Q: So how does this work if I was on Palantir before?
A: If you were part of the Preview Program prior to September of 2019 your account has been 'retired'. If you would like to be part of the program again, you must fill out the survey here asking to be reinstated.
This does not have to be a full-fledged application, just a statement of the required information and your desire to be part of the community again.
Q: Why can’t I apply unless I’m 18+??? I’m more mature than a lot of adults I know!!
A: We don’t like the age limit, either, but it’s a legal matter that we cannot bypass.
Q: Will a Mac client be available for testing?
A: As MacOS is no longer supported we do not have an installer for Palantir. If this platform is all that is available to you to play LOTRO you will not be able to participate in the program.
Q: How soon after applying will I know if I got in or not?
A: There is no set time limit. A post will be made in this thread when Application Acceptance Emails have been sent. That is your cue to check the email address you have registered with https://myaccount.standingstonegames.com and see if an Invitation has been sent to you. If you did not get an email, then your application was not accepted this round.
Q: I have a few infractions and even a little ban or two in my forum history. Can I still apply, or am I doomed?
A: People make mistakes, we understand that. Explain the situation as part of your application and we will take this into account.
What we are looking for is a community that can participate and interact with other people without resorting to insults and misbehavior to get their point across. Palantir is about being a safe place to state your opinion where others can be free to agree or disagree and not have to suffer consequences for it.
Q: If I have previous beta experience with LOTRO will that affect my chances in any way getting accepted into the Preview Program?
A: Unless you behaved in a less than constructive manner in that program, we can't see where it can hurt.
Q: Would I get a ported character, autoleveled character or a character to start from scratch?
A: The answer is 'yes'. All those choices are available to you. The Eyes and Guard Tavern, which you will be familiar with if you participated in any of our Beta Programs, Stress Tests, or on the Preview Servers, is usually open full blast 24/7. You can autolevel characters or start characters from scratch. We also offer character copies from the Live servers.
Q: If I do not get accepted the first time I apply, should I bother to reapply? If my original explanation wasn't enough to get me in, maybe I could include additional information and be accepted later on?
A: Yes, we definitely encourage this. We have had several participants that applied more than once. If, upon hindsight, you think your application may have been lacking, by all means revise it and try again. What we don’t encourage is submitting the exact same application each time. We do read every application, and if we deny acceptance the first time it's submitted, it will most likely be denied again.
Q: My (spouse/roommate/cat) doesn’t want to apply to Palantir, but I do. Can I tell my significant other(s) that I'm playing on Palantir?
A: We pretty much expect that people you live with or significant others are going to be aware of your participation. You have to make the call as to whether you can trust these people to keep that information to themselves, or use it against you.
While we aren't going to ban you if your housemates/companions learn you are on Palantir, if some confidential information was leaked and it was traced back to you then yes, it will affect you. This is a choice only you can make.
Q: But WHAT IF! Say my significant other was to log in on my Preview account and then on their OWN [Live] account say things about Palantir. They technically hadn't agreed to the NDA, so would they be held responsible for it?
A: Another party knowing about your participation is one thing. Those parties having access to your account is entirely another.
YOU are held ultimately responsible for maintaining the security of your Preview account. So you would be held responsible for the leak. Depending on the severity of the leak, the other party may also suffer repercussions to their own Live accounts as per the Violations Section of the Forum Guidelines:Originally Posted by LOTRO Forums Guidelines and Code of Conduct
19. Posting, reposting or linking to, any information, including but not limited to spoilers, screen shots, and videos of materials covered under a Non-disclosure agreement."
Q: Why should I bother with Palantir? I’ve been on Bullroarer and other SSG Beta programs – I’ve filed bugs and offered feedback and nothing was done. Clearly no one listens – it’s just a huge waste of time.
A: This is one of those questions that is difficult to answer because we can’t tell you the ins and outs of how things are prioritized or addressed here. All we can tell you is this program works – we’ve seen it work – and while it may not seem like it on the outside, all decisions are made with the best intentions for the game in mind.
Not all bugs you report will be fixed before the patch goes to Live. Not all feedback that you offer will be acted upon or implemented. However, this does not mean any of it is ignored or considered a waste. We have a schedule, we have to prioritize. Sometimes we make the right decisions, sometimes we don’t. But we all have the same goal – to make LOTRO the superior experience it deserves to be.
Q: How thoroughly is forum post history reviewed? Is it like a brief glance at the last 20 or so posts? Just wondering... cause as someone with 3000+ posts, not all of them can be "high quality" or whatever the criteria you guys use is.
A: We take a sampling of your posting as well as consult with the Online Community Representatives and Customer Service.
Q: Why no F2P members?
A: We simply do not have the resources to open the program to the entire LOTRO Community at this time. If, as time goes on, we find that we do we will explore the option of bringing in our Free to Play members as well.
If you have a question that is not answered here or somewhere else in this thread, feel free to post or send an email to lotropalantirpreviewprogram@st andingstonegames.com.
Please do not Private Message us with questions regarding the Program. We will not answer questions regarding this program through PM's.
In the meantime, just because you aren’t part of Palantir does not mean you cannot voice your opinion. These forums are here for you – use them!