I personally disagree. Gambler tree is fine as it is for all of my former legacies are useless in it, I find myself being pretty much undying against even masses of mobs, dealing physical damage at least. I was all Quiet Knife before HD and now, I find myself dealing less damage than before even though my Legacies would be of use in that red tree. If any tree need a damage boost, it's the Quiet Knife one. In Gambler, I could solo the first part of Glinghant at level (was still 85), Tier 1, with ease the other night.. testing. Also did I solo the Forges of Khazad-dum..
I read in another post about the Cash Out being underwhelming and on that I agree. Otherwise that "heal on Evade" thing that can proc every second is just so strong that while dealing less overall damage, it's enough to go through masses with ease. I used to play my Burglar very carefully, planning my attacks on groups, quickly taking down some before the other could wake etc. Now, in Quiet Knife, I can't even solo a four elites group for I can't down any fast enough to rid me of most before the Riddled one wakes up.
I did test stuff around and to get to the same dps I had before in QK I'd have to be focusing on adds for to make the most of Coup-De-Grace and constantly focusing on stealth enhanced skills along with it. So to say that no longer are we the single target damage dealers but rather the "close to healer cleaners".
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From left to right : Mr Grasdur, Mr Tromblon, Miss Piperia, Mr Bredouille, Mr Chapelier, Miss Marre Annette, Miss Fincin