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Thread: Greed central

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Greed central

    I just started playing and spent well over 100$. I paid 29.99$ for 60 days of game play and that's when the greed started. Not all characters are unlocked even if you pay to play. That's low. Then, there is the fact that certain items that you buy from the store are not available on all characters like the saves or whatever they are called...by those fires. I bought about 7 of them on one character so I could bind in more than one spot and to my displeasure, I only had one when I created another character. At 350 a piece, they should be shared.

    Some will argue that you can play the game for free with limitations. I don't disagree with that. I obviously don't even mind paying as I have already. The issue here is that not only am I paying, I need to pay over and over for the same stuff on different characters. The 29.99$ for 60 days of game play was likely not even worth it. I could of just unlocked certain things and it would of probably came up cheaper (unlock gold restriction, character restriction...etc).

    You have a good game as far as I can tell but your immense greed is going to be your downfall. I bought well over 100$ worth of stuff and in a year, a good game that isn't greedy will see A LOT of money from me. Sadly, I am at the point where I refuse to spend more on your game. Sure- you made 100$ already but you're losing on thousands because I don't want to support your excessive greed. Like it or not, you have made some pretty shallow moves. Make things like save points available on all characters and keep pumping fluff like extra mounts and such. I will keep buying and won't see it as greedy as I'm getting something different. When I have to spend 350 per slot on every toon times 7-8 to have that many save spots, I'm not too happy and you won't see more money from me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    There's a new player forum where you might ask for advice on purchases before making them. There is a search function on the forum to help you find any of the threads on the topic other people have started. There is a note on each item in the store whether you are buying it for one character or account wide. I happen to know that because I bought a +1 task limit item as an early purchase and was disappointed to find it only applied to one character. I got over it when I found how fast I earned TPs in game to cover it. There are two locked classes, but you get them unlocked with the Moria expansion, which you probably want to pick up by the time you get a character to level 50 anyway. The one off subscription also unlocks the trait slots of any character you log in with while it's active, which is where you sace the metric ton of TPs.

    I assume by save points, you mean travel skills? I can't help you there-I've generally found the one you start with, plus the one to the house, is enough for my teleporting needs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    I just started playing and spent well over 100$. I paid 29.99$ for 60 days of game play and that's when the greed started.
    Its seems loke like You should carefully read the info about what you purchase.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    Not all characters are unlocked even if you pay to play. That's low.
    If you mean Runekeeper and Warden classes, they always have been part of the Moria expansion of the game. You will need buy Moria as you get to level 50, and expansion is best for all it offers in bulk - two additional classes and other assorted goodies, not counting Moria quests themselves. Or you can buy these two classes with TP you earn ingame/from being VIP.
    But everyone will have to buy these additional clases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    Then, there is the fact that certain items that you buy from the store are not available on all characters like the saves or whatever they are called...by those fires. I bought about 7 of them on one character so I could bind in more than one spot and to my displeasure, I only had one when I created another character. At 350 a piece, they should be shared.
    Some items in store are Account level (expansions, quest packs, etc). Some are server level (you buy some cosmetic thing on Arkenstone server, all your chars there can benefit form this purchase. You got chars on Brandywine, you either go without said cosmetic or buy another one with char from Brandy server). Some are character only (only the char you purchased stuff with, gets the new horse to ride or another Milestone skill).

    Each of these items in description tells, of what shared access it will be - account, server or character wide.

    You just made a mistake assuming that everything is for everyone.

    On good side, there are also a lot of these "Return to..." travel skills alos available to be earned ingame. Espacially many there are for hunter and Warden, but also there are some for any other character.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    Some will argue that you can play the game for free with limitations. I don't disagree with that. I obviously don't even mind paying as I have already. The issue here is that not only am I paying, I need to pay over and over for the same stuff on different characters. The 29.99$ for 60 days of game play was likely not even worth it. I could of just unlocked certain things and it would of probably came up cheaper (unlock gold restriction, character restriction...etc).
    And you are wrong on this.
    What VIP does (for every chaacter you played while VIP):
    a) unclok gold cap (~600TP per account)
    b) unlock bags 4 & 5 (1900TP per character)
    c) unlock all trait slots (~2900TP per character to unlock all)
    d) 30 AH slots (you keep 5 after VIP ends on account for every character)
    e) unlock swift stable travel (unobtainable in any other way)
    f) three extra char slots (you keep 1 after VIP ends, you can later unlock 2 others and they keep all VIP benefits)
    g) 500TP pay per every month you are VIP (1000TP for you)
    h) access to every QP (not expansions QP, though, these are separate)
    i) access to every skirmish/instance (not those covered by expansions, though, and you loose access as VIP ends)
    j) access to Ettenmoors PvMP (player versus player) on your Free People characters (but only levelcapped people fully benefit from it)

    Of course, you had to create the char and log it in, to gain all these benefits for it. If you did not do that while being VIP... Its a costly error...

