Yes its a bit nuts. I claimed over 200 boxes recently then had to log out purely because it made me sleepy. I have yet to open them.
They should increase the number of scripts per box by a massive margin IMO. People close to cap can store one box containing 5K scripts. We don't need that 5K spread over 100 boxes.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
A catch is that I expect them to offer other things in the repeatable part in addition to or instead of Ancient Script boxes; so there may be complications in having that repeatable tier just have one box with a variable amount of Ancient Script in it. Still, as I've claimed at least 100 of those boxes and am earning more on that account, it will be storage intensive to claim them all. Doubling that cap on Ancient Script would help some, as well.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
Well for once Im only being partly sarcastic when I say, maybe they can sell a large reward track box carryall in the store.
Is 222 from repeating 100 rank? And does it still only give ancient script boxes when we repeat it? (not there yet myself as playing low levels atm to reduce the rounds of "micro increase gear spam")
The other insanity is that there is nothing to buy with it once past need for yellow runes . . .
Yes, it just repeats over and over and the count of boxes - each containing 50 scripts - goes up each time. As there is nothing to buy, coupled with a currency cap, this creates quite the storage problem. It's becoming a theme here at LOTRO. Add currency with cap, couple that up with very little at the barter.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
Makes me glad I'm doing deeds and quests from lower level bands, on a high level so reward track progression is at a crawl.
Was there anything to stunt progression like this in in the past? The dev team clearly intend to slow character progression but the combination of caps + limited bartering options means a lot of storage occupation or trashed items.
Perhaps instead this repeatable quest could reward us with a stackable item or a wallet item that we can use to barter 50 ancient scripts with instead? Would entirely solve the space issue and allow people to use as needed instead of entirely lost currency.
I'm nearing 90 atm and the only way to somehow handle the track so far was to open the boxes as soon as they're claimed and redistribute the items between LI using alts - at least the runes stack.
Changes are certainly needed here, the main problems being the ever growing in-game use of the non-stackable "boxes" and those damm currency caps. A carry-all for carry-alls indeed...
Roaming Gladden since 2013
Spend your Ancient scripts buying maps to the Archive of traceries. 200 AS each. Post them on AH and you can turn AS into gold. People who never subbed dont have swift travel unlocked and it can be a bit of a hassle to get to Rivendell.
How is there nothing to buy with it?
If you're leveling an alt, ancient scripts are very useful, because you can buy yellow/ purple traceries which are good enough for leveling.
If you're max level you're going to need a lot of ancient scripts to spend your tokens (1000-1500 for gold, cant remember how much for blue).
By design traceries aren't needed for solo and you get lots of free ones while questing - But if you get duplicates you have to turn them into AS and we arrive back where we started.
Well you need the tokens first, and they're not exactly handed out frequently so you get lots of AS and no tokens. Now, if you could barter AS for the tokens, then we're talking.If you're max level you're going to need a lot of ancient scripts to spend your tokens (1000-1500 for gold, cant remember how much for blue).
I'm also piling up unclaimed boxes because I have no more storage room and have been AS capped for quite awhile. One thing to keep in mind however, is that many of us had a whole slew of things to decon into AS on day 1 that we won't have to give us a huge headstart when they reset the reward track. So something does need to be tweeked, which isn't surprising given it's the very first time we've seen this, but I'd hate to see them nerf it too far the opposite direction and make the rewards too difficult to obtain.
This may apply mostly to those of us who were 130 lvl and had old LI to decon when the system changed as 121 teals (which we got the stuff to make from decons) are better than 131 purples leaving yellow 131 runes as the sole thing to buy from vendor apart from the consumable maps - and us to grind 230 purple enhancement runes every 10 slot levels + gold runes for the final ranks. Probably most of us have no alts to spend script on as we were forced to retire them en masse when SSG took over and massively increased grind. Players starting with the LI system will hit the wall eventually too.
Make same item boxes stackable is the simple solution to the burgeoning boxes problem.
One of the problems of this message board is that a lot of people are only capable to look at the game from their own personal perspective/ situation.
Yes, those of us who had max alts or alts with LIs, had enough ancients scripts to begin with.
But the reward track fills a gap for those who didn't have any maxed alt, let alone multiple alts with FA LIs.
Those players had no way to get ancient scripts, except spamming instances and disenchanting traceries that dropped, which was pretty lame.
For those players the reward track provides them with ancient scripts to fill their LIs while leveling, and later at max level.
The rest of your post is just something which doesn't imo apply to the huge majority of players, who DO have alts.
We knew that this first track would be an aberration due to the stockpiling of IXP items prior to this first track's debut, but the data will help us determine long-term how much for how long as it relates to in-game experience. We do appreciate the feedback, and it isn't our general intention to have people stocking up on hundreds of rewards. In the future the intention is it will take most of the time frame to get to the end based on an "average" experience that aims to be the center of a cloud, so to speak. So the end repeatable is mostly a way to still get something for the folks who get there.
But this whole system is kind of an abberation. You get to claim the rewards once, per account. What if you have 20 alts? You have tons of experience feeding into the system, so it will always fly through to the end, yet the rewards of the whole track is not enough to feed 2 alts, let alone 20. Its actually penalising players that engage with the game more. I'm now at 350+ repeatable claims, and I've never used a single IXP rune (they are just taking up crazy amounts of storage space alongside the repeatable boxes that take even more crazy amounts of storage space). It's ironic then, that I only have enough actual LI rewards to feed one alt but enough scripts to last me til the Grey Havens and the setting of the sun.
That's broken.
It would work much more smoothly if one alt is feeding one separate, character based system, and each alt can claim as they go. There would be no need for this repeatable reward at the end of the track then, as each alt is earning their own keep.
Last edited by Arnenna; Mar 22 2022 at 02:22 PM.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.
To provide some more feedback I have really enjoyed the reward track. I’m on reward 65 atm so hopefully I can make it to the end. I mainly focus on my main and one alt and I have been playing Lotro for 4 months. I didn’t really have many runes so this is from me just grinding and questing. My main is level 95 and my alt at 50. I for one have loved the chance to gain figments, traceries and AS through the Reward track. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Cheers.
I just play one toon regularly, no serious alts. Maybe an hour or two a day. I suspect I'm the target audience of the reward track, since I'm about at reward 40 now, so I imagine I'll hit the end of the track just around the time it resets. It's great for me as a source of runes and scripts, plus some bonus embers and figments. But I can definitely see that people with lots of endgame alts would find it much less useful. Perhaps making it character-based instead of account-based would work better. Make the rewards character-bound instead of account-bound if you're worried about people feeding stuff to one toon, though honestly if you grind out the whole track on 10+ alts to get one toon covered in gold traceries, you've earned it as far as I'm concerned.
But do you really feel the need to get max traceries for all your alts?
People who play multiple alts (as do I) can now use the scripts and tokens for alts, while seriously equipping 2 -3 raiding alts.
Although raiding is of course very well possible with blue traceries.
I used the rewards of this track for my main, for an alt that I had just leveled to 140 (and which could very much use the blue tokens/ traceries) and I am using the scripts to equip the alts that I am still leveling with yellow/ purple traceries.
I mean, no it isn't enough for 20 alts, but I guess getting them all traceries will take time.
Atm you can equip them with purple traceries though.
How many are you able to play at cap? There are always the exceptions of those who seem to only sleep 3 hrs a night and lotro the remaining 21 hrs/day who have kept 7 and more alts afloat at cap but most of us were forced to drop back to around 3 from 105 onwards (when 105 was lvl cap).