the launcher still won't allow a patch. Unless I have a problem at my end. So the servers being up doesn't help us yet.
Does it saying anything at all when trying to patch or any errors? I cannot say if i have issues cause I'm doing a complete full install of LOTRO on a new PC
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
It gave the usual "still not ready to patch you fool - wait patiently" message. But as of two minutes ago it was willing to patch.
I am in no big hurry - I only mentioned it because usually the announcement that worlds have reopened comes after patching is possible so perhaps there was something they needed to know about. But that proves not to be the case.
I have attempted to patch for 5 times now (hoping that next time would work). Each time the launcher crashes at about 55% (after downloading lotroclient64.exe) and I get a message:
Failed to restart the launcher, error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
just posting to let you all know that patching worked for me like a charm.
If anyone is still having errors, perhaps try restarting the PC and try again.
If the issue persists, maybe repairing your client is needed? IDK.
I did 3 restarts between the 5 mentioned patching attempts.
I have not changed anything, I checked: the game has admin permissions (run as admin), all folders are exception/allowed through shields etc.
I did start repair as well (still running as it takes forever).
However, I can see that many other users have had this same problem for many years (which makes me worried).
Ok, the repair did not help.
After repair failed, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it from scratch and still to no avail.
Same error keeps happening.
Before the patch all was fine.
Please advise.
Note that there's a stage in the patching process when the launcher will accept your login and password, and then tell you they weren't accepted.
This is computerspeak for "We haven't finished patching yet."
Like most of us, I start attempting to log in half an hour (or more) before the announced up time, because frequently the worlds come up sooner than SSG said they would. This is not a bad thing.
But if the worlds aren't patched yet, you can type till your fingers are blue and nothing can happen. Go make breakfast (lunch, tea, dinner, depending on where you are) and come back in half an hour.
If, as happens sometimes, the process takes longer than anticipated, they'll put a message on the launcher and/or the forum.