You know personally i would Love to see the LM Get a Group Stun immunity buff rather then having to cast it so often on every person. It could stay as a one minute buff but Group buff would be SOOOooooo Nice.
You know personally i would Love to see the LM Get a Group Stun immunity buff rather then having to cast it so often on every person. It could stay as a one minute buff but Group buff would be SOOOooooo Nice.
Why are all of you fighting over something you don't understand..... its not like yall were in the beta.....
[center] You must not enthrone ignorance just because there is much of it. [/center]
Please, please, please fix the pet pathing problem in Moria.
Asreth (hunter/Elf) Lvl 90, Galaiwen (Loremaster/Elf) Lvl 90, Kirstina (Burg/ Hobbit) Lvl 87, Tankette (Guardian/Hobbit) Lvl 59, Gladyolis (Minnie/Hobbit) Lvl 40
Not true. My hunter received his Distracting Shot at level 58, a ten-second daze that's twice the duration of a Nature's Fury-specced Lore-Master's Blinding Flash (5 seconds). This fits nicely alongside the Hunter's Bard's Arrow, which lasts 15 seconds. Add in Rain of Thorns and manufactured triple-traps, and a Hunter easily rivals Lore-Masters' crowd-control abilities. And that's even if the Hunter goes all-out up the Bowmaster line, as I did with my own Hunter. Furthermore, the Hunter can trait up the Trapper of Foes line if he really wants to have a 30-sec. daze, and still out-damage even a Nature's Fury-specced LM by a wide margin. So the notion that a LM needed to have his Blinding Flash nerfed to 5 seconds if he goes NF is specious.
Other Hunter skills are also comparable or better. In Strength Stance, a hunter can slow a target using Quick Shot, and the movement-speed debuff is equal to that produced by Burning Embers and Sticky Tar combined. And there's no issue with the target running off the tar-patch.
The only element Hunters lack is a repertoire of stuns. But what hunter really would even need them?
Last edited by Spectus; Feb 16 2009 at 01:04 PM.