Re: Removing Radiance?
I PuGed DD 16 successful times before I got the helm and at least 3 times that many abject failures. It didnt do much to make me a better player other building a friends list of other competent players to PuG with. I took a several month break from the game because I could not face going through that process again with alts.
The whole system was designed poorly. Good riddance.
The problem is that it wasnt replaced by anything that makes sense. Since Moria's release, the endgame rewards systems have all been complete gibberish. There is no distinction of time and difficulty. You can get a reward as a random drop off of a junk mob (LI with good legacies) that is better than anything you can get from a long, hard instance.
[url=]Mandywun[/url], Minstrel 61 (SM/K Tailor) - [url=]Gwennethwun[/url], Guardian 65 (SM/K Metalsmith)
[url=]Briannawun[/url], Burglar 65 (SM/K Jeweler) - [url=]Hollywun[/url], Hunter 65 (SM/K Woodworker)
[url=]Ranzarawun[/url], Runekeeper 65 (SM/K Scholar) - [url=]Catharinewun[/url], Captain 29 (K Weaponsmith)
1 Frothing Road, Feginstath - Thorins Hall Homesteads, Elendilmir