Silverlode ~ Ambassador of Awesome for the Order of the Secret Fire
[B]Euradin[/B] ~ [COLOR=aqua]Level 65 Man Captain[/COLOR]; [URL=""][B]Tediarock Leodine[/B][/URL] ~ [COLOR=aqua]Level 65 Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR]; [B][charsig=]undefined[/charsig][/B]
Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard
7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
[COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]
Silverlode ~ Ambassador of Awesome for the Order of the Secret Fire
[B]Euradin[/B] ~ [COLOR=aqua]Level 65 Man Captain[/COLOR]; [URL=""][B]Tediarock Leodine[/B][/URL] ~ [COLOR=aqua]Level 65 Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR]; [B][charsig=]undefined[/charsig][/B]
If we're really going to get pedantic, I think that you can only specify 50% Race of Man. K'Ehleyr was half Klingon!
Agreed. What if a security issue arose? Or a critical crashing bug? I would assume Turbine has an IST environment internal to them that they could unit test these items but how do you evaluate on a larger, more complete scale?
Seems risky to have no functioning test environment beyond Bullroarer but if it's a software issue, I'd assume that Bullroarer would then have the problem if you loaded the software on to it.
Not informing senior management always comes back to haunt ya.
Could we please keep this thread about questions on the program or the application process? All this speculation about why it's down, how long it's down, or what we are doing about it being down isn't helping anything.
Be assured this program is getting the attention it deserves from the people who need to be working on it.
Thank you for your compliance with this request.
Any idea when invites will resume? I saw someone wrote a post saying it was back up and running and got excited : )
Ode to Isengard
Where one looks for bugs
And is gladdened to find them
And where does a patch
Truly make a thing new
Who walks unforged paths
To the smooth out the way
Who charts the uncharted
And incalculable too
Our eyes seek them out
We guard lest they stray
Like scouts for the builders
And kids to QA : )
History became legend, and legend became myth, and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost...
Poster of Note