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  1. #1

    Unhappy Sapience, need help "Helms Deep Lottery"

    Helm's Deep Premium Edition Lottery - FIREFOOT
    A Lottery for all characters level 10 - 85. Win a copy of Helm's Deep Premium Edition! One winner per server will win a free Helm's Deep Premium Edition Pre-order code. The code will be sent via an in game email to the winning character.

    Winning CharactersEntry Date
    Melthius, Lvl 76 Captain of Firefoot2013-09-25 21:12:28

    So, I log on my character. Seen I had mail, the gold detached and the mail just automatically deleted.. I sent in an in game ticket an was given an automated response of how they couldn't help me. I called account support and was told to post here & create a support ticket. I have done both, hope to get some help.

    Last edited by Pelenthius; Sep 28 2013 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Angry same issue

    did they ever figure out how to help you?? they should at least tell you in the mail that it will go away once you click detach money

  3. #3
    Nah, not yet. I called account support and was told to open a ticket to the community team. I know they stay busy, especially on the weekends; they should get this resolved by Monday, or so.

    Go here http://support.turbine.com/ics/support/splash.asp and submit a ticket to the community team.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    same issue

    Thank you, i'll keep checking back to see if anything changes. I don't see why they take it upon themselves to delete OUR mail, it should be like any other mail sitting in your inbox, its not like it hurts them any

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by missiah View Post
    I don't see why they take it upon themselves to delete OUR mail, it should be like any other mail sitting in your inbox, its not like it hurts them any
    Actually, having tons of mail in the system slows it down... they reduced the length of time unopened mail would wait before being sent back because of that issue, way back in beta.

    Anyway, this sounds like an "oops" they'll have to fix before they ever consider putting lottery codes into in-game e-mails again. It seems like a strange thing to do IMO... just send it to our account e-mail. I'm sure some account e-mails don't work any more, but so what? If people want to win such a lottery, they should have to provide an up-to-date e-mail.


  6. #6
    WBS's Avatar
    WBS is offline Weatherstock Wayfarer
    Destroyer of Worlds
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    Jun 2011
    Ouch! Congratulations on winning the lottery, Pelenthius and Missiah. Sorry for the bad news about the code.

    If I were in your place I would also PM Sapience directly for help.

    Hopefully they keep a record of the codes and can send you it.

    Good luck on getting this sorted.

    Oh, and thanks for the warning in case I ever get as lucky.

  7. Sep 30 2013, 02:11 PM

  8. #7


    Coming up on (5) days now, still no response. Looking for some type of an update. I have called, text, tweeted, emailed; any help here?

  9. #8
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    If you were one of the three people who submitted a ticket, I sent out those codes today. You should be getting an email.

  10. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    If you were one of the three people who submitted a ticket, I sent out those codes today. You should be getting an email.
    Yes sir, was one of them. Sorry to bother you on Twitter as well, I will wait on the mail/email; thanks for all the help, Rick!
    Last edited by Pelenthius; Oct 02 2013 at 07:51 PM.

  11. #10
    WBS's Avatar
    WBS is offline Weatherstock Wayfarer
    Destroyer of Worlds
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelenthius View Post
    Yes sir, was one of them. Sorry to bother you on Twitter as well, I will wait on the mail/email; thanks for all the help, Rick!
    That's Mr. Heaton to you!

    Seriously though, glad you got it sorted, enjoy your expansion code and congratulations once again!



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