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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by whheydt View Post
    In nearly 15 years of playing MMOs, I have played 3 games. AC--starting in Dec. 1998, AC2--from beta to shutdown, back to AC, LotRO--from beta to the present. I'm trying to pry some time loose to get back into AC2 (currently in a revised beta). If and when LotRO shuts down, I would go back to AC, or AC2 (if running). So, no, five years of playing one game isn't any kind of record.

    I have no idea if that is unusual or not, but I think it answers your questions.
    Not so unusual. I and a number of other folks I know have been playing Ultima Online since 1997. So this September I'll start my 16th year of play. I also hvae my LOTRO account since beta. I enjoy both games immensely each has a different style which gives me a great change of pace.

    And I'll continue to run around these 2 games till the plug is pulled.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    not really last chance for me for good, more like...last chance to play like idid in the past. Im not gonna delete my toons or anything, just play on and off till something good comes that brings me back again. Game has alot of potential if given the right direction. I still have hope for the game...what concerns me most is friends leaving the game, kinda kills it for me. I know alot who stay for the fact that they get to play with certain people. I usually hop from game to game but its that sense of community you develop with your server thats keeps me as much as content. hope that made sensek
    Fellowship Hadacar: I now have a mental image of a little pea with a NE Patriot's logo painted on it.
    Professional AFKer.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nah, it's not the last chance for me. I'll be here until the end. I've been following this game since it was with Sierra in 1999, posted on the old forums back when they came about more than 10 years ago. I first thought of my main character 'Condall Derimar' in 2005. I've simply invested too much into this game to just leave.

    I still feel like I enjoy the game and even though I don't play tremendously often (I play on average 2-3 times a week), it's still fun. The chance to experience JRR Tolkien's world in some form or fashion is just something I can't pass up on.

    I do wish that there was more content and that there were more options for roleplay. but no game is perfect and I rather enjoy many of the epic quest lines and find grinding a lot less painful than I have in other games. I have high expectations for HD, hopefully Turbine will meet them like they have in the past.

    You are more than welcome to call me a fan boy, or anything you'd like.
    [b]Condall Derimar of Dale,
    Friend of the Eagles[/b]
    [b]Community member since '03[/b]

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    No need to learn from other games. As someone once said, somewhere, i I do not remember where: it is enough to look at their own Moria expansion and use it as a template for future content.
    This game is still (with all its faults and virtues) one of the best mmo and still has potential. Of course it all depends on the developers. Developers should learn to listen to people who play this game, and the players need to learn patience .... Otherwise, this game will keep moving in the wrong direction. And it definitely leads to the end.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by djheydt View Post
    Turbine's first game, Asheron's Call, is still running after launching in fall 1998.
    As far as I know, Asheron's Call II is the only game that Turbine has shut off. Even now it rises as some sort of zombie. According to wiki:
    1994-1996: Presumably development that lead to Asheron's call.
    1996-????: Asheron's Call
    2002-2005: Asheron's Call II
    2012- relaunch announced.
    2006-????: Dungeons and Dragons Online
    2007-????: Lord of the Rings Online
    2013 (in beta) Infinite Crisis

    Of course, for anything but Asheron's Call they are using outside IP, so they have to make enough to justify their extending the license for that (and long term justify any renegotiation after the extensions end). I'm don't have a lot of faith that DDO will survive the current expansion plans (Turbine is doing what it can to minimize bad effects on players, but aren't doing anything to change obvious defective gameplay choices and the destruction of end game (no additional raids)).

    I also find it amazing that everyone pretends that Helm's Deep could be make or break. From what I can tell, it was included soley as a means to cement the friendship between Legolas and Gimli (and give them time together that isn't overshadowed by the rest of the fellowship). The only part that would be important to LOTRO players would be as a foreshadowing to the battles at Minas Tirith. Even then, they might just leave in "battle code beta" and slowly fix the code so they can make sure Minas Tirith has workable in game battles. Count me as one who can't begin to believe that Helms Deep could either make or break LOTRO.

    How would it "make" it? I suppose the WoWStore might make a few MMO refugees who would be impressed by the new endgame, but I wouldn't count on it.
    How would it "break" it? Breaking LOTRO would require adding insufferable lag, going nuts with the store, or otherwise driving all types of players from the game. Most people demanding much from Helms Deep are looking from a tiny sliver of a perspective.


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