Re: LM debuff bug, based on mob classification?
Originally Posted by
Orion's not your problem. He earned a TON of respect from me 3 years ago during a very candid conversation about PvP. He's clearly not part of The Problem.
Orions blog on mylotro has a nice quote about why devs shouldnt give too much information to players, and he has been rather coy and suggestive with some of his answers on game mechanics questions. Thats why I use him to contrast with Raskols very clear and detailed explanations of how things work and what the possibilities are for fixes. I dont think Orion is a bad dev, but I strongly disagree with his philosophy of giving the players a black box to figure out for themselves and very much appreciate Raskol's transparency when it comes to mechanics, mob behaviors and his capabilities to resolve unpleasant situations. Like any game, if one person understands the rules better than another then they have an advantage. The more open the development team is about game mechanics, the more level the playing field for all the players.
Originally Posted by
I would say that any actual or perceived problems that are not getting the attention they deserve has very little to do with the Devs specifically, but based on the general decision-making process handed-down from upper management. Turbine's Dev staff has always, to me, been very good about giving their all and caring about the projects. It's upper management who ultimately have been making some questionable decisions.
I agree there. I've not figured out how many decisions get made. Generally I think a strong, active manager/team with a vision of what product should be is the best way to keep a piece of software from evolving into an entangled mess. Some of what I see makes me think that there is no real central command and various groups make various changes without anyone having a strong concept of what the overall game will end up like when they are combined together. Its typical of what happens in a business when upper management is hands-off and you have multiple middle managers in control of different areas making effectively independent decisions.
Last edited by dhatcher1; Apr 28 2010 at 02:56 PM.
[url=]Mandywun[/url], Minstrel 61 (SM/K Tailor) - [url=]Gwennethwun[/url], Guardian 65 (SM/K Metalsmith)
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[url=]Ranzarawun[/url], Runekeeper 65 (SM/K Scholar) - [url=]Catharinewun[/url], Captain 29 (K Weaponsmith)
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