Shield Armor Ratings incorrect.
Many of the shield armor ratings are incorrect.
for example Rodamath shows 577 armor in the lorebook but it really is only 385 in game.
I checked others. There are many showing 1 armor and a bunch showing 577 that are really not that high.
[url=]Mandywun[/url], Minstrel 61 (SM/K Tailor) - [url=]Gwennethwun[/url], Guardian 65 (SM/K Metalsmith)
[url=]Briannawun[/url], Burglar 65 (SM/K Jeweler) - [url=]Hollywun[/url], Hunter 65 (SM/K Woodworker)
[url=]Ranzarawun[/url], Runekeeper 65 (SM/K Scholar) - [url=]Catharinewun[/url], Captain 29 (K Weaponsmith)
1 Frothing Road, Feginstath - Thorins Hall Homesteads, Elendilmir