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How do I transfer my housing, if I only have premium housing and 120 chest slots paid for with MC? (beyond the 60 purchased with gold)
I understand if I sell before I transfer, I get equivalent amount for property in writs, but there is no comment on investment in chest upgrades.
Should I transfer and get a full refund on new server, as the FAQ suggests when I try to open a ticket (which is different to the FAQ for anor).
My recent experience was:
Transferred all of the characters and the shared storage, at once.
( i.e. Did not sell the Belfalas House)
After several hours, all of the characters showed up on the new-to-me server.
I was given the number of housing writs equivalent to the house that was on Anor.
Bought an equivalent house in Belfalas on the new-to-me server.
The housing decorations were all in the "Shared House Storage"
Also in the "Shared House Storage" was all of the "stuff" that was in the "House Storage".
(The "Shared House Storage" was way over capacity!)
The extra space that I had purchased for the house on Anor was transferred to the new house.
The characters were automatically rejoined to their kin.
So, for me, it was easy and painless. I have to assume that the mileage for others may vary.
May the electrons be so kind to you, too.
Edit: clarification
Refugee Status: Veteran (Windfola, Bombadil, Ithil, Anor, and Coming SoonTM - Treebeard)