Please continue this tradition for Nidor, the bestest spider! Post pics of your tasty treats too!
Please continue this tradition for Nidor, the bestest spider! Post pics of your tasty treats too!
The chocolate is a completely unrelated issue but who can argue with crumpled brownies mixed into mint ice cream..... I'll have an extra scoop or two for you Nidor
A nice story from the local news highlighting Bruce's family and the world movement of Ice Cream for Breakfast on March 21st.
[B][COLOR=#ffa500]Valinor has gained a friend in Nidor while Middle Earth has lost him as a treasure.[/COLOR]
Lugscar - Rank 8 Warg. Former founder of Savage Fangs. Currently retired.
I will happily continue this for the rest of my life.
Bregnagra - Ashkoz - Kulurien ~ Formerly of Brandywine
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
I'm posting here so that this thread will appear in the Dev tracker for others to see.
While a sad day, it's a very fitting way to honor an absent friend. I look forward to next year's Ice Cream Breakfast.
Last edited by Sapience; Mar 21 2013 at 09:52 PM.
Thanks for the post Luggy and hope all is well with you. I was thinking of Nidor just now and remembered when he had the rare honor of being used as an example creep in one of Orion's dev diaries, iirc soa bk14. I don't know if that's still floating around or got purged at some point but was something we were all jealous of at the time and a nice thing that Nidor got to enjoy.
edit- and thanks Sapience. We and Turbine are lucky to have ya.
Last edited by Nutty_Warg; Mar 22 2013 at 12:24 AM.
hunter rnk10-runekeeper rnk10-warleader rnk10-defiler rnk10-stalker rnk9-minstrel rnk8-reaver blackarrow burglar rnk5
I forgot to take a picture but I had a delicious sugar coated breakfast in memory of Nidor.
Still think about the old days Bruce. Amongst all this in-game hate, I know you are up there smiling down mate.
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