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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    There should be an International Law against playing the Rebecca Black card

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    You know, now that I think about it, I probably took a sip of water while I was waiting for his response, I'm so sorry I left it out.

    But no, really, it's the whole story, and frankly I'm surprised it's still being discussed. If happy doesn't believe what I'm saying then he's entitled to his opinion, but as many others have said, I think he was trying to derail the thread into another one of these raid vs solo threads. I even made another post on the first page stating that this wasn't what I was after. Maybe if I had written "armour" instead of "raid-armour" this whole thing could've been avoided?

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    if people don't have something to complain about, they ain't happy :)

    prolly already been said...

    but still, forum goers != lotro players (or any MMO)

    they are simply a vocal minority who like to chat via forum (I know, I am one) - whether they have something worthwhile to add or not. The majority in this mmo do actually which is quite heartening.

    and if you think that's false well I could direct you to several other forums of MMOs where, frankly, it ain't so.
    [center][color=teal]Wingwoz (on hunters in LOTRO), "I prefer to think of them more like Elvis or James Dean. Terminally self indulgent but their presence in a party, nay, the very fact that they ever existed, makes the world a cooler place."[/color]
    [color=orange]'[i]Zairente hums, "Little rabbit Poo-kie / running through the Di-res / scooping up the Mon-archs / and BANGING 'em on the head."[/i]'
    [i][url=http://my.lotro.com/user-984907/]The Antics and Ramblings of Family Nenaelin[/url][/i][/color][/center]

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Don't let the few bad apples you will encounter ruin yor time. You spent your hard earned money to buy the game, spend your time doing what you want to do. Not everyone has the best of the best. I'd rather have a good time enjoying myself ingame then have the best of everything! As the expansion packs get released I have noticed that the crafted gear gets better and better. Just put the d-bag on ignore and enjoy your time here!

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Whart View Post
    Wow, I step away from the forums for a day and look what trouble you get yourselves into! This is without a doubt one of the weirder derails I've seen in a while.

    As someone who has been until recently a 'raider', I see absolutely nothing offensive to raiders in anything the OP said, and I don't see any reason to think it might not be true. People randomly criticize other players' gear all the time, and on some servers it really is a favorite hobby to run around harassing soloers for their lack of leetness (so sad), so why would it seem untruthful or missing part of the story to say that somebody did something that players do with alarming frequency? And if a player wanted to start a raid v solo thread, there are so many already existing threads, and so many better ways to raise the issue than reporting that particular story.

    So Happy, I'm just not understanding the basis for your claim that there is something missing here, but I think the main reason for the community's reaction is the way the message was delivered: rather than asking the OP questions that may have elicited additional information about the incident ('was that the entire conversation?' 'had you had any interactions with anyone from that kin previously?' 'have you seen that kind of behavior on your server before?' 'do you have a particular opinion on raid vs solo players that may be influencing your perspective on this interaction?'), your first words were that you did not believe what the poster was saying. You yourself in your rep thread stated that you were recently returned after a long absence, so I am thinking that maybe you have not yet experienced enough of the currently fashionable (again, sad) behavior in endgame areas to be able to understand that this type of incident really does occur often, could that be the case? And some servers have more or less of it than others, so perhaps you simply have not witnessed enough of that behavior to be able to believe that it happens, and for that I consider you very fortunate.

    I also don't really understand why you would question the motives for sharing experiences on the forums. That is why forums exist. People have opinions, make suggestions, talk about what they do or do not like in the game. If I have an experience that makes me feel particularly good or bad, this is where I come to share it with other players and get their thoughts. Often the variety of perspectives that people have about my opinion will lead me to a broader understanding of the issue that will make me feel loads better about it, even if those perspectives are vastly different from my own.

    So welcome back to the community, and I mean that sincerely, but please keep in mind that the gentle and inquisitive approach will often get you much farther than one that appears accusatory.

    Ooh, that's a Wall of Text--I apologize, but it's been at least 12 hours since my last post so I'm feeling wordy
    Far and above, the most intelligent and wise thing said in this trainwreck of a thread. Plus rep for this. Such a shame that these wise words havent ended this dumb argument.

    To the OP, Im sorry that your thread has been derailed to this extent. Apparently some people just love to argue and it always seems to be the same handful of people. Just like what happened to you in-game, the few bad apples dont represent the majority. Dont let it discourage you from taking part in any aspect of the game or forums.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    All right everyone... I really think we've reached the end of our conversation here, as the thread is more about another man's question rather than the original topic.

    We all must realize that it is usually not the opinions that get us into trouble, but the tone of how it is stated. There's nothing wrong with stating a differing opinion -- that's what forums are for, after all. Without differing opinions, we would not have discussion.

    However, when participating in discussions, we must all remember to be respectful to everyone else who is participating. Just because you disagree does not give you carte blanche to be disrespectful. And I think that's all that needs to be said there.
    Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
    "When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."

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