Great, just great! Thank you very much! Can you please tell me, where is the music you used from? I'm fond of playing the piano and would like to play this wonderful melody as well
Sorry for any mistakes, not a native speaker.
Great, just great! Thank you very much! Can you please tell me, where is the music you used from? I'm fond of playing the piano and would like to play this wonderful melody as well
Sorry for any mistakes, not a native speaker.
I haven't played in several weeks due to another game taking up my time. However, your video has me wanting to return to Middle-Earth. Very nicely done!
Wxcellent video.
The music is well chosen.
* tips hat *
My alarm tried to wake me this morning.
Things escalated and now my alarm is broken and I am awake. . .
Not quite sure who won . . . .
This really is quite impressive.
Thanks for those other videos too Cris, they're very well done too!
Posted a long time ago, but I found the video today on my way home from work, must say its truly amazing!
A lost but helpful Hunter that has been privileged to lead the kinship Legion in the battle of Middle Earth
Thank you for creating this, Arthurus! Fantastic work. I sit awestruck. And thanks Maeg. for bumping this so that I would find it.
Quit yelling at the echo to stop.
Just wanted to say there are some truly great videos here. Not just the OP, but those posted later by Cris as well. Great Stuff.
Well done, though I wish you would have told me you were doing this. I would have run across the frame and clubbed a few squirrels to add some more drama.
Pobo is Bad to the Bone. See why here!
And again can't resist and will show you my favourite vid:
Congratulations!!! Very beautiful.
Difious - MMORPG Guides on
Very nice! Well done and thank you for doing it. The artistry of LOTRO has always been impressive.
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at