Step 1. Go to google maps
Step 2. Search for 26.357865, 127.783782.
Step 3. Zoom all the way in.
Step 4. Smile & chuckle.
(Optional) Step 5. Notice the pair of Batwing jets about 300 feet to the NE/NW.
Step 1. Go to google maps
Step 2. Search for 26.357865, 127.783782.
Step 3. Zoom all the way in.
Step 4. Smile & chuckle.
(Optional) Step 5. Notice the pair of Batwing jets about 300 feet to the NE/NW.
Last edited by sir-rinthian; Mar 01 2012 at 08:46 PM.
[center]"The rejection of grammatical correction is proof of the level of intelligence hinted at by your writing."
[color=orange]Now please keep this discussion on topic or you may be reported for causing time mismanagement[/color]
[color=gray]Llydia[color=blue] - 65 Rune-keeper |[/color]Dawnn [color=blue] - 65 Champion |[/color] Anthari[color=blue] - 65 Lore-master |[/color] Thisnameisavailable Ornot[color=blue] - 65 Guardian
[/color] Firstaidkit[color=blue] - 65 Minstrel |[/color] Malaysia [color=blue] - 65 Waden |[/color] Kornur[color=blue] - 52 Hunter |[/color] Caly[color=blue] - 40 Burglar |[/color] Dharkan Rahl[color=blue] - 40 Captain[/color][/color][/center]
Rofl! I like how you said step 5 is optional, I appreciate that freedom.
Nice. Kadena Airbase in Okinawa. A few KC-135s are visible, along with your batwings - at least one of which is almost certainly an F-22- the other is probably an F-15E with the "Vampires" of the 44th Fighter wing who have been known to borrow the bat symbol. Mr. Wayne doesn't mind.
It's really a whole different kind of geeky that I know all this isn't it?
Last edited by Sapience; Mar 01 2012 at 09:45 PM.
[center]"The rejection of grammatical correction is proof of the level of intelligence hinted at by your writing."
[color=orange]Now please keep this discussion on topic or you may be reported for causing time mismanagement[/color]
[color=gray]Llydia[color=blue] - 65 Rune-keeper |[/color]Dawnn [color=blue] - 65 Champion |[/color] Anthari[color=blue] - 65 Lore-master |[/color] Thisnameisavailable Ornot[color=blue] - 65 Guardian
[/color] Firstaidkit[color=blue] - 65 Minstrel |[/color] Malaysia [color=blue] - 65 Waden |[/color] Kornur[color=blue] - 52 Hunter |[/color] Caly[color=blue] - 40 Burglar |[/color] Dharkan Rahl[color=blue] - 40 Captain[/color][/color][/center]
Last edited by Alcaniel; Mar 02 2012 at 01:55 PM.