Can anyone on the beta say whether any new areas have been opened in the API for ROI? Like Character info or vaults or chat etc.?
Can anyone on the beta say whether any new areas have been opened in the API for ROI? Like Character info or vaults or chat etc.?
"I have my fears, but they do not have me." ... "And the monster I was so afraid of, lies curled up on the floor."
-Peter Gabriel- "Darkness"
Ignorance is bestowed on us at birth, but we don't have to keep it.
-Lorin Fast- "Random ramblings"
Will the Crafts on the sigs ever get updated?
Equipped items and fellowship vitals I know were added in.
Steam: Sneakeh Snake[/CENTER]
Specifically this post:
[B]Elendilmir - [COLOR=#3333ff]Evenwyn[/COLOR][/B] Burglar[B] - [COLOR=#3333ff]Evendale[/COLOR][/B] Guardian
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=2][B]Combat Analysis[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=2]([B]v4.2.3b[/B]) - [/SIZE][/FONT]Download "[URL=""]here[/URL]"
Amidst the bustle of the launch, I'm working on getting all the docs and everything posted in their updated form and I'll include a full list of Lua patch notes. Might have to wait a day or two to see it all up there but I'll get everything up as soon as possible! I'll also have the skinning update up soon.
With the new functionality what's the current plans from authors interms of new plugins? IE: What can we expect to see coming out in the future due to the updated stuff?
I'm an expert - look at my join date, bro.
Turbine has exposed info about the chat output, what you have equipped and party members, so you can expect plugins around that, custom chat with better filtering, more combat stats plugins, custom character panels, custom party frames, plugins that make certain group related tasks easier maybe (like buffing for a captain maybe...). I'm planning on writing a chat filter myself, if I find the time to do so.
[size=1]Freeps (Snowbourn): [b]Equanor (R11 MNS)[/b] - Equendil - Orlo - Equadoc - Quaolin - Oshia - Kaolin - Equaric - Equorn
Creeps (Snowbourn): Veloch (R9 RVR) - Velrow (R10 BA) - Velkro - Oruk - Velrot - Velreth
Author of the [url=]Legendary Item Planner[/url], [url=]Bootstrap[/url] and [url=]Baruk[/url] plugins.[/size]