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  1. #676
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Angadan View Post
    I'm certainly no fanboi, and especially not at this moment ... but to be fair about it, it's not 3 days, it's less than 48 hours, and all but the last 3 hours of that were on a weekend. Sure, they've been working on it in that time, but the ability inside Turbine's offices to put real heavy lifting into figuring it out, all those folks just came in en masse a few hours ago. Like you, I'm a little surprised the Community Team haven't popped in yet this morning with an update, but don't want to go overboard in criticism. Give them a chance to work hard on it some today, see what they come up with.
    You can suck up to them all you want, but my subscription fee covers 24 hour a day access 7 days a week. Therefore, I'm not cutting anyone any slack for slow responses, 3rd grade tech support advice (reset your router, really?) and virtually no updates to the issue. I appreciate your willingness to be patient but do not force that on those of us with higher expectations.

  2. #677
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Turbine support has no update at ths time

    I am on the Brandywine server & my characters are slowly but surely sticking to the environment in game & then prevented log in afterwards when the "Connection has been lost" error is displayed. It does not matter if I am transitioning from an area, simply riding along a stairway or engaged in battle (I have a character who will surely be in a rez circle once this gets resolved). At this point all but one are locked & I camped on the Turbine support number at 9:55am Eastern this morning only to be placed in a waiting queue for 35 minutes. The rep had absolutely no information to share other than a large population has been affected across several servers & the forums would be updated when the issue has been resolved (no ETA was provided). I wanted to share this in an effort to spare others from essentially wasting time & energy on a fruitless call at this point in time. Hope to be back in game sooner rather than later.

  3. #678
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thanks, Dirgeros.

  4. #679
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirgeros View Post
    I am on the Brandywine ... Hope to be back in game sooner rather than later.
    thanks for sharing

  5. #680
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I'm on Meneldor and I haven't been able to log in, or even seen the server selection screen, since at least Saturday night. It's putting me a couple days behind on my Hytbold dailies. Turbine has really dropped the ball on this one.

  6. #681
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by HomeWrecker View Post
    You can suck up to them all you want, but my subscription fee covers 24 hour a day access 7 days a week. Therefore, I'm not cutting anyone any slack for slow responses, 3rd grade tech support advice (reset your router, really?) and virtually no updates to the issue. I appreciate your willingness to be patient but do not force that on those of us with higher expectations.
    Just wondering if you are in the habit of striking out at fellow victims who have found a way to cope with dealing with a shared problem without freaking out about it? No offense, of course...Have a great day!

    Furthermore, kudos to those who refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed adversary =)
    Khaian, 85 Hunter and Leader of Branded on Gladden...Rhocco, 85 Champ...Vulc, 85 Warden...Khre, 85 Lore-Master...Pyx, 85 Burglar...Khaii, 85 Minstrel...Lytl, 85 Guardian

  7. #682
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Celebria View Post
    I continue to be barred from accessing the game via my high-speed cable internet. Regular WIFI does not work. The only way I can play this game is by connecting my phone to my computer and using my phone's mobile internet. Turbine, you might want to look into why this is the case.
    Your issue mimics the one I was having. My suggestion to you is to get a new IP address for your External connection (router). Contact your ISP's techsupport and ask for a new one or log onto the router yourself and have it get anew one. Just make sure you write down the old one before you do anything to make sure you do actually get a new one.
    Silverlode Server

  8. #683
    Join Date
    May 2011
    LOTRO ?@lotro 10m

    We are continuing to investigate login issues some players are reporting. If your have not already submitted a ticket, please do so.

    LOTRO ?@lotro 8m

    Please be sure your ticket includes your location(real world), your ISP, and if possible a traceroute.

  9. #684
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Has anyone else switched their modems out for a different one? I seized my daughter's modem (another line, same house) and that 'fixed' it. (meaning, I can play, no issues at all - but not on my own modem.) I had Comcast check my modem thoroughly - no issues that they could find. On that modem - my son was stuck at pre-req & I was 'searching for logon,' so we weren't getting the exact same error, though I assume the issue was the same. (my daughter had no issues at all with a separate modem, but she wasn't on at the time of the First Disconnect/Whatever Happened) Now that I'm using hers, I played a long time last night, no issues, no lag - everything was fine. (and I couldn't access her account on my modem - she COULD access my account/server on hers)

    I had Comcast change my IP - that did nothing. So is there something besides that IN the modem that might interact with our particular servers? (I could access any server except my own)

    If the problem happened between Turbine & the modem, then nothing we do with software would matter, would it?

