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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Question MoNF trait tree Line

    hi I was thinking since the Koa Line has a -24% inductions and AM has a -15% induction trait could we not get one on our DPS line say... prepared for war -15% inductions or -20% inductions? something named like prepared for war or war preperations? it just seems when you switch from Koa to MoNF the inductions seem so slow... 1.5 BE and lightning strike 2 seconds and lightning storm 3 seconds... :l any thoughts?
    Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Wizards, For They Are subtle and Quick To Anger.

    Arkenstone ~ R9 RiseAgainst Reaver ~ R9 PowerWolf Warleader ~ R11 Armdyl LoreMaster

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Undertakerxx View Post
    hi I was thinking since the Koa Line has a -24% inductions and AM has a -15% induction trait could we not get one on our DPS line say... prepared for war -15% inductions or -20% inductions? something named like prepared for war or war preperations? it just seems when you switch from Koa to MoNF the inductions seem so slow... 1.5 BE and lightning strike 2 seconds and lightning storm 3 seconds... :l any thoughts?
    Here is the thing when you are in the different trait lines.

    KoA has it built in to get to 24% Induction Speed reduction.

    AM has it built in to get to 15% Induction Speed reduction. But you can Hybrid 11 to 13 traits into KoA to get to between 20 to 30% Induction Speed.

    MoNF has no Induction Speed reduction built into it. But you can Hybrid 11 to 13 traits into KoA to get to 5 to 15% Induction Speed reduction.

    Now I am one who thinks that MoNF should have a little bit of induction reduction added into its own line. Not a lot at most 10% since you can Hybrid into KoA to get a pretty good boost. On Beta and Live I Hybrid on my MoNF spec and KoA to get to a 10% Induction Speed reduction and the class feels perfect with that number.

    We had a LOT of debate back and forth amongst the different testers on this issue but never heard any comment from Deviled_Egg on this matter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I to have noticed this and while I am in fact still testing different builds and cutouts I find the MONF is fine where it is. With the abilities to double stack BE with one attack, very potent lighting attacks, moral/power heals on a huge scale from flanks and massive aoe nukes I can see why they don't want to put induction reducers in the MONF tree to further help your cast times with the possibility of just desotrying everything without them having a chance to stop you.

    Altho if you really wanted once you get more then 55 points you can go full MONF and have enough points to put into KOA to get the -15% inductions if you really must have it.

    Edit: Shoot someone posted while I was typing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    We're considering re-working Induction durations on the LM to spread things around a bit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Deviled_Egg View Post
    We're considering re-working Induction durations on the LM to spread things around a bit.
    Good to know thanks. My reasoning for having a 5 to 10% reduction within the MoNF line is both to make the line itself faster and because lower level players will not have the 50+ trait points that those at 85 have. This means that they have a much harder time spending the 22 to 26 points needed to Hybrid into KoA to get to the 5 to 15 reduction trait. The boost doesn't need to be major.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Deviled_Egg View Post
    We're considering re-working Induction durations on the LM to spread things around a bit.
    Why, at this point, even leave them IN the trees rather than just set different levels of decrease as a specialization bonus?

    Even my Signature is trolling!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Sezneg View Post
    Why, at this point, even leave them IN the trees rather than just set different levels of decrease as a specialization bonus?
    Hmm... interesting thought. The advantage of a spec. bonus is that a hybrid can't cherry pick all of the induction reduction skills from the (eventually) three trees for maximum effect, unless they're not worried about that. Of course, that might reduce the relevance of my hybrid build I've dubbed Speedy.

    EDIT: For perversity's sake, I also have a Slowpoke build that avoids all the induction reductions but reflects damage ("Don't Interrupt Me") while performing them. I hope your suggestion wouldn't make that build impossible.
    Last edited by Herellomar; Nov 22 2013 at 07:00 PM.
    "I am dreading the publication, for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at." (J.R.R. Tolkien)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Deviled_Egg View Post
    We're considering re-working Induction durations on the LM to spread things around a bit.
    thanks for replying and letting me know
    Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Wizards, For They Are subtle and Quick To Anger.

    Arkenstone ~ R9 RiseAgainst Reaver ~ R9 PowerWolf Warleader ~ R11 Armdyl LoreMaster

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    One other reason for shorter inductions ist, that with the massive damage bump most of my targets in grouped instances are killed by the hunters, runekeepers etc. before the induction is finished. Same for HD skirmishes. The NPC archers kill 80% of the mobs before my induction is complete. I started using engeneering in HD to be useful at all.
    lvl 85 lm (main), lvl 85 champ, lvl 85 rk, lvl 85 hunter, lvl 85 minni



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