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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Analog-Man View Post
    One thing that duo's need to look at I think, is not picking their soldier based on solo skirms, but instead working together to pick the two soldiers most needed. For our duo, most of the time my wife runs war speech, I run MoNF (DPS) and her protector and my pet tank, my herbalist heals, and we both DPS. Working out really well so far.
    Indeed. On my Guard I like to run solo with a Sage for the DPS and debuffs. But when I started duoing with my wife's Hunter, I went and got an Herbalist. We did Trouble in Tuckborough, and it went great, although if we hadn't had the Herbalist healing, we might have had some trouble on a couple of lieutenants.

    We had a blast duoing that skirmish, and even though we had some big pulls with lots of mobs, it never turned into anything we couldn't handle. And the only reason we had Lieutenant issues was because we ran into one I'd never seen before (Raging Marauder) and had to figure out his gimmick.

    I don't think it's too much to expect a duo to be able to bring a tank, a healer, and DPS, considering you've got two soldiers to work with.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    I've had no problems with Tier 1 and Tier 2 duo skirmishes in terms of difficulty.

    But I will say this.

    The "default" setting when in a duo is small fellowship. So make sure you SELECT duo when you're creating the skirmish.
    [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=#ffffff][COLOR=red][FONT=Tahoma][B][COLOR=darkorchid]Second Marshal[/COLOR] Luc Brandenbuck[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#a9a9a9][FONT=Tahoma] ~[B]Battlemaster[/B]~
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  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    Hubby and I (LM + Guard) have been running a lot of duo skirmishes lately to level up our new LIs. We've always been successful on every skirmish we've done. We always set to Tier I/Duo. Trouble in Tuckborough is definitely difficult in the end, but we've always managed to pull through.

    However, last night we tried Siege of Gondamon for the first time as a duo. The last few waves of mobs were insane. We managed to hold on though. Then we got a Priestess of Flame. It was all downhill from there. When we finally got the drake and the boss, we were all around half life or worse. Our soldiers had already bit the dust. I tried tanking the drake while hubby put his bear on the boss. The drake's fire-aura just destroyed me. Also, the drake had 50,000 morale! I think that's a bit much for a duo, tier 1 skirmish. I didn't even get to see what the boss' morale was since we couldn't even get the drake down before Matti died, and we lost the skirmish.

    Kind of deflating. We ran Dannenglor after that to boost our egos. It was a cake-walk in comparison. But the Siege of Gondamon crushing and skirmish mark penalty left a very bitter taste in our mouths. We logged for the night and have no plans to try the duo Siege of Gondamon skirmish ever again.
    Frieja - Minstrel on Landroval (formerly of Brandywine)

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frieja View Post
    However, last night we tried Siege of Gondamon for the first time as a duo. The last few waves of mobs were insane. We managed to hold on though. Then we got a Priestess of Flame. It was all downhill from there. When we finally got the drake and the boss, we were all around half life or worse. Our soldiers had already bit the dust. I tried tanking the drake while hubby put his bear on the boss. The drake's fire-aura just destroyed me. Also, the drake had 50,000 morale! I think that's a bit much for a duo, tier 1 skirmish. I didn't even get to see what the boss' morale was since we couldn't even get the drake down before Matti died, and we lost the skirmish.
    Priestess of Flame is definitely a difficult one to handle, but you can very easily get out of her fires by just moving away. They don't follow you.

    I don't know about the HP on the drake (50k sounds more like a 6-man setting), but since both the drake and dourhand do lots of fire damage, it's definitely a tough boss combination. However, my wife's Hunter/Protector and I (Champ/Bannerguard) have done it successfully with no healing, so it's certainly not impossible if you fight effectively.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frieja View Post
    Then we got a Priestess of Flame. It was all downhill from there. When we finally got the drake and the boss, we were all around half life or worse. Our soldiers had already bit the dust. I tried tanking the drake while hubby put his bear on the boss. The drake's fire-aura just destroyed me. Also, the drake had 50,000 morale! I think that's a bit much for a duo, tier 1 skirmish.
    Those Priestesses are always a nasty surprise, or the Fire Grims. The 50k drake morale seems off. Are you sure you weren't running it as a 3-man?
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  6. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Anyone else having trouble with Skirmish Duos?

    Quote Originally Posted by auximenes View Post
    Those Priestesses are always a nasty surprise, or the Fire Grims. The 50k drake morale seems off. Are you sure you weren't running it as a 3-man?
    Yeah, I thought it was off too, but my husband said he made sure it was duo/tier 1.

    I do have to admit neither of us were traited with our normal set-up. Maybe once we've cooled down a bit, we'll try it again with our normal builds. This time I'll screenshot stuff that doesn't look correct. I remember looking at the drake's morale bar and thinking, "There's no way. We don't even have a chance."

    @Gildur: Yes I know you can step out of the fire bombs, but they still cause massive damage when first dropped. I had the misfortune of her dropping 2 bombs around me on the stairs, and then I had to run through one of them again to get up to the platform to take on the drake. That was painful.
    Frieja - Minstrel on Landroval (formerly of Brandywine)


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