  10. #685
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    From Twitter, just wanted to share here. Everyone who has solved the issue might want to post on Twitter, since I don't know if anyone is monitoring this thread.

    LOTRO Support ?@LOTROSupport 59m

    We continue to investigate the connectivity issues. Please respond to this tweet if you were experiencing the issues but they have stopped.

  11. #686
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Interesting..this is what my clients are reporting...one is a fresh install and one is the one that I've used for months now. This is found in my LOTROLauncher.log file in my Appdata directory. Get an entry like this as soon as I try to launch LOTRO.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: No such signal QCheckBox::returnPressed()
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: (sender name: 'checkEnterLastPlayed')
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: (receiver name: 'loginButton')
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.newaccount" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.forgotpassword" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.newaccount" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.forgotpassword" . Returning null string.

  12. #687
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Commi_X View Post
    From Twitter, just wanted to share here. Everyone who has solved the issue might want to post on Twitter, since I don't know if anyone is monitoring this thread.

    LOTRO Support ?@LOTROSupport 59m

    We continue to investigate the connectivity issues. Please respond to this tweet if you were experiencing the issues but they have stopped.
    ... but they have stopped

    means what

    and I do not use twitter / read only

  13. #688
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think that means Turbine are intensely interested in hearing from people who found solutions ... sounds like they want to find out more about what those people did, in hopes it will help them narrow down the possible sources of the problem for the rest of us.

  14. #689
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I believe One of the issues is this-> On Saturday when they had the initial issue with their logon servers some of us basically got messed up beyond the server issue. it is my belief that those of us who were logged in while the server went down (or were trying to connect) sent too many requests to Turbine. Turbine's ISP thought it was brute force attack like a denial of service attack. Turbines ISP took every IP address that was trying to send hundreds of packets to a specific server (silverlode, BW, etc) and took those records and put in an entry into their firewalls (network devices) and said DO NOT LET ANY Request From X IP (Your home network) to Y (one of turbines server like Silverlode) into their system. This process was probably done automatically cause of the number of attempts of communications that was taking place. With that said, this kind of would explain why people are not able to connect to their HOME server but can connect to a server they don't normally play on. To fix this theory there are two option in theory. First option is for the User (us) to change our IP addresses on our routers. The second is for Turbine to communicate with their ISP and say please remove those records from the system. I do not believe that their is only one problem occurring with accessing LOTRO. I think there are two, one is the issue I mentioned above (also think this issue of replacing your IP will help those who are getting the Pre-req problem. The second problem is for those who can connect but are lagging/LD during a zoning within game. If anyone wants help send me a PM and I will try to help you figure out how to change your IP address..
    Silverlode Server

  15. #690
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by fiorello View Post
    LOTRO ?@lotro 10m

    We are continuing to investigate login issues some players are reporting. If your have not already submitted a ticket, please do so.

    LOTRO ?@lotro 8m

    Please be sure your ticket includes your location(real world), your ISP, and if possible a traceroute.
    What IP address should we do the tracert to?
    85 RK | 85 CHMP | 75 BRG | many others

  16. #691
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nostromos, that is exactly what I found. I have been too busy all weekend to log in and now, it just times out at the patching screen.

  17. #692
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Interesting thoughts, but there are many of us who have changed our IP addresses (some of us, several times) without solving the problem. So if that is part of the problem, it is only part.

  18. #693
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I've done the traceroute but how do I get the information out of the command prompt box and into the ticket?

  19. #694
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I was about to roll up another bunch of alts on a new server when I found that I cannot conenct to Vilya. I've never played on that server before. What I want to say with this is: even the players who don't see any actual issues with their accounts might have them, just on servers where they wouldn't notice them. And if that is the case, more accounts than it appeared so far might be affected. Maybe even the vast majority of accounts since I don't think there is that many players out there who play on every server on a regular basis.

  20. #695
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wbhz View Post
    I believe IP address..
    there is one behind the router - the internal adress - I do not think I have to change that too - do I?

