I pray we get one more. At least..
launch next week lol
cant wait till i have to be within loincloth licking distance to hit aoe skills on my champ
pack it up lads hope's gone
Update 30 is currently expected to be released next week, so there will not be another preview of Update 30 content. We have other previews planned for the relatively near future, though.
why? there were still some major issues to resolve
Pause please!!!
The last builds had tons of bugs with many classes having multiple things broken! Beorning tooltips, Mini Anthems, Scaling Issues on new RK Dots weren't implemented. Please don't repeat Remmorchant where we start with an RK meta, some class balance comes in, and metas randomly change mid raid progression. Also the Guard, Red Bear, and Fire RK changes were still a bit too weak to be viable, another preview is very necessary.
The last patch that was on Bullroarer will not be what goes live, there will definitely be various edits and changes made. Whilst they probably aren't going to have every bug fixed before release some bugs likely will be fixed.
Constantly doing betas until absolutely everything is 100% without flaw isn't really something that any software company does.
~ Take the player, not the class ~
Why thank you, after 10 years of playing lotro and previewing content on BR I am kinda aware how the process works. The update had a very unfinished look in my opinion and I don't think it was given the polish needed before going live, as others (please read above) also feel. Ofc that's my personal opinion.
Hopefully guard will see a buff. At least some kind of adjustments on red line to be wanted on raids, if tanking won't be viable on it.
For landscape at least, all I ask is for Scenario to please, please, please be sure to remove the extra mountains east of Lothlorien in the War version of Dimrill Dale. I noticed they were still there on the previous build. They were sticking out of Caras Galadhon.
Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)
Rohan comes to my mind?
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
Thoughts of Blessings for Each of You. Ask God to help you.
Signup Date 3/31/2009
The class changes hardly even feel thought through, not to mention the bugs currently present. 2 bullroars is hardly enough time to iron out the kinks. Definitely need more betas.
What happened here? I thought we were going to get 4 testing periods initially. I don't feel the raid/class balancing is ready yet... why even have a beta server if you're just going to use live servers to do what should be beta testing?
I really think another round of BR would be for the better. The class changes still seemed like they need some notable tuning. Noone is going to be happy if you release it and things just feel unbalanced (looking at you, 1 button rk stack meta at the beginning of 130cap!)
Possibly omitted from build as focus was on raid/class balance but in last hr of last beta when I finally got on the changes to at the least small/large furniture slots weren't working. I bought a small Belfalas house and was unable to slot a large slot labelled furniture into a slot labelled small furniture. I had planned to test others + walls when beta next up in event that change wasn't active in that build so can but hope slot changes were omitted from the build as had already been found to be working perfectly.
With so many reporting issues it does seem strange to push out an update that seems guaranteed to annoy customers and require the same amount of time to fix post beta as in beta - hard to see what the upside is.
+1 to another round of Bullroarer testing!!
I expect another round, as I cannot believe that these captain changes are gonna be implemented.
- Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
- Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -
Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts
Would be nice to get one more week to test things with the latest batch of class changes- specifically the older content like AD and Remmo haven't really had their damages balanced according to the class changes yet.