Well maybe not everybody gets the horse as a gimme but in princple I hear what you're saying and agree.
I think within each festival there maybe ought to be a few things that are rare and grindyish to get but really there should be lots of other stuff that is easy to get and showy. That way the game looks more festival and cheerful cos people are running round with celebratory stuff.
A "festival" where every barterable item is at least 20 grindy tokens isn't really a festival is it? Oh, and I know there are lotteries for the tokens and so far I've been quite lucky with my wins on those but it's not really a proper compensation is it? Are a lot of you getting plenty of token wins? Is this a kind of compensation do you think?
Must remember to engage brain before using keyboard
The only token wins I've gotten are the old ones that you trade for the gift boxes, no anniversary tokens, unfortunately. Since I don't want to spend 5 hours a day in the bar brawl I'm basically depending on the lottery to give me enough to get the two items I want.
Well so far I've found this 4th Anniversary festival HUGELY disappointing. I'm a lifer and have been around for 3 of the 4 years and this Anniversary token requirement for the anniversary mount is a RIDICULOUS amount. 30? Really?
Even if I win each horse race each day, then suffer through an 18 hour cool down, the liklihood that I will gain 30 anniv. tokens (plus the 3 race tokens) before this festival ends, is not favorable. Why not at least 2 anniv. tokens for winning a race? Why be so cheap about it Turbine?
The Ale house brawl has never been a favorite of mine and now I'm seeing some bad sportsmanship on some players' parts (probably FTP players). Even if you get your tankard filled, some brats are hanging around just to knock you out of the arena. I played the game like 8 times and got 1 bloody token.
This festival has been nothing if not frustrating to participate in. There should be more events to win anniv. tokens. Why make what should be a joyous celebration into and ugly grind? Geesh.
I have 20 tokens so far. I've spent a total of about 3 hours so far. These token are going for the horse.
I have a couple other things I want and I'm going to take a couple other of my characters and do the horse races each day until I get enough tokens for those items.
No big deal really.
Actually, the anniversary steed is not being sold in the store, and they've said they have no plans to do so in the future. You get it at the anniversary festival or not at all. So it's not their way of getting you to spend money in the store to get it, they just underestimated how difficult it would be to obtain.
I don't mind doing the beer brawl over and over, and love doing the horse race (wish it was on a 2hr timer), but they should have either increased the token rewards for winning a beer brawl to 2 or 3 tokens, or else added in one more non-pvp oriented game for those who don't like competing against players. Personally, I don't mind a little light-hearted pvp game, it adds to the fun, but I feel bad for those who hate it and are "forced" into it for a festival event.
It was poor planning on Turbine's part for not realizing just how grindy this event would become. I know they wanted to make it a little more difficult, rather than just handing a horse to every player on a silver platter, but if it's only fun for a few, a tedious chore for most, and absolute torture for others, you can't really call it a success no matter what your intentions were.
I will also pass on this "celebration" because of the high degree of frustration and grind. Like many folks who enjoy this game, I have a full time, high-stress job and the last thing I want to do when I get home is get even more frustrated with a game's unrealistically high requirements for "rewards" that, upon attainment, offer no sense of accomplishment, but instead instill a desire to ask the developers and producers what in the world were they thinking. It seems to me that this time they neglected to think at all. I spent about an hour trying to collect tokens via the beer brawl, and in that one hour I could only get one silly token. I was bounced out of bounds twice, ran out of time twice, and succeeded once. Such an experience is most definitely not conducive to a sense of accomplishment - quite the opposite in fact. I'm quite serious when I suggest that I would rather not have any celebration at all than an event as maddeningly frustrating, and *expensive* as this one has proven to be. I've read countless posts with similar sentiment; one can only hope that Turbine listens to their customers.
I've had a change of heart concerning this festival. My initial frustration made me vow that I wasn't going to participate and just go do all the other things that my 6 level 65s still have to do. However, doing other stuff made me feel a bit frustrated that I wasn't even "trying" to get the horse. So, I'm compromising. I'm not going to go do other stuff, but I'm not going to partake of any heavy grind, either. I've parked all my characters at the racetracks and I log in each day only long enough to run them through the two daily races. If I earn enough tokens to get the horse by the end of the festival, great. If not, I'll have anniversary tokens I can use next year. (Due to a lucky lottery win, it looks like at least one of my characters will indeed get the horse this year.)
In the meantime, I probably needed a bit of a break from playing, anyway. Plus, I feel like in my NOT playing my normal amount, I'm protesting in some small way.
Hey everyone, I'm going to close this thread as the OP's question has been answered, and we're beginning to go off-topic, but I want to make two notes here.
1. As Sapience has said earlier and I will repeat again, we have absolutely no plans to put the the anniversary rewards into the store. They aren't in the store data catalog, and we have no intention to put them there.
2. If you guys have feedback on the anniversary event, remember to add it to this long running thread. We are reading and keeping up with that thread, and we're trying to keep all of the discussion there so it's easy to reach.
Thanks everyone!
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
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