    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    You have a good game as far as I can tell but your immense greed is going to be your downfall. I bought well over 100$ worth of stuff and in a year, a good game that isn't greedy will see A LOT of money from me. Sadly, I am at the point where I refuse to spend more on your game. Sure- you made 100$ already but you're losing on thousands because I don't want to support your excessive greed. Like it or not, you have made some pretty shallow moves. Make things like save points available on all characters and keep pumping fluff like extra mounts and such. I will keep buying and won't see it as greedy as I'm getting something different. When I have to spend 350 per slot on every toon times 7-8 to have that many save spots, I'm not too happy and you won't see more money from me.
    My opinion is, you made some newbie mistakes on spending money not reading description of what you buy. dont get angry on T for your own mistakes, just take it as a learning experience and go on with the game. You dont need to buy lots more stuff, but in some time, you will have to by expansions - Moria, Isengard, Rohan, to proceed further in game.
    Thank you, Turbine, for listening and giving us an opt-out of FE! Good work!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    Its seems loke like You should carefully read the info about what you purchase.
    I did. Why do you think I purchased the 29.99$?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    If you mean Runekeeper and Warden classes, they always have been part of the Moria expansion of the game. You will need buy Moria as you get to level 50, and expansion is best for all it offers in bulk - two additional classes and other assorted goodies, not counting Moria quests themselves. Or you can buy these two classes with TP you earn ingame/from being VIP.
    But everyone will have to buy these additional clases.
    I think they should be more clear and say it directly on the character like most games do ''Available with Moria expac''

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    Some items in store are Account level (expansions, quest packs, etc). Some are server level (you buy some cosmetic thing on Arkenstone server, all your chars there can benefit form this purchase. You got chars on Brandywine, you either go without said cosmetic or buy another one with char from Brandy server). Some are character only (only the char you purchased stuff with, gets the new horse to ride or another Milestone skill).

    Each of these items in description tells, of what shared access it will be - account, server or character wide.

    You just made a mistake assuming that everything is for everyone.
    Yes I made the mistake of assuming that this game may not be as greedy as it is. Guess I was wrong. Lots of stuff that I think is paying quite enough for is only unlocked on one character when it should be unlocked on all for the price. If not, reduce the price FFS. This is the most expansive bank slots and such that I have seen in ANY game and I've played A LOT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    On good side, there are also a lot of these "Return to..." travel skills alos available to be earned ingame. Espacially many there are for hunter and Warden, but also there are some for any other character.

    And you are wrong on this.
    What VIP does (for every chaacter you played while VIP):
    a) unclok gold cap (~600TP per account)
    b) unlock bags 4 & 5 (1900TP per character)
    c) unlock all trait slots (~2900TP per character to unlock all)
    d) 30 AH slots (you keep 5 after VIP ends on account for every character)
    e) unlock swift stable travel (unobtainable in any other way)
    f) three extra char slots (you keep 1 after VIP ends, you can later unlock 2 others and they keep all VIP benefits)
    g) 500TP pay per every month you are VIP (1000TP for you)
    h) access to every QP (not expansions QP, though, these are separate)
    i) access to every skirmish/instance (not those covered by expansions, though, and you loose access as VIP ends)
    j) access to Ettenmoors PvMP (player versus player) on your Free People characters (but only levelcapped people fully benefit from it)

