[SIZE=2][COLOR="#9999ff"]Freeps: Lavendel - Rinoril - Lavendeleth - Lavendelita - Therrin
Creeps: Makimut - Makinid[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
My husband has been tweeting about the meetup The four of us are sooooo looking forward to this
I just heard from a friend...He and his girlfriend are hoping to come. This is tentative tho
Good luck on your Gathering(s) folks. The DDO Gathering every year at Gen Con is always the best part of the trip. Even tho Turbine/WB haven't 'officially' supported us for years now, there's usually a couple folks at the 'Con on their own time who make a point to drop by. Actually makes it more of a relaxed meet-up for them, I think, when they're not having to wear the official mantle of representation. Hopefully you get someone, tho it's quite a ways from HQ.
That said, if any LOTRO folks wanna follow the DDO tweets/threads for next year's Gen Con, yur all always welcome to crash our party. DDO may be my home, but LOTRO is where my favorite fishing holes reside.
Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
Landro: Trueheart Companions.
Weatherstock Bard
Thanks, I guess? The MMO Reporter gig actually had to start turning people away because so many people RSVP'd.
As for the AFK meetup, I'm expecting about 20 to 30 people, even though (yes), it is rather far away. So basically, attendance is a non issue.
I'm really looking forward to Friday, guys. Can't wait to see you all!
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
No #LOTRO Party? Pickles.
I will however be going to the LotroRepoter Meet up and have had my reservation in for that since the announcement.
~Merrydew of Landroval~
I have some LEGITIMATELY fabulous prizes for Friday, people. If you were on the fence about coming to the AFK, get off it and just show up.
Seriously this stuff is RADTACULAR.
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
Check out the LOTRO Reporter site at:
You can also find us here:
Twitter Facebook iTunes
Making a mental note to tag every dang tweet that night #YOLOTRO. Because jokes, you guys.
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
Also I created, printed and laminated PRIZE VOUCHERS because let's face it, y'all. Beers get on things. And printer ink fades. But not on Friday. Oh no, not on Friday.
Also you can keep it afterward and be like "oh that was the night I went to that one nerd bar and I won that thing."
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
Currently hanging in Weiser Idaho on vacation but will head back home to Everett Friday morning and we'll see you all at the AFK!
Galrin on Landroval
I'm here early, guys. Meet me in the bar. White dress, long blonde hair, elf ears.
(Guess who found her spirit gum!? THIS GUYYYY.)
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
I just got home from the event and even though my trip from Idaho took longer than I had hoped the event was still going when I arrived. I'd like to thank Avarlothien for her role in getting this arranged and for creating the laminated gift cards. It was not huge crowd as we were 30 miles north of PAX and competing against a "Pax Pub Crawl" but it was still a lot of fun. Sapience - thank you and Turbine for supporting this event.
Galrin on Landroval
I live literally across the trestle from Everett but didn't see this til tonight.... bah. Wish you were doing something Saturday or Sunday.
I'd explain it to you, but I'm all out of Puppets and Crayons.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
GLADDEN: Moochy, 105 Minstrel R10 + alts CRICKHOLLOW: Moochy, 21 Minstrel
And you know, basically running the whole event, right? XD You're absolutely hilarious, Web.
This is the email I sent to Sapience (slightly edited), but I thought that some of you might like to see it as well. Thanks again to everyone who came to the event. You were absolutely delightful people.
It ended up being a very small group (about 15 people in all, including non-players that came with significant others etc), but the cool thing about that was, not one LOTRO player walked away empty handed (aside from me I guess, but hosting was honestly it's own reward. I had a blast). I gave the 500 point cards away as door prizes, and the larger point cards (two for 2,500 and one for 5,000) and the lifetime account were saved for the big contest near the end. Essentially what happened was I asked everyone to participate in a creative writing kinda thing where they had approximately 20 minutes to answer the question 'Where have the Entwives gone?" The responses were absolutely hilarious.
The staff at the AFK Tavern were AMAZING. They kept the music down in the bar area until we were finished, played atmospheric Tolkienesque music, and even tweeted us a welcome in Sindarin. The best part of that was, I had nothing at all to do with it. They just saw my flood of tweets for the event and decided to be amazing and gracious enough to accommodate.
So can I just say, thanks so much again. You made the night of several people, myself included. Oh and this happened: https://twitter.com/sephi_loli/statu...56832847642624 ...Also we sang 'Misty Mountains Cold' before I started doing prizes, but I'm waiting on the video of that. I'll pop the link in here as soon as I get it.
Chastine BaneJones, Leader of Dont Tempt Me Frodo, Silverlode/Landroval @DTMF_Chastine
I never knew about this. And I live so close the the AFK tavern. Can't go tommorow so hopfuly see you all next year there.
Video will be forthcoming in a few days. The holder of the video currently has no internet access where he's staying, but will be sending it to me when he gets home in a few days. It was too big for him to use the Bump app to fork it over to me as we planned.
Thanks for the awesome party! Lets do that again next year!
[SIZE=2][COLOR="#9999ff"]Freeps: Lavendel - Rinoril - Lavendeleth - Lavendelita - Therrin
Creeps: Makimut - Makinid[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
So after months of various errors attempting to email/Dropbox/Bump/otherwise get my hands on that video file, I finally have it. Turns out the easiest way to get a large video file off an Apple device that's hundreds of miles away in the possession of a person with bad internet and limited computer knowledge is to simply fly said device (and its owner) to my house and do it myself.
So here it (finally) is, the PAX Prime 2013 LOTRO Party sings!
[SIZE=2][COLOR="#9999ff"]Freeps: Lavendel - Rinoril - Lavendeleth - Lavendelita - Therrin
Creeps: Makimut - Makinid[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]