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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011


    Taken from the Article:

    The expansion -- or a content update near to it -- promises to change up the Monster Play (PvMP) system. In an effort to give more of a feeling of advancement to PvMPers, the system will be expanded to increase skill progression and add more variety to those who like to walk on the dark side of Middle-earth.

    Even more exciting is the prospect of PvMP spilling out of the Ettenmoors into new areas. Where will the conflict take us? The devs hinted at but would not confirm Isengard as a location for open-world PvMP. This move is also designed to allow F2P gamers a way to finally participate in PvP, although the team hasn't decided whether this will include an additional cost or not.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    There IS going to be a new PvMP zone. Who's to say that this isn't the new PvMP map?
    Nerves, of the Brandywine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    Open would PVMP will NEVER happen and i can't say most PVMP care that much for it.

    More then likely the new zone will be a instanced version of isengard or the pvmp zone they said they were working on a year and a half ago but stopped working on.

    By "opening up pvmp" they mean letting non vips inside.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    It would be awesome though if they did introduce a an open pvp area in one of the carebear sections of Middle Earth. Granted the PvEers would QQ to high heaven if there was a place with key PvE content that couldn't be reached by them without sleepwalking through the content. However, they sure would be glad to have their PvPing peeps to come through and clear the way for them. Sounds like a fun idea, if that is what Turbine is planning.

    My only reservations in regard to opening up PvP to F2Pers are very basic performance related concerns. If the current servers can't handle the PvMP load, how will they handle the load with an increase in population?
    [center]Landy: [b]Alphanova 3.0[/b] - R10 RK [b][i]Hitman for Mother Nature[/i][/b]
    Brandy: [b]Rotoreaver[/b] - R9 Reaver [b][i]Chop-N-Cleaver[/i][/b]
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  5. #5
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by thenoobler View Post

    Taken from the Article:

    The expansion -- or a content update near to it -- promises to change up the Monster Play (PvMP) system. In an effort to give more of a feeling of advancement to PvMPers, the system will be expanded to increase skill progression and add more variety to those who like to walk on the dark side of Middle-earth.

    Even more exciting is the prospect of PvMP spilling out of the Ettenmoors into new areas. Where will the conflict take us? The devs hinted at but would not confirm Isengard as a location for open-world PvMP. This move is also designed to allow F2P gamers a way to finally participate in PvP, although the team hasn't decided whether this will include an additional cost or not.
    I hate to be the wet blanket here, but the interviewer took some comments from Adam and Aaron and misinterpreted them. Open-world PvMP is not on the schedule.

    Massively should have the correction published shortly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    Well... the devs just made sure I will quit the game with the release of Isengard. Good job.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Massively Article: Open World PVP in Fall 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Massively should have the correction published shortly.
    While at it, can you have them post a correction to the "the f2p store will only have convenience items, no stat improvements" statements that are still up?



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