    Of course, you had to create the char and log it in, to gain all these benefits for it. If you did not do that while being VIP... Its a costly error...
    It's why I bought the 29.99$. Didn't you read that part?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    My opinion is, you made some newbie mistakes on spending money not reading description of what you buy. dont get angry on T for your own mistakes, just take it as a learning experience and go on with the game. You dont need to buy lots more stuff, but in some time, you will have to by expansions - Moria, Isengard, Rohan, to proceed further in game.
    In my opinion, less fanboi'ing, more reading. My buying items that are for one instead of for all was a mistake, yes. Them making the price insane and only for one is their mistake. They would make more $ if I bought them on all the toons I make but I won't because of the insanity of their prices. So they are ending up losing a ton of money. A lot of people will and are doing the same. I spoke with in game people and they mostly all agreed that the shop has pretty insane prices which should be cut by a lot more for those who pay for the game.
    Last edited by Plo83; Mar 19 2013 at 06:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Moln View Post
    There's a new player forum where you might ask for advice on purchases before making them. There is a search function on the forum to help you find any of the threads on the topic other people have started. There is a note on each item in the store whether you are buying it for one character or account wide. I happen to know that because I bought a +1 task limit item as an early purchase and was disappointed to find it only applied to one character. I got over it when I found how fast I earned TPs in game to cover it. There are two locked classes, but you get them unlocked with the Moria expansion, which you probably want to pick up by the time you get a character to level 50 anyway. The one off subscription also unlocks the trait slots of any character you log in with while it's active, which is where you sace the metric ton of TPs.

    I assume by save points, you mean travel skills? I can't help you there-I've generally found the one you start with, plus the one to the house, is enough for my teleporting needs.
    Thanks I will be reading it before buying anything else. Well I won't be buying anything else from them for months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sorry, forum managed to eat my post, so a short recap.

    1. On prices being steep.

    You can earn TP ingame - maximum TP available is over 5600 per each character. From these, 1510 TP are obtainable not buying anything from store. Each faction you get maximum reputation with nets you 50TP. Each base deeds gets you mimumum 5TP, advanced deeds giving you more - 10-15-20TP per deed per character.

    So having stuff for a very few TP would result of no one ever buying TP - we would all earn it ingame.

    2. On purchases.

    You said you bought vault spaces and they were expensive. Depends, what vault.

    Per character, you can earn 120 spaces ingame for free. After that you can get 75 spaces more with TP - expensive yes, but most of us manage to do with other sources. It is expensive. It should be.

    There is also ingame housing that give you 30 spaces in small house, 60 in large house, or kinship house can share 90 spaces. You can access that with every of your characters, and you can grant access to your friends too.
    Shared storage is servervide purchase, not character wide, and quite useful for passing items between chars. Account locked items can be shared only with this one.
    Vardrobe is for place where to stuff all things you want to vear for looks, not stats. for RPers it's maxxed out, most people dont bother with it.

    3. On RK/Warden - On the character creation page, there is warning "You cannot create character of this class until you purchase it on Lotro store either individually or as a part of Mines of Moria expansion pack".
    Thank you, Turbine, for listening and giving us an opt-out of FE! Good work!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    Sorry, forum managed to eat my post, so a short recap.

    1. On prices being steep.

    You can earn TP ingame - maximum TP available is over 5600 per each character. From these, 1510 TP are obtainable not buying anything from store. Each faction you get maximum reputation with nets you 50TP. Each base deeds gets you mimumum 5TP, advanced deeds giving you more - 10-15-20TP per deed per character.

    So having stuff for a very few TP would result of no one ever buying TP - we would all earn it ingame.

    2. On purchases.

    You said you bought vault spaces and they were expensive. Depends, what vault.

    Per character, you can earn 120 spaces ingame for free. After that you can get 75 spaces more with TP - expensive yes, but most of us manage to do with other sources. It is expensive. It should be.

    There is also ingame housing that give you 30 spaces in small house, 60 in large house, or kinship house can share 90 spaces. You can access that with every of your characters, and you can grant access to your friends too.
    Shared storage is servervide purchase, not character wide, and quite useful for passing items between chars. Account locked items can be shared only with this one.
    Vardrobe is for place where to stuff all things you want to vear for looks, not stats. for RPers it's maxxed out, most people dont bother with it.

    3. On RK/Warden - On the character creation page, there is warning "You cannot create character of this class until you purchase it on Lotro store either individually or as a part of Mines of Moria expansion pack".
    1) That's definitely not in the notes especially the tips that try to get us new players to buy. I wonder why.

