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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    IS this the (foreseeable future) end state for virtues?

    From the 23.1.4 patch notes,
    Virtues will now cap based on your character level, while maintaining the current cap of 20. Through level 10, Virtues cap at a rank of 2. The cap increases by one rank every five character levels, reaching a maximum of 20 ranks at level 96. Virtues earned above your current max rank will apply once you reach an appropriate level (up to the absolute cap of 20).

    I'm wondering if that cap of 20 is just because that's where it already was or if the plan is to effectively abandon virtues after level 96 (95?)?

    It just seems like that's a fairly easy pattern to extend to the current level cap, depending on how many points of virtues are actually available.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    From the 23.1.4 patch notes,
    Virtues will now cap based on your character level, while maintaining the current cap of 20. Through level 10, Virtues cap at a rank of 2. The cap increases by one rank every five character levels, reaching a maximum of 20 ranks at level 96. Virtues earned above your current max rank will apply once you reach an appropriate level (up to the absolute cap of 20).

    I'm wondering if that cap of 20 is just because that's where it already was or if the plan is to effectively abandon virtues after level 96 (95?)?

    It just seems like that's a fairly easy pattern to extend to the current level cap, depending on how many points of virtues are actually available.
    More likely they are going to make the virtues more worthwhile at level cap.?
    Or its an off shoot for the LS server affecting live. I have level 20 virtues on my level 75 turtle character. Total waste of time grinding them out now!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Er, what happens if you've bought Vrtues in the store?

    And, yes, it's probably a case of LS affecting how things are for everyone else. I suspect we will see more of this in the future.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    This is about low level LP farming

    I believe this is yet another move to make less easy the farming of LP at lower levels, decreasing the "OPness" of certain low mechanics. It also makes old-loot-box jewelry far less valuable. An on-level-10 necklace of the bear will have a hard time granting its wearer +3 Wisdom if the virtue is capped at 2.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by JimhadaUK View Post
    More likely they are going to make the virtues more worthwhile at level cap.?
    Or its an off shoot for the LS server affecting live. I have level 20 virtues on my level 75 turtle character. Total waste of time grinding them out now!
    Isn't that a good thing. All these grinds because of the store and now...
    I like this. No more worry about grinding all these deeds for virtues. Just play the game and have fun.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    My 120 Lore-master has all Virtues at 20, most with (+8) above that. I still pursue all Deeds because... they're there.

    What I'm worried about, are they going to wipe out that (+8)?
    It is logical, in view of the times in which we live. But to be logical is not to be right, and nothing on God's earth could ever make it right!
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    RIP Lootbox Animal Jewelry - and yes, what a ###### thing to do to people who have spent LP on virtues in the store. Here buy our thing! Oh sorry, can't use it now, thanks for the coin.

    I put a lot of time, effort and resources into my Tortoise Stone lvl 33 Hunter, just to see how far I could push my character in Tier 3 skirms and out in the landscape. I am quite vexed by this news.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    So even though there are enough deeds to complete on a level 75 character (as an example) to get many virtues to 18-20, they are going to be capped lower now? Dislike. If you want to do this on the "legendary" server then fine, but don't downgrade people on live who might have spent money on virtue ranks or the valar boosts which contain multiple ranks of them (Or people who have done a lot of deed grinding on mid level characters).
    Last edited by Hirandiel; Nov 05 2018 at 09:56 PM.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    By the math, a lvl 75 Character will have virtues capped at 15 - This change will affect almost every one of my characters negatively - I am really angry about this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    As I just wrote in another thread, even if I don't see the specific virtue change as anything necessarily bad, it is still bad in the way that why should now suddenly the Legendary Server changes have to affect the rest of the playerbase??? Just like people protest everytime a change is done to PvMP that also affects the rest, I don't understand how now the same people can think this is fine all of a sudden ???

    But the again, consistency has never been mankinds strongest side. Instaed people twist and turn the narrative to suit their own agenda and make up excuses to for their own opinions and actions. One day a paper writing something they don't agree with that paper is totally a sell out FAKE NEWSpaper. The next day when they have an article that agrees with the person, suddenly the same paper is said to be all about facts and can even be used as a link to showcase ones own narrative and as proof that the person was right.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Umpbear View Post
    . . . what a ###### thing to do to people who have spent LP on virtues in the store. Here buy our thing! Oh sorry, can't use it now, thanks for the coin. . . .
    And pity yellow line Beornings who ranked will to 18 for tactical mastery only to have it removed from will, and also those of us who ranked main stat 18, some ranks of which are store only, only to have mastery reduced from 8 per stat to 2 which makes the sum of our investment about the same as 1/4 of 1 stat on 1 piece of 120 gear.

    And, now virtues are capping - and good lotro lords another cap??? can't even festival now without cap dodging and skipped it on many chars because of it - what of low levels who bought trait slots? and who incline to sub to get them? I haven't seen scaling to know at what char level virtues become large enough to make trait slots appealing, but it seems very likely it will no longer be a priority at low levels.

    Does the Dept that makes these changes ever talk to the Dept who run the Store????

