Just a bit confused here, since English isn't my first language. But, if you want the deed credit, you should move away from the middle and if you want to see the end-scene you should not move away?
You can PM it me also, if you dont want to spoil it for others. Im just askeing for kinnies, since we have people that care for the deed and the end scene![]()
Officer of Ithilien Illuminated.
Gorbulas - Lloremaster.
Gorb - Burglar
[B]Orexis[/B] | [SIZE=1]Loremaster[/SIZE]
[B]Quinneth[/B] | [SIZE=1]Minstrel[/SIZE]
[B]Sobriquet[/B] | [SIZE=1]Runekeeper[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Officer[/COLOR] of [URL="http://www.rotaonline.org/maelstrom/"]Maelstrom[/URL], [B]Meneldor[/B][/SIZE]
The fact you basically need a burg for this fight sucks .
"It never gets any easier...you just go faster." -Greg Lemond
Resistance Kinship - http://resistance.dkpsystem.com/
/scratches head
So...what's the reset on the challenge on this? It didn't reset on Thursday like the rest. Anyone else having an issue?![]()
Well its sucks when all the burgs in your kin are not available so you have to depend on guards gettin up to the king or loremaster bog lurkers its a stupid idea the fm's should have been able to be opened using another mechanic basically hopin your burgs sign up for every raid is stupid .
Yeah am sure it will be good for kins wiv a few burgs in there kin but although it isnt 100% essential you have a burg in the raid its pretty damm important , we tried it last nite for the first time managed to get through 11 of the fm's wiv basically me goin OP tryin to pull off TTK and 1 lm tryin to start them wiv their boglurker you can imagine it wasnt much fun .
Well we did it tonite T2 challenge mode ... 2hr fight wiv me TANK and 1 lm only ones able to pull FM's wiv to the king and the boglurker lol it was long fight !
Counter of Stairs
Yeah sorry it seems typing short on iphone is bad , anyway try at 2hr plus fight with no burg and then type nice .
We completed all the remaining bits of the raid yesterday, challenge last week and then couldn't finish. As the only survivor in my raid, the last evil manoeuvre by Draigloch before he dies, I enjoyed the end, my raid mates were no so happy, so it is not very fair that last bit.
Opinion on the raid: long and tedious, and the fms, thanks to the aussies that publish them we save ourselves some drama and endless combinations, but still the fight is far too long and repetitive, I enjoyed fighting A dragon, but it is not a raid that I see myself grinding over and over.
I hope that if a new raid comes in the next update it will be a bit more in the OD format.
Aleatar (HNT) Altuntun (MNS) Alearwyn (CPT) Aleawen (WRD) Alearelda (BRG) Aleariel (RK) Alearan (LM) Aleathelion (GRD)
Alturrorz (WRG) Espinete (RVR) Don Pinpon (DFR) Alealuk (BA) Alamuete (WL) Farruquita (WVR)
wanted to show how far back the initial complaints about bugs were being reported....