I was making a dwarf on Beta and many names i tried said i would be banned, and quite a few of the names i tried to use came from the random name generator, none which these names are bad at all, like the name "Fullvi" or "Balor" anyone else had issues with naming?
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
This is an odd one to me. Names from the random name generator were flagged?
Yes... although the random generator doesn't even generate them on Mac, but nearly every combo I've tried (both Free Peoples and Monster Play) was rejected, including names that I have on live servers... I think it's also in part due to the profanity filter problem (at least with the Mac client), which obscures every part of chat except item names, but Windows appears limited to just the naming. Item names are also rejected, same with pets and cosmetic pets.
Hoping these can be fixed in the next round
Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!
This is an odd one to me. Names from the random name generator were flagged?
This have happened on life servers as well & going on a while. I learned that i get better luck building creative names that aren't unflagged by doing them on my own than using the LOTRO name generator.
Profanity filter "gone rogue", even when disabled, everything in chat is obscured except item names. Seems to only affect the Bullroarer Client, as my live game is fine.
EDIT: Also, I still get "the name chosen contains vulgarity" when I rename items. Was it just character names that were fixed?
Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!
Profanity filter "gone rogue", even when disabled, everything in chat is obscured except item names. Seems to only affect the Bullroarer Client, as my live game is fine.
EDIT: Also, I still get "the name chosen contains vulgarity" when I rename items. Was it just character names that were fixed?
Good point, I'm not sure on the status of this Bullroarer bug on the Mac client.
I tried to use a name I use on live, Feahdros, and it also got flagged as vulgar.
Also, I know this *could* just be coincidence, but it also seems like right now there's waaaayy more names already in use than there normally is on BR. It seems literally almost everything I try, many names never even taken on live and I've never had problems getting on BR before even a day or two after it being up, were taken almost as soon as BR went up.
I'm also having issues with names. I upgraded some Legendary weapons today and was trying to rename the new weapons with the same names as the old weapons. Both are Sindarin and I have no idea why they're being flagged as inappropriate, especially since I was already using them in-game. I've been having similar problems with different names for different characters on different servers... so I was looking online to see if anyone knows what's up.
It appears that this has remained unresolved for a couple of months now.
I'm also having issues with names. I upgraded some Legendary weapons today and was trying to rename the new weapons with the same names as the old weapons. Both are Sindarin and I have no idea why they're being flagged as inappropriate, especially since I was already using them in-game. I've been having similar problems with different names for different characters on different servers... so I was looking online to see if anyone knows what's up.
It appears that this has remained unresolved for a couple of months now.
Yeah, a friend of mine is having issues with it, too. Alt names, kinship names...
This is an odd one to me. Names from the random name generator were flagged?
It has been like that for years. Ive seen dozens of random generated names denied for use.
Also I recently attempted to switch two names from Creeps who have had those inoffensive names for almost 6 years to find one was no longer available to use. I just didn't bother to recreate that Creep class. Essentially I gave a rank 6 creep to rename it from another Creep in the same account.