  21. #696
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Based on what he said while opening a new thread for us to use, I suspect Sapience is about to shut down this and other threads dedicated to the logon problems. See you at the new thread: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...58#post6867058

  22. #697
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Nostromos741 View Post
    Interesting..this is what my clients are reporting...one is a fresh install and one is the one that I've used for months now. This is found in my LOTROLauncher.log file in my Appdata directory. Get an entry like this as soon as I try to launch LOTRO.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: No such signal QCheckBox::returnPressed()
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: (sender name: 'checkEnterLastPlayed')
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Object::connect: (receiver name: 'loginButton')
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.newaccount" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.forgotpassword" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.newaccount" . Returning null string.

    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W]
    2013.08.05 07:11:26[W] Config::GetValue - Hash does not contain key: "url.forgotpassword" . Returning null string.

    I have the exact same entries in my logfile, yet I have NO connection issues.
    I am one of the lucky ones and can the play the game just fine.

    Therefore I think the entries in the log file are simply misunderstood and are WAI.
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning.
    Things escalated and now my alarm is broken and I am awake. . .
    Not quite sure who won . . . .

  23. #698
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by wbhz View Post
    it is my belief that those of us who were logged in while the server went down (or were trying to connect) sent too many requests to Turbine. Turbine's ISP thought it was brute force attack like a denial of service attack.
    It seems that most (all?) people who got the "infinite loading screen" problem are trying to connect rather insistently to (I dunno what would qualify for a DDOS-like frequency but for me it's like 5/10 times per second) but that connection gets blocked at a Verizon business server ( in my case). So that sounds like a compelling explaination (to ignorant people like me in any case).


    Quote Originally Posted by wbhz View Post
    First option is for the User (us) to change our IP addresses on our routers.
    * Different people in the same household (i.e. with the same IP) have different symptoms;
    * Characters on the same account connecting from the same PC to the same server have different symptoms;
    * Changing your IP/rebooting your router or modem is usually one of the first things people try whenever there's a problem so if it worked, we'd know by now

    It doesn't explain either why my broken characters always try to connect to a different server than my unbroken ones.

    Right now my main reason for hoping it gets fixed is to finally get the explaination to this problem. It's so intriguing :]
    [CENTER][URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?508409-Scenic-Arda"]Scenic Arda[/URL] - [URL="https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?532343-Scenic-Helm-s-Deep&p=7014227"]Scenic Helm's Deep[/URL] - [URL="https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?519168-New-forum-skin-light-theme"]Forum Light Theme[/URL][/CENTER]

  24. #699
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by wbhz View Post
    I believe One of the issues is this-> On Saturday when they had the initial issue with their logon servers some of us basically got messed up beyond the server issue. it is my belief that those of us who were logged in while the server went down (or were trying to connect) sent too many requests to Turbine. Turbine's ISP thought it was brute force attack like a denial of service attack. Turbines ISP took every IP address that was trying to send hundreds of packets to a specific server (silverlode, BW, etc) and took those records and put in an entry into their firewalls (network devices) and said DO NOT LET ANY Request From X IP (Your home network) to Y (one of turbines server like Silverlode) into their system. This process was probably done automatically cause of the number of attempts of communications that was taking place. With that said, this kind of would explain why people are not able to connect to their HOME server but can connect to a server they don't normally play on. To fix this theory there are two option in theory. First option is for the User (us) to change our IP addresses on our routers. The second is for Turbine to communicate with their ISP and say please remove those records from the system. I do not believe that their is only one problem occurring with accessing LOTRO. I think there are two, one is the issue I mentioned above (also think this issue of replacing your IP will help those who are getting the Pre-req problem. The second problem is for those who can connect but are lagging/LD during a zoning within game. If anyone wants help send me a PM and I will try to help you figure out how to change your IP address..
    Since everything is conjecture at this point, I still hold to my 'conspiracy theory' that there is some malicious code out there which has either attached itself to either our IP address or our accounts...since i have heard several failed attempts to circumvent IP DoS (denial of service) attacks, I am pulled towards Account DoS attacks, which, following your line of thinking, makes more sense...So, if we aren't being hacked by an outside source (which could take a week to clear up), then we have been 'hacked' by Lotro itself...I don't even want to go there...ugh
    Khaian, 85 Hunter and Leader of Branded on Gladden...Rhocco, 85 Champ...Vulc, 85 Warden...Khre, 85 Lore-Master...Pyx, 85 Burglar...Khaii, 85 Minstrel...Lytl, 85 Guardian

  25. #700
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    If you are still experiencing these issues, please read this thread and follow the instructions listed there: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...EASE-POST-HERE


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