The State of the Expedition quest.
Somebody tell me where to pick up Follow Nori's trail in this quest. I cannot seem to find the starting point. Any help is appreciated.
The State of the Expedition quest.
Somebody tell me where to pick up Follow Nori's trail in this quest. I cannot seem to find the starting point. Any help is appreciated.
As long as you're at least level 116, find a Messenger of Erebor. You can find them outside Jarnfast, on the steps of Erebor, in the Great-keep of Dale, or near the Stable-master in Dale.
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"A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it." - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin
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As to reply to what I at least think is Your acctual question. If You do have the quest and done all the other stuff, to gather backpacks etc inside Erebor. The follow up is just outside Erebor. Down the stairs (not just outside the hall itself but all the way out to the grass/road outside) then head to the side a bit by the water (not far, very near). HOWEVER the quest states You should visit and speak to him after dusk. Not sure if possible to speak to him and his party during daytime. Not tried that. Might have to wait until "after" dusk for it to be available. I hope that helps.
Last edited by Lord.Funk; Oct 18 2018 at 06:17 PM.
Definitely 116.
He lit up for me at 116.
It is logical, in view of the times in which we live. But to be logical is not to be right, and nothing on God's earth could ever make it right!
- Judge Dan Haywood