Hi all. Would anyone happen to know if preorder has any advantages over ordering on launch day, aside from getting some stuff early?
Hi all. Would anyone happen to know if preorder has any advantages over ordering on launch day, aside from getting some stuff early?
"Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."
By pre-purchasing now you will get some of the bonus items right away, some with Update 30.3 (The 130 Valar in particular), and access to the Brawler when Update 30.3 is released. Otherwise, the bundles and prices will remain as-is through launch.
Thank you Cord! Very much appreciated! Gonna get it tonight.
"Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."
No, we have no plans to change the Dye Carry-All. I understand there're folks here who would prefer something else, but we wanted to include items that appealed to various different kinds of players in the Ultimate Fan Edition, so we expected that not every player was going to like every individual item.
You included useless carry all bag in my point of view. That's the problem. If you want player to be happy you should replace this bag by an item who let us choose what kind of carry all we want. Really.
30 day sub code in legendary edition should have been an awesome perk too. Like old turbine time.
I am really serious about it. No joke here. This made me buy base pack or wait 6 month or drive away lotro.
"No, we have no plans to change the Dye Carry-All. I understand there're folks here who would prefer something else, but we wanted to include items that appealed to various different kinds of players in the Ultimate Fan Edition, so we expected that not every player was going to like every individual item."
There are items I like - there are items I don't like (such as an almost useless third earring). I got the package despite the ones I had no use for - which includes the dye carry-all by the way. Every expansion the packages have a mix of good and bad.
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Kinda what I thought. I can't imagine that many people carry around that much die to begin with. So, a selection box for one of the carry-alls would have been nice. It would have made that bundle much more appealing to a wider range of people. I need a TASK carry all like there is no tomorrow and wish that would find its way to the store at some point. Hopefully SOON. If that was included in the ultimate edition, I might be tempted to buy it. I just don't need all the fluff that comes with it. Now if the task carry all was in the collectors edition, I would buy that for sure. Even though I wouldn't need the extra fluff from that bundle either. Since the darn task carry-all is so hard to get, it would definitely be worth it for me then.
Please put the task carry-all in the store !!!!!!!!!!! Even if you raise the price a little, I could live with that.
I have to agree with this. A selection box would have had me at least considering purchasing an upper tier. A dye-bag? I'm an avid pack-rat, and that doesn't even appeal to me. Selection box would fit everyone's preferences.
*shrug* That's just, like, my opinion, man.
Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
Landro: Trueheart Companions.
I have not yet bought any of the Gundabad editions, and I agree (I mean it kind of goes without saying) that a Carry-all selection box would make the Ultimate edition much more appealing.
Maybe they wanted to highlight the fact that a Dye-carry-all is coming, but they could have said that in the description (Carry-All Selection Box, choose from among any of the large Carry-alls, including all new Dye Carry-all).
After some more thought, I really find this extremely short sighted on your part. You have literally thousands of players who would pick any carry-all over the dye carry-all and maybe a hundred or so players that might like the dye carry-all. If you took two seconds to look at it like that, not putting in a selection box for any carry-all, really looks like a pretty poor decision on your part. You say you wanted to appeal to various kinds of people but by only having the dye carry-all in the utlimate bundle, you only appeal to one type of person ( and very few of those ) and eliminated everyone else who might have bought the ultimate bundle because they could choose any carry-all.