I'm wondering how you can get a profile picture and customize your page. Whenever I try, nothing appears. Help/explain please!
I'm wondering the same thing. In the signature site it says: Can upload image: no. Never got around to doing it on the old forums but would like to now. Any advice/help would be appreciated. I couldn't get my settings to load at all until I clicked on another member's name to view their profile, then my settings popped up at the same time. No luck with the siggy tho.
Last edited by Zithlinraiss; Aug 01 2013 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Reading too fast
No uploads of any kind are permitted.
At the top of the forums, there should be a option titled "Forum Actions", which produces a drop-down menu. In that menu is "Edit Profile".
Once you hit that you should be taken to a page where you can edit your avatar and signature. Currently, it appears that you can only choose from a pool of preset avatar images.
While you can't upload an image to be hosted on-site, you should be able to link an image hosted elsewhere for your sig. It just has to be no larger than 125 tall x 350 wide, and non-animated.
"Life is 10% what you make it, and 90% how you take it." - Irving Berlin
Wow! That was fast, thanks for the info. Am puzzled though as to how Cerridwen posted his cool image in the thread Signature-Request. What am I missing? I've posted pics on other forums but not this one.
R.I.P. Elendilmir [30 Mar 2007-2015]
R.I.P. Ithil [23 Mar 2019-23 May 2021]
R.I.P. Anor [23 May 2021-10 Aug 2022]
R.I.P. my handsome Man Hunter [7 Apr 2008-19 Apr 2023]
Thank-you Cerridwen for your answer. Will be doing that as soon as I get the rest of it sorted out. Really nice nod to the old forums. Funny, I was dead set against the new forums after seeing the preview but these are really nice. Fast load times, new titles are nice, and the adjustment Sapience made to the shading made it much easier on my eyes as well. All in all I'm pleased with what I've seen.
Last edited by Zithlinraiss; Aug 02 2013 at 12:05 AM. Reason: Typing too fast /redface