~Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire~
Torang - 75 Champion /// Tulung - 75 Rune-keeper /// Timadoc - 75 Warden /// Gilharthad - 75 Hunter /// Minniver - 65 Minstrel /// Danlac - 67 Burglar /// Alawyn - 58 Loremaster /// Niala - 68 Captain /// Loracar - 40 Guardian /// and others...
Turn - Guardian
Balandolen - Lore-master
Turnholm - Minstrel
When the servers are down, one could always read a book. I understand Tolkien's _Lord of the Rings_ is pretty good...
--W. H. Heydt
Old Used Programmer
The forums are not an accurate representation of the thoughts and feelings of the whole player base. Those who like a particular feature are in the game enjoying that feature. Those who don't like it log out to mention it on the forums. It is a relevant but biased source of feedback, and any claims of community desire should take this fact into account.
- Ironically, he avoided actual religion in the books...
- The books would one day be the basis for an online game...
- Which in turn would be down one day for a short period of time...At which time devotes to his works would complain that the company did not respect a religious holiday allowing them to play a game based on those works.
Overripe pumpkins can be fun
/end "accidental" derail
Now back to our regularly scheduled entitlement thread
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As with the last thread, I'm going to close this to prevent it from getting out of hand. (And because it's technically a continuation of a closed thread.)
However, I will say that our maintenance times are always posted well in advance of our maintenance, and almost always take place on Mondays (except the rare maintenance that may take place at another time of the week.)
If you want a heads up on our maintenance, look no further than the LOTRO launcher for all of your news needs. I always make sure it's at the top of the launcher news list when its posted. Or, you can always check our our Announcements and Service News forum for information on maintenance times as well.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
Don't forget about our Facebook page! and Twitter page! =^_^= Questions on our policies? Read the community guidelines!
I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!