    2) It's expensive and it should be. Oh you fanbois. Don't bother replying. Anything you have to say will sound like it sounds from any other fanboy...Love Turbine blah blah. Can never be wrong blah blah... Thanks but no thank. And I know you will reply ANYWAYS. Because you're that much of a fanboi. Let's wait a little while to prove me right. It's going to be the usual I'm not a fanboi because ...Or ''you're mean''. Which will it be? We will soon know.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    It's why I bought the 29.99$. Didn't you read that part?
    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    The 29.99$ for 60 days of game play was likely not even worth it. I could of just unlocked certain things and it would of probably came up cheaper (unlock gold restriction, character restriction...etc).
    I'm not entirely sure you're even reading your own posts, much less anyone else's. You mentioned that you weren't sure it was worth spending that money. Someone gave you a breakdown of what exactly what money got you, and showed that the cost to unlock all of that with TP was significantly higher than your $30, even for just one character.

    I realize you're just trolling ("Anyone who disagrees must be a fanboy of Turbine") but I figured I'd help break it down to you a little bit anyway. You do realize that Turbine is a for-profit company, correct?
    Steam: Sneakeh Snake[/CENTER]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    2) It's expensive and it should be. Oh you fanbois. Don't bother replying. Anything you have to say will sound like it sounds from any other fanboy...Love Turbine blah blah. Can never be wrong blah blah... Thanks but no thank. And I know you will reply ANYWAYS. Because you're that much of a fanboi. Let's wait a little while to prove me right. It's going to be the usual I'm not a fanboi because ...Or ''you're mean''. Which will it be? We will soon know.
    Well, i really shouldnt bother replying, since you have appeantly made up your mind, and it looks, nothing i say would make you to change it. Our opinions differ.

    But the store logo is "convenience, not necessity".

    One is fine with 120 'free' vault spaces. If you have more money that you know what to do with, there is options to spend it to get more.

    You did spend money unwise, and now complain that T is greedy.

    Ps. On "T can newer be wrong"... just go and read my post history.
    Thank you, Turbine, for listening and giving us an opt-out of FE! Good work!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hatter_of_Bree has given you a reasonable, well worded, comprehensive answer with lots of hints what you can get for how much money, things you obviously didn't know, or you wouldn't have done something so incredibly stupid like buying 7 milestones or vault space for new characters with TP.

    You didn't read the fineprint. If you read it, you didn't understand it. And you didn't ask beforehand. Instead you complain afterwards and insult people who try to help.

    Yes, convenience in a game like this is and should be expensive, because that's where they make their revenue.

    Call everybody with very basic understanding of economics fanboi all you want. All it does is making you look even more immature than you do anyway.

    No, you're not mean. You're silly.
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]"HELP!!!!??"[/COLOR] is not an appropriate thread title.
    Only fools use [COLOR="#FF0000"]apostrophes[/COLOR] in a plural. That's when they're called fool's apostrophes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Welcome to Lotro and you are not the only one with the opinion that this is Greed Central. A lot of players have left because of the money-sink it has become. Ignore the Fanbois, most of us do as they will never see the truth because they don't want to. I'm afraid all you can do is resign yourself to the fact that you poured your money down a bottomless hole, learn your lesson and just move on.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinDragon View Post
    I'm not entirely sure you're even reading your own posts, much less anyone else's. You mentioned that you weren't sure it was worth spending that money. Someone gave you a breakdown of what exactly what money got you, and showed that the cost to unlock all of that with TP was significantly higher than your $30, even for just one character.

    I realize you're just trolling ("Anyone who disagrees must be a fanboy of Turbine") but I figured I'd help break it down to you a little bit anyway. You do realize that Turbine is a for-profit company, correct?
    I know what I was getting but the fact is that even if they are in for profit, they are greedy as all hell. Yes I'm stating my opinion and I'm trolling. I spent over 100$ and I'm trolling...yes yes lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by podgie_bear View Post
    Welcome to Lotro and you are not the only one with the opinion that this is Greed Central. A lot of players have left because of the money-sink it has become. Ignore the Fanbois, most of us do as they will never see the truth because they don't want to. I'm afraid all you can do is resign yourself to the fact that you poured your money down a bottomless hole, learn your lesson and just move on.
    I agree. I spoke with a lot of people who told me that X friend left and X person left because of it all...Instead of gaining players, they are losing them and not making more money in the end. This game went F2P for a reason. Now they are trying to gouge those that they attracted for all they are worth. Sadly, they would make more money if these people stayed and paid a little bit here and a little bit there over time rather than 1 big amount and then quit. It makes me sad.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hatter_of_Bree View Post
    Well, i really shouldnt bother replying, since you have appeantly made up your mind, and it looks, nothing i say would make you to change it. Our opinions differ.

