete for the character. Leaving these two out means leaving a couple of trait points that players will want, and to get them, they will need to have the HD expac and Gondor.
Speaks for itself.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
Just curious.. do these tomes actually complete the quests and give you LOTRO points for completing the quest deeds and stuff? (And also giving you the rep from the quests)
I've no idea if it gives any rewards such as LP, deeds virtues for sure, but I'd presume, because it gives the warning that these quests will become unavailable to actually do, that isn't the case, and it's just virtual completion and the associated trait point. I've never used a valar, but I've read the tooltip on the tomes (linked in chat).
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
Thank you for the info. However, it would be really helpful to have a summarized overview from SSG what traits are incuded in the Aria in the current version - including additional tomes bought at the class vendor - and which are not. Otherwise it's manually comparing the lotro wiki class trait list with multiple pages of the deed log. Preferably in the form of an article. Or am I missing some official info about that?
Kind regards
Here's the console output from using the Gondor and then the Rohan ones. . . (I have an Aria'd Minstrel on my kid's account. . . came with Mordor and was curious how it all works. . .)
You purchased [Deed Tome - Gondor Quests] for 2 silver pieces.
New Quest: Ashes and Stars, Chapter 4
Ashes and Stars, Chapter 4
You've earned 173,040 XP for a total of 59,741,651 XP.
Item: Minstrel's Club of the Third Age has just reached level 10. The item received 10 Legendary Points (Total:90).
Item: Minstrel's Club of the Third Age requires reforging before it can advance any further.
Item: Minstrel's Songbook of the Third Age has just reached level 10. The item received 10 Legendary Points (Total:90).
Item: Minstrel's Songbook of the Third Age requires reforging before it can advance any further.
Item: Light Bridle of the Third Age has just reached level 10. The item received 10 Legendary Points (Total:90).
Item: Light Bridle of the Third Age requires reforging before it can advance any further.
You've earned 29,576 item XP.
You've earned 160,306 Steed XP for a total of 160,306 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 6.
You have gained 9 War-steed trait points.
Your reputation with Rangers of Ithilien has increased by 1,200.
You've earned 78 silver pieces and 70 copper coins for quest completion.
You have acquired the Spur On skill.
You have acquired: [5 East Gondor Silver Pieces].
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
New Quest: A Ruthless End
A Ruthless End
You've earned 108,150 XP for a total of 59,849,801 XP.
You've earned 100,190 Steed XP for a total of 260,496 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 8.
You have gained 2 War-steed trait points.
Your reputation with Men of Ringló Vale has increased by 900.
You've earned 39 silver pieces and 35 copper coins for quest completion.
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
New Quest: Sons of the Usurper
Sons of the Usurper
You've earned 108,150 XP for a total of 59,957,951 XP.
You've earned 100,190 Steed XP for a total of 360,686 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 10.
You have gained 5 War-steed trait points.
Your reputation with Men of Lebennin has increased by 900.
You've earned 39 silver pieces and 35 copper coins for quest completion.
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
New Quest: Faltharan's Confrontation
Faltharan's Confrontation
You've earned 64,888 XP for a total of 60,022,839 XP.
You've earned 60,114 Steed XP for a total of 420,800 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 11.
You have gained 1 War-steed trait point.
Your reputation with Pelargir has increased by 900.
You've earned 39 silver pieces and 35 copper coins for quest completion.
You have acquired: [3 Central Gondor Silver Pieces].
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
Item use succeeds.
New Deed: Quests of Ringló Vale
New Deed: Quests of Lebennin
You have acquired the Quick Stop skill.
You have acquired the Break Free skill.
You purchased [Deed Tome - Rohan Quests] for 2 silver pieces.
New Quest: The Road to Dunharrow
The Road to Dunharrow
You've earned 13,382 XP for a total of 60,036,221 XP.
You've earned 55,790 Steed XP for a total of 476,590 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 12.
You have gained 1 War-steed trait point.
Your reputation with The Eorlingas has increased by 500.
You've earned 36 silver pieces and 95 copper coins for quest completion.
New Deed: Quests of Kingstead
You have acquired: [Westemnet Iron Coin].
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
New Quest: All Roads Lead Back to Aldburg
All Roads Lead Back to Aldburg
You've earned 19,672 XP for a total of 60,055,893 XP.
You've earned 58,578 Steed XP for a total of 535,168 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 13.
You have gained 1 War-steed trait point.
Your reputation with The Eorlingas has increased by 500.
You've earned 37 silver pieces and 15 copper coins for quest completion.
You have acquired: [Westemnet Iron Coin].
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
New Quest: To Helm's Deep
To Helm's Deep
You've earned 25,106 XP for a total of 60,080,999 XP.
You've earned 74,764 Steed XP for a total of 609,932 Steed XP.
Your War-steed's level has changed to 14.
You have gained 1 War-steed trait point.
Your reputation with The Helmingas has increased by 700.
You've earned 38 silver pieces and 15 copper coins for quest completion.
You have acquired: [Westemnet Iron Coin].
You have gained 1 Class trait point.
Item use succeeds.
New Deed: Quests of the Eastfold
New Deed: Survivor of the Long Night
You have arrived at Helm's Deep in time for the siege
New Deed: Quests of the Westfold
Unbelievable. When I heard that the AoV would grant all the Rohan and Gondor points I thought about using the AoV I got with Mordor to boost my old Minstrel who's in the Stonedeans.
Guess that won't be happening.
I'm a bit confused. I bought Mordor several weeks ago. Beyond the trait points for leveling, it also came with the class deed tome. None of the Rohan or Gondor traits were included. In fact, I just spent days grinding those quests to get my Rohan points. Now I was about to start grinding the Gondor ones.
Is there a tome I can buy at the store to bypass grinding the Gondor quests? That would be super awesome.
EDIT: Well, holy ####. I just logged into the game and sure enough there were both the Rohan and Gondor tomes for 2 silver. I just saved myself hours and hours of quest grinding by reading this post! I could have saved potentially a lot more, but I'm still pretty happy to not have to grind the Gondor points now!!
Last edited by dmaker; Dec 12 2017 at 05:18 PM.
the whole point of giving us the Rohan and GOndor trait points is to skip those regions completely.
Just put a disclaimer "If you use this item, no West Rohan quests can be completed on this character"
Please add these quest completions back to the aria.
My Champ #2 who used the Aria coming with base Mordor will hold on using the quest tome till you properly fix it.
Permanently retired. Was Kibilturg, Guardian of Imladris (then Landroval & Crickhollow) and ~40 alts.