Free form housing placement
It would be really lovely to have the ability to place furniture wherever I want it, instead of the clunky hookpoint system. I understand it has been discussed over and over, and is not likely to happen, so how about this:
A cluster of hookpoints, say, in front of one of the unmovable fireplaces, where I could place a bench and a couple of chairs, , and make a conversation area. Maybe even a rug hookpoint in front of the fireplace to "anchor" the area.
It feels most awkward in our kin hall, where the hookpoints for placing chairs and tables are so spread out that it looks as though those are time-out chairs for bad kin-members!
It would be great, as well, to be able to put benches next to tables, so the lovely spread, for instance, on the Special Furniture "Breakfast table" looks more like a place to sit with companions and enjoy a meal and less like the breakfast buffet at Denny's?
These may not be new suggestions, but after spending the past few days redecorating our kin hall and my personal house, the issues, although admittedly minor, are fresh in my mind.
Last edited by Sapience; Feb 10 2011 at 12:05 PM.
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