    But the store logo is "convenience, not necessity".

    One is fine with 120 'free' vault spaces. If you have more money that you know what to do with, there is options to spend it to get more.

    You did spend money unwise, and now complain that T is greedy.

    Ps. On "T can newer be wrong"... just go and read my post history.
    Didn't read as I said it would all be fanboying and I'm sure it is. Didn't take you long to prove my point however. Not even 30 minutes. You fanbois are so silly!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhouri View Post
    Hatter_of_Bree has given you a reasonable, well worded, comprehensive answer with lots of hints what you can get for how much money, things you obviously didn't know, or you wouldn't have done something so incredibly stupid like buying 7 milestones or vault space for new characters with TP.

    You didn't read the fineprint. If you read it, you didn't understand it. And you didn't ask beforehand. Instead you complain afterwards and insult people who try to help.

    Yes, convenience in a game like this is and should be expensive, because that's where they make their revenue.

    Call everybody with very basic understanding of economics fanboi all you want. All it does is making you look even more immature than you do anyway.

    No, you're not mean. You're silly.
    He was being quite rude so I responded just as rudely. Oh yes everybody reads the fineprint...Did you know that we would spend an average of 8 years reading all the fineprint we supposedly read. Nobody reads it. The shop has insane prices and if you try to say that they do not, then you need to get glasses. There is a reason this game went F2P...It wasn't because they were a huge hit. Someone isn't doing their job too well in marketing and they are failing again with the shop.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plo83 View Post
    He was being quite rude so I responded just as rudely. Oh yes everybody reads the fineprint...Did you know that we would spend an average of 8 years reading all the fineprint we supposedly read. Nobody reads it. The shop has insane prices and if you try to say that they do not, then you need to get glasses. There is a reason this game went F2P...It wasn't because they were a huge hit. Someone isn't doing their job too well in marketing and they are failing again with the shop.
    Ah no they was not rude.

  17. Mar 19 2013, 11:00 AM

  18. Mar 19 2013, 11:12 AM

  19. #17
    Join Date
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    I should have the good sense to stay out of this one, but I feel impelled to respond to the OP.

    I don't know the OP's age, not asking to know, but if you are fairly young say under 18, then I can understand the getting in and buying all sorts of stuff, before realising how much you had spent for things that were not necessary (e.g. buying vault space for TP's instead of ingame gold).

    That would also to an extent excuse the attitude and level of rudeness.

    However, if you are an adult, then, I would expect you to have learnt like the rest of us that these things need to be checked out before splashing the cash - especially if you have responsiblities (mortgage/rent, food, power..., children, insurance and so on).

    I've been playing for 18 months now, and based on need etc. dip in and out of VIP.

    I have bought a few store items (6th bag which is account purchase), full wallet (account and marvellous), a number of universal tools (which is character specific but good value) and horse dye (character specific) for my main, as I had a specific look I wanted to achieve.

    The biggest purchase I have made was the all the Eriador pack offer a while back - this is account wide. At no point did I find the store unclear as to whether it was character/account specific.

    Any material purchase I have made in LOTRO, I have investigated before making - just like I would if buying any item (for me TP = Money, unless earnt in game). For e.g. I would research anti-virus software before getting the one that I felt worked best for me, not because it was necessarily exprensive but because I needed to understand what I was parting with cash for.

    I am about to revert back to F2P after the last month as VIP for the standard gains for some new alts, there is nothing in the store that I need to play, nor have I ever found the in game pop ups to be any incentive to buy travellers writs, revival tomes, MC's etc.

    Yes you are upset, we get that, but please stop calling everybody fanboi etc. It won't help anyone (other than those who share your view) agree with you, make a more reasoned case and be clearer about why you fell into the trap of spending a lot, when the experience of myself (and that of many of my kin.in-game friends) is quite different.

    If there are deficiencies that should be corrected to help prevent people spending lots of TP's when there is no need (e.g. Vault space) then I would be happy to support that, but please make your case more politely and with suggestions as to an effective/appropriate fix.

  20. Mar 19 2013, 11:18 AM

  21. Mar 19 2013, 11:20 AM

  22. #18
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    As near as I can tell, this is not a suggestion.



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