Servers Issues - Last Updated: 1:52PM Eastern (-4 GMT) Monday, March 16
We are currently experiencing issues with several servers.
Update: 1:52PM (-4GMT)
All worlds are available. We appreciate your patience.
Update: 12:23PM (-4GMT)
We are continuing to work towards resolving this issue. Our current estimate for uptime is approximately 2:00PM (-4GMT) Eastern. We will post again if there are additional extensions.
Update: 11:45AM (-4GMT)
The, Brandywine, Silverlode, Firefoot, Gladden, Arkenstone, and Nimrodel servers are down and we're working as quickly as possible to bring them back online. Our current estimate for uptime is by 1:00 PM (-4 GMT) Eastern.
A discussion thread has been started in the general forums. Please direct comments and questions there.