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Wow just wow. Man leave us be, I level cap all my toons and this deal here has to be far and away the most egregious theft of my time and effort I have put into this game. I'm about done.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Funk View Post
    . . . now suddenly the Legendary Server changes have to affect the rest of the playerbase??? Just like people protest everytime a change is done to PvMP that also affects the rest, I don't understand how now the same people can think this is fine all of a sudden ??? . . .
    It is concerning that live will be in any way affected by the LS. And it is well know that messing about with players' characters is unpopular and causes attrition. Decisions of late are of out-of-order that gotta wonder if someone from the in the works lotro snuck onto staff >.<

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I don't get why this would be necessary on the legendary server either, aren't they walling off non-SoA content that would allow one to have overly leveled virtues for the 'era'?
    Glosslang - Level 115 r7 Elf Champion, Arhathel (Soon to be 115 High Elf Captain), Brodesh - Level 80 r6 Dwarf Minstrel, Twoknives - R10 Reaver - Landroval.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Raymore View Post
    My 120 Lore-master has all Virtues at 20, most with (+8) above that. I still pursue all Deeds because... they're there.

    What I'm worried about, are they going to wipe out that (+8)?
    Nope. Your LM will be identical after the change with 20 (28) values for most virtues. If you had a level 90 LM with, say, 20 (24) for some virtues this patch would change that to 18 (24). When that LM hit 91 they'd got to 19 (24) and at 96 they'd cap out at 20 (24).
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Vitue effects always have capped at 20 right, anything over that was just there to apply if somehow you had a negative to a virtue in order to keep you capped at 20?

    I hope the change they are doing here is a sign that virtues stats are being worked on and hopefully being made more relevant to the current game system. They need some buffing.
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I have a feeling I'm not going to like this, no, not like it at all.
    I will wait to swing into full-on gripe gear until I see what it does, but you may want to prepare yourselves.....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The purchasable Racial Trait, Virtuous xxxxx, utility is mitigated at lower Character Levels now with these caps.

    So what are we getting, 23.1.4 tomorrow and then another down time on Thursday to bring up the Legendary Server with what a 23.1.5 or 23.2 or something?
    Last edited by Raymore; Nov 06 2018 at 01:28 AM.
    It is logical, in view of the times in which we live. But to be logical is not to be right, and nothing on God's earth could ever make it right!
    - Judge Dan Haywood

  19. #19
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Funk View Post
    As I just wrote in another thread, even if I don't see the specific virtue change as anything necessarily bad, it is still bad in the way that why should now suddenly the Legendary Server changes have to affect the rest of the playerbase??? Just like people protest everytime a change is done to PvMP that also affects the rest, I don't understand how now the same people can think this is fine all of a sudden ???

    But the again, consistency has never been mankinds strongest side. Instaed people twist and turn the narrative to suit their own agenda and make up excuses to for their own opinions and actions. One day a paper writing something they don't agree with that paper is totally a sell out FAKE NEWSpaper. The next day when they have an article that agrees with the person, suddenly the same paper is said to be all about facts and can even be used as a link to showcase ones own narrative and as proof that the person was right.

    Don't know about the scheme behind the changes on the virtues (just glad I never bought any or hunted them down^^) but I guess it is at least related to the sudden revival of the early/mid-game relevance for SSG because of that Server.

    Won't be the last thing to be changed on all Servers in my opinion. I assume the changes to the Belfalas housing instance Exit (now levelgated) were done because of that, too.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Derquin View Post
    ...I assume the changes to the Belfalas housing instance Exit (now levelgated) were done because of that, too...
    Ah yes, of course it was. *ding* Good catch and conclusion.

    So this is the path forward.

    Anything changed to please or fit with the Legendary Server playerbase or design will now affect all of us more or less. As I said before this sets a "bad" precedent for the future.

  21. #21
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by auximenes View Post
    Vitue effects always have capped at 20 right, anything over that was just there to apply if somehow you had a negative to a virtue in order to keep you capped at 20?

    I hope the change they are doing here is a sign that virtues stats are being worked on and hopefully being made more relevant to the current game system. They need some buffing.
    The change was simply made to fit with the Legendary Servers as some of those people have raised concerns that You could be Level 50 and have 20 virtue ranks unlocked and be OP. So this has nothing to do with buffing them or anything like that. Not originally anyway. It might get some work as a result and side effect of this attention but mainly it was done so people on the LS server wont have too high virtues at LvL 50.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This is kinda how it used to work. From what I recall they upped the virtue cap each expansion and kept it to cap/5 as the limit. This change mostly seems to reign in some of the power creep we’ve seen on levelling characters.
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  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    What I don't understand why we can reach maxvirtuerank with 96. Eiter they should unlock rank 20 with level 120 or they should increase the max rank with 120 a bit to r22.
    But if you give level based locks then the last should be at the endlevel.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Actually virtue cap has not always been 20. I remember times when it was in the 10s and raised with certain level raise updates. So at 120 it's clear (after their own formular of +1 per 5 levels) that virtue cap should be 24, going to 25 at lvl 121.
    There's some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    As noted in some of the posts above, this will have some unintended negative consequences, but it I still think this is another step in the progression to making LotRO a subscriber only game and getting rid of freebie LP. The Legendary server is going to become the only server in time.


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