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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Anor Closing and Premium Housing

    Since the server is closing, do we get all the writs back for having to release the Kinhouse, or just part of them like you would if you were moving your kin to another server normally? IIRC with Ithil they gave us back all our writs for the personal house as long as we didn't release it before moving.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I guess some of the announcements for the Ithil closing might help answer some questions: https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...Free-Transfers

    The second statement says that they got 100% refund for them. I don't see why not here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by WeirdJedi View Post
    I guess some of the announcements for the Ithil closing might help answer some questions: https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...Free-Transfers

    The second statement says that they got 100% refund for them. I don't see why not here.
    Oh cool ty

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Yep, as stated with the Ithil stuff, our intention is to give you 100% back. We plan to have a similar FAQ for Anor when we're a little closer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Raninia View Post
    Yep, as stated with the Ithil stuff, our intention is to give you 100% back. We plan to have a similar FAQ for Anor when we're a little closer.

    Awesome, thank you. Can't wait!

  6. Jun 24 2022, 12:30 AM

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Raninia View Post
    Yep, as stated with the Ithil stuff, our intention is to give you 100% back. We plan to have a similar FAQ for Anor when we're a little closer.

    Sounds good

    Although, I'd have to say, when it comes to housing, it is rather inconvenient to move again if you have several houses (find the right properties on the destination server that may not be available over there, so will likely have to settle to something not as good, refurbish the houses, and so on).

    It was just a year ago you kicked us out from Ithil and many of us landed on Anor.
    Now, we're forced to move again.

    I really hope you'll give us a special title for it. "Evicted again" or "Homeless" or something like that.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Ithilians and Anorians be like....

    (I have a few wandering chars on Anor packing their stuff up as well. Tis a curse of us chronic altoholics.)

    Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
    Landro: Trueheart Companions.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Transfer refunds

    What about expanded shared house strorage? The one expanded beyond 60 item capacity, which takes 100 mithril per 15 slots. I know its not account wide its per server+account unlock. Will we get a refund in Mithril coins?
    Resident of Evernight. Favourite classes: on feet - Hunter/Rune-keeper, mounted - Captain/Champion.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Lack of Deluxe Mead Hall Housing on Landroval

    Now that the free transfers are underway, the question arises will live Servers <specifically Landroval> expand housing to accommodate the incoming Anor players. I have been informed by a player who transferred to Arkenstone that more Mead Halls became available today for purchase. Will those of us who transferred to Landroval expect to see addition of Deluxe Mead Halls? As Anor players have been paying customers for 3 years I would hope SSG plans to give us the opportunity to own the same type of homes we have owned on Anor.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Derbhail View Post
    Now that the free transfers are underway, the question arises will live Servers <specifically Landroval> expand housing to accommodate the incoming Anor players. I have been informed by a player who transferred to Arkenstone that more Mead Halls became available today for purchase. Will those of us who transferred to Landroval expect to see addition of Deluxe Mead Halls? As Anor players have been paying customers for 3 years I would hope SSG plans to give us the opportunity to own the same type of homes we have owned on Anor.
    New neighborhoods open up when there are enough taken up..on landy there are dozens of homesteads with ONLY the meadhall purchased and a ton of empty regular houses, making it..rare for new ones to pop up. It kind of sucks.

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Is the Deluxe Mead Hall the same as a Kin House?

    I never bought outside of the Cape of Belfalas because I already had the houses I needed. Is the "Mead Hall" the equivalent of a Kin House? As well, does it have all the storage of a standard kin house? Is there a way to actually SEE the hook points prior to buying the house so we can make an informed decision?

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by afern View Post
    I never bought outside of the Cape of Belfalas because I already had the houses I needed. Is the "Mead Hall" the equivalent of a Kin House? As well, does it have all the storage of a standard kin house? Is there a way to actually SEE the hook points prior to buying the house so we can make an informed decision?
    You can visit a housing broker, click on a house in the list, and it will tell you how much it costs and how many hooks it has. They included a whole Broker Office southwest of the Boar Fountain in Bree where you can explore all the available neighborhoods. I'd suggest checking them out, even the Erebor Housing if you wish. There is a big difference between, saying, a premium kinship house and a non-premium kinship house. The number of hooks - as well as what type of hooks - are all different, as well as their prices. You can visit the housing website for more details: https://en.dcodumilieu.fr/

    However, do know that a "kinship" house functions completely different than a typical house. A Mead Hall is just a glorified, and rarer, Rohan House. It allows you to add fire pits and pillars, as well as light slots and mount slots that any Rohan house receives. All houses access the same shared housing storage and each premium house comes with their own personal 25-slot storage.

  14. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by WeirdJedi View Post
    You can visit a housing broker, click on a house in the list, and it will tell you how much it costs and how many hooks it has. They included a whole Broker Office southwest of the Boar Fountain in Bree where you can explore all the available neighborhoods. I'd suggest checking them out, even the Erebor Housing if you wish. There is a big difference between, saying, a premium kinship house and a non-premium kinship house. The number of hooks - as well as what type of hooks - are all different, as well as their prices. You can visit the housing website for more details: https://en.dcodumilieu.fr/

    However, do know that a "kinship" house functions completely different than a typical house. A Mead Hall is just a glorified, and rarer, Rohan House. It allows you to add fire pits and pillars, as well as light slots and mount slots that any Rohan house receives. All houses access the same shared housing storage and each premium house comes with their own personal 25-slot storage.
    Thank you for the response!

  15. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    How do I transfer my housing, if I only have premium housing and 120 chest slots paid for with MC? (beyond the 60 purchased with gold)

    I understand if I sell before I transfer, I get equivalent amount for property in writs, but there is no comment on investment in chest upgrades.

    Should I transfer and get a full refund on new server, as the FAQ suggests when I try to open a ticket (which is different to the FAQ for anor).

  16. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Finvarra View Post
    How do I transfer my housing, if I only have premium housing and 120 chest slots paid for with MC? (beyond the 60 purchased with gold)

    I understand if I sell before I transfer, I get equivalent amount for property in writs, but there is no comment on investment in chest upgrades.

    Should I transfer and get a full refund on new server, as the FAQ suggests when I try to open a ticket (which is different to the FAQ for anor).
    My recent experience was:
    Transferred all of the characters and the shared storage, at once.
    ( i.e. Did not sell the Belfalas House)

    After several hours, all of the characters showed up on the new-to-me server.
    I was given the number of housing writs equivalent to the house that was on Anor.
    Bought an equivalent house in Belfalas on the new-to-me server.
    The housing decorations were all in the "Shared House Storage"
    Also in the "Shared House Storage" was all of the "stuff" that was in the "House Storage".
    (The "Shared House Storage" was way over capacity!)
    The extra space that I had purchased for the house on Anor was transferred to the new house.
    The characters were automatically rejoined to their kin.

    So, for me, it was easy and painless. I have to assume that the mileage for others may vary.

    May the electrons be so kind to you, too.


    Edit: clarification
    Refugee Status: Veteran (Windfola, Bombadil, Ithil, Anor, and Coming SoonTM - Treebeard)



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