Re: Dev Diary Feedback: Solving Problems and Making Friends, Parts I & II
It is sad to see so many critics who haven't tried the instances themselves. So much for open minds ...
I started the instances over a week ago, being lucky enough to have my main on E. It was interesting to read the Dev's intentions, and I think he has mostly succeeded.
As a few posters have noted, these "Crafting" Instances are much less focussed on crafting than you'd initially think. I expect most people completing them will not farm the nodes at all.
I enjoyed the instances, including the mob variability, but have a few criticisms (which may have been addressed in the patch as I haven't done them recently):
- they are currently very hard to navigate, with inaccurate maps and multiple vertical levels. Many players will hate this. Better maps please.
- they don't have "back doors" behind the boss. It is no fun having to retrace your steps through an empty cave to find the door, especially given navigation complexity as above. A back door would solve this.
- it was not initially obvious that all 3 quests from a NPC MUST be done simultaneously. e.g. I cleared an instance while completing one quest, then the "next" quest was to kill the boss. Obviously I couldn't due to the lock. This is unlike the current solo instances. Better NPC instructions please: "while you're in there, can you ....". If necessary, make boss non-attackable until you have the quest.
- the starting locations are a little inconvenient, compared to DV. Yes, I'm lazy! They are slightly better than the mirror quest locations though. Swift travel between the instances would be nice ...
[B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Vastin[/COLOR][/B]: [I]"But whenever we take feedback on most game systems, such as character builds, economics, or [/I]especially[i] anything to do with PvP, then we are forced to read very carefully between the lines of any and all player feedback, as it is all inevitably skewed by self-investment, self-interest, and a deeply subjective viewpoint that increases in direct proportion to how long or successfully a player has occupied a particular role."[/I]