So today's bug list pointed out a lot of known issues within the game. One of them the champion flurry issue.
Here's the disgusting part. One bug that's been in the game for a very long time, mount sync issues, has been going on for a very long time so I think it's safe to say the champion fix will clearly be months away from being addressed, if we're lucky. I don't understand how Turbine would not make this a priority fix for a class issue such as this like the Relic issue? Sure the relic issue effects everyone, but not everyone is level 50 and above, too. So those above 50 and those who play champions might actually equal out to the same number.
Instead, a Class Bug is being tossed off to the side until 'later'. I find that unacceptable.
If this were a bug on any other class in the game it would be addressed right away with a hot-fix. I'm quite sure I'm not the only champion playing the game that feels the same when it comes to our class that Turbine lacks a lot of interest in them, unless nerfs are at hand.
Well, Guild Wars 2 comes out in a few months, or more, and ArenaNet is about the only company left that puts a lot of care and attention into their game.
Turbine used to be a wonderful company, don't get me wrong on this. Since the corporate takeover from WB, I just don't see this as a great gaming company anymore. As a VIP, I simply don't see a reason to keep throwing money at problems rather than care and understanding from a company.