Re: Gold Spam implications and account security
Sorry Drk, you're so far off base I don't know if you can find your way back without some help!
The algorithm for SecureID was NEVER compromised, if the date that was compromised was left unaddressed it MAY have resulted in attacks that MAY have been able to compromise the algorithm. RSA knew what data was compromised and immediately enacted steps to safeguard SecureID. Authenticators were NEVER cracked and accounts were not exposed. Authenticators are an extremely effective layer of security which is why 240 million Smartphone users employ that technology along with another 40 million Authenticators.
As for Authenticators providing a false sense of security, people are inherently lazy when it comes to online security and will tend to do the easiest thing not necessarily the best. That said, if I could only have one layer of security I would take an Authenticator over a User created password any day.
There is no good reason not to employ technologies like Authenticators or CoinLock for LOTRO, this conversation comes up regularly over the past 4-5 years and the outcome has always been the same. It's past time for Turbine to catch up with the other games in terms of providing additional layers of security to protect the players...
Reconadan 90 Hunter/R7 ::: Reconamir 75 Captain/R4 ::: Reconien 75 Champion/R6
Reconi 75 LoreMaster/R7 ::: Elavyan 75 Minstrel/R4 :::Reconorin 75 Guardian
Westfold/Kindred::: Tinker/Armourer/Historian/Explorer/Woodsman