If in any hero - then would say 'lots of time traveling'. If within LOTR, will likely lead to 'gardening'
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to a horrible death
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to getting in their way.
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead all the way to the Undying Lands.
To Rivendell, of course.
Pie. While the value of pi is 3.14159, the value of pie to a hobbit approaches infinity, which has no keys on the keyboard. All adventures, all fights for hearth and home, ultimately are for family, which is perfectly expressed by one image -- pie.
Therefore, following my favorite hero's footsteps, while traversing Eriador and Rhovanion, and even Mordor and beyond, ultimately lead back to ....pie.
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to a zoological garden. Or Radagast's hut.
Greetings, Polymachos
Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
Awkward Anomalities Arena in Breeland Homesteads, 6 Long Street, Ersward (Landroval) - Elderslade under attack!
Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to...
...anywhere, as long as it's not towards my secret fishin' spot.
Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
Landro: Trueheart Companions.
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to "There and Back Again"
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to glory
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to shadows.
some nasty battles.
following my hero's footsteps would have me swan diving into Mt.Doom's lava pool
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to Mordor.
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to an infection. All of those miles travelling through marshes and forest are sure to do some damage to tender feet.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
To the Shire!
Best and safer place!
Since 2008
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to a really confused goat.......................... .......... Don't ask me why.
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to him ambushing you at sword point and asking "Why are you following me?!!"
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to me getting lost, because he doesn't leave many footsteps
Following in the footsteps of my favorite hero is likely to lead to a incapacitating misadventure.
Following in the footsteps of your favourite hero is likely to lead to OMG OMG OMG!
Following in the footsteps of your favorite hero is likely to lead to all the